
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 模 态 | all forms | in specified order only
人工智能静态控制模型artificial intelligence static control model
动态弹性模数dynamic modulus of elasticity
动态模数dynamic modulus
动态炼钢模型dynamic steelmaking model (Dynamic steelmaking model can make adjustments to some parameters during the oxygen blow based on certain blow measurements. 动态炼钢模型可以依据某些吹炼检测值对吹氧期间的一些技术参数做出调整。)
动态烧结模型dynamic sintering model
动态轻压下模式dynamic soft reduction mode
哈里森熔融态下铸造和随后模锻制造零件法Harrison process
多重模态分布multimodal distribution
日本流态自硬水泥砂制模法Japan hard-fluid cement-sand process
正态振荡模式normal mode
流态自硬砂制模法fluid sand process
液态模锻liquid forging
液态模锻forge casting
电子组态模型electronic configuration model
瞬态一维模型one dimentional model in transient regime
静态模型steady state model
静态炼钢模型static steelmaking model
静态装料模型static charge model (The static charge model uses initial and final information about the heat to calculate the amount of charge and the amount of the oxygen required. 静态装料模型利用一个炉次的起始和终了数据即可计算出炉料装人量和氧气需求量。)