
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
不连续discrete analogue
会话型控制conversational control module
先进advanced model
blanking mold
铸件chilled casting
冷压制法cold compression molding
冷挤制压力机cold hobbing press
冷挤制cold hobbing
冷锻heading die
导向板punch locator plate
强度punch strength
接合器punch adapter
punch shank
的凸缘punch flange
破坏punch failure
凸轮式法兰成形cam flanging die
车床pattern-making lathe
动态船试验dynamic ship model test
化学绘板chemical stencil
半个half die
压出机压出extruding dies
可控controllable simulation
可调具式肋骨冷弯机cold frame bending machine with adjustable die
国际船试验水池会议International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC)
圆周布置的钻circular jig
声道动态dynamic analogue of vocal
备选alternative pattern
复合量仪complex modulus apparatus
大功率冲high power die
大规投资计划large-scale investment-program
大规零售large-scale retailing
实验过程experimental process simulation
对流convection modulus
对称压balanced mold
寻址计算机术语addressing mode
小规量生产small scale production
铸件die casting
平流advective model
广播broadcast model
广播设备broadcaster model
应用现代化造船apply modern shipbuilding mode
引进压技术introduction of molding-press technology
引进新压技术introduction of new molding-press technology
弯曲flexure mode
弯曲bending mold
微电路microcircuit stencil
指挥系统拟器command system simulator
控制和拟语言control and simulation language
数字digital analogy
数字拟器digital simulator
new model
木胎wood match
具垫板adaptive plate
压塑料moulded plastics
型完整model completion
型工model worker
型工程师pattern engineer
型样品pattern sample
型纤维model fibre
型试验model trial
型试验数据model-test data
型调整技术model adjustment technique
型车间model shop
拟 -时间-数字转换analogue to time to digital
拟交流输入analogue alternating current input
拟任意输入analogue arbitrary input
拟信号analogue signals
拟共用analog common
拟内插法analog interpolation
拟分析法model analysis
拟双路输入analogue dual input
拟变频器analogue to frequency converter
拟吃水simulated draft
拟启动输入analogue enable input
拟图像analog picture
拟外部能量输入analogue external energy input
拟平衡输入analogue balanced input
拟平衡输入级analogue balanced input stage
拟延迟analogue delay
拟拨号服务analog dial-up services
拟数字模拟处理与测试系统analogue digital analogue process and test system
拟数字混合仿真analog digital simulation
拟数据记录仪analog data recorder
拟-时间 -数字转换analogue to time to digital
拟条件输入analogue condition entry
拟法研究analog study
拟波形analog wave form
拟火灾探测器报警试验simulating alarming test for fire detector
拟灯analog lamp
拟空气动力特性analogue aerodynamics
拟能量输入analogue energy input
拟脉冲analogue pulse
拟色谱analog chromatogram
拟装置analog equipment
拟记录analogue record
拟语音发生器artificial voice generator
拟遥测计仪analog telemeter
拟采样analog sample
form board
板规templet gauge
糊图像hazy image
锻压力机mechanical forging press
汽车驾驶拟器automobile drive simulator
液压hydropress die
液压hydraulic die cushion
火灾探测器拟和自动报警试验simulating and automatic alarm test for fire detector
火警探测器拟报警试验simulating alarming test for fire detector
火警检测器拟和自动报警试验simulating and automatic alarm test for fire detector
压法hot molding
hot press forge
环境拟记录系统environment analog record system
环境拟记录装置environment analog record system
环氧树脂塑epoxy resin mold
生物电bioelectric model
电子拟仿真装置electronic analog and simulation equipment
电流current analogue
电解洗electrolytic mold cleaning
电路circuit analogue
磁性和静电拟设备magnetic and electrostatic simulator
磁控管振荡magnetron mode
红外线目标拟器infrared target simulator
组合assembling die
机构ejection mechanism
自动拟呼叫器automatic call simulator
自动靠切割机automatic profile cutting machine
自航船试验selfpropelled model test
自航船试验self-propelled model test
水池试验ship model pool test
耐波性试验ship model seakeeping test
速率ship model speed
船舶ship model
船舶操纵拟器maneuvering simulator
船舶运动拟器ship motion simulator
英国船试验池小组British Towing Tank Panel
荷兰船试验池Netherlands Ship Model Basin
铸造hot investment casting
蜡制wax pattern
压机angle moulding press
角压angle mold
设计用船舶ship model using for ship design
转塔靠组合机床combination turret and copying lathe
铸造casting mold
镶衬套凹bushed die
静态船试验static ship model test
刨法form shaping
加工法form copying
弯管guided bending of pipe
样板former plate
研磨法form grinding
频道拟器channel simulator
飞机驾驶拟器airplane pilot simulator
量有机纤维增强塑料high modulus organic fiber reinforced plastic
高压制法high pressure molding
高压制high pressure molding
高频率电热heatronic molding