
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 模型 | all forms | in specified order only
一次模型lost pattern
一维模型one-dimensional model
一维传热数学模型one-dimensional heat transfer mathematical model
三度空间模型three-dimensional model
三维模型three-dimensional model
三维模型3-D model
三维四分之一结晶器模型3-D quarter-mold model
三维有限元热应力模型three-dimensional finite element thermal stress model (结晶器的)
三维磁流体动力学模型three-dimensional MHD model
模型pattern cope
上陷型模top swage
下型模anvil swage
下陷型模bottom swage
丛束模型bundle model
两模造型duplex moulding
两箱造型模cope and drag pattern
中间包模型tundish model
中间包实尺模型full-scale model of tundish
中间包混钢模型tundish mixing model
二冷模型secondary cooling model
二冷区配水模型model of water distribution of secondary cooling zone
二冷区配水模型model of water distribution in secondary cooling zone
二度空间模型two-dimensional model
二次冷却模型secondary cooling model
二次冷却区配水模型water distribution model of secondary cooling zone
二次冷却控制模型secondary cooling control model
二次冷却控制模型control model of secondary cooling
二维模型2-D model
二维传热模型two-dimensional heat transfer model
人工智能静态控制模型artificial intelligence static control model
仿真模型simulation model
伊星强磁性体模型Ising model
传热模型heat transfer model
传统几何模型traditional geometrical model
位错模型dislocation model
低熔点介质流动模型low-melting-point media flow model
保护渣/金属弯月面壳相互反应模型flux/meniscus shell interaction model
保护渣黏度计算模型model of calculation of flux viscosity
假曲率模型faked pattern
光学模型optical mode
全浮力模型plume model
冷铁模型chill pattern
冷铁模型chill pattern
凝固模型solidification model
凝固坯壳应力模型stress model of solidifying shell
几何模型geometrical model
几何相似模型geometrically similar model
出钢时间模型model of tapping time
出钢时间预测模型prediction model of tapping time
分块组合模型sectional pattern
分型模型parted pattern
分型模型parted pattern
分型模型part pattern
分批装模压型法batch weight method of moulding
分散断裂模.型dispersed fracture model
分析模型analytical model
分析模型analytic model
刚性能带模型rigid band model
刮板模型sweep pattern
模型车床patternmaker's lathe
模型车床model maker's lathe
模型铣床pattern milling machine
制造母模模型grand master pattern
力学模型mechanical model
动力学模型kinetic model
动态炼钢模型dynamic steelmaking model (Dynamic steelmaking model can make adjustments to some parameters during the oxygen blow based on certain blow measurements. 动态炼钢模型可以依据某些吹炼检测值对吹氧期间的一些技术参数做出调整。)
动态烧结模型dynamic sintering model
单件或小量生产的模型temporary pattern
单堆积模型single-pile-up model (【技】作为一种断裂机理,为研究杂质对位错运动的阻碍而提出的一种模型。)
单堆积模型single pile-up model
单塞积模型single pile-up model
压型模die mould
压型模compression mould
压模成型die moulding
压模成型moulding in die
压模成型moulding in dies
压铸模型casting die
原始模型master mould
原子模型atomic model
原子模型atom model
双能带模型two band model
双重收缩模型master pattern
双面模板造型match-plate moulding
反向热传导模型inverse heat conduction model
反应模型reaction model
变形模型distorted pattern
变形模型distorted pattern
变形抗力数学模型deformation resistance mathematic model
可分模型parted pattern
可分模型part pattern
吹炼模型blowing model
四分之一结晶器模型quarter mold model
型模gang mould
型锻模swage die
塑型模moulding die
增量模型increment model
复制模造型reproduced model moulding
多向应力模型multi-directional stress pattern
大比例模型large-scale model
大涡模型large eddy simulation
夹杂物模型inclusion model
奥托昆普型双浇包28模浇铸系统Outokumpu double pouring 28-mould casting system
定型模fast tool
定域电子模型localized electron model
定模固定半型cover half
实尺水模型full-scale water model
实尺结晶器模型full-scale mold model
实样模型full pattern
实样模型block pattern
实物模型full scale model
实际尺寸模型full scale model
实验室模型laboratory model
对称模型symmetrical model
对称断面型材单孔模挤压single-hole symmetric extruding
小方坯凝固模型solidification model of billet
小方坯凝固模型billet solidification model
尖锐界面模型sharp interface model
局部电子模型localized electron model
模型island model
带异型切断器的舌形模spider die
带钢冷轧机计算机模型computer model of cold strip mill
带钢形状预测用数学模型mathematical model for predicting strip profile
带钢热轧机计算机模型computer model of hot strip mill
平背模型flat back (pattern)
平面模型two-dimensional model
广义模型generalized model
模型patterns scrap
异型丝拉模profiled wire-drawing die
异型孔挤压模spider die
异型模shaped die
弗伦克尔位错模型Frenkel model
弗伦克尔模型Frenkel model
弯月面冻结模型meniscus freezing model
弹性-塑性蠕变有限元模型elastic-plastic creep finite element model
弹性有限元模型elastic finite element model
德拜晶格振动模型Debye model
成型模contoured die
成型模bending die
成型模,成形模具forming die
成型模膛forming impression
成套模型pattern assembly
手动漏模式造型机hand-operated flash lift moulding machine
投人产出模型input/output model
拓扑学模型topological model
捣制炉衬用模型ramming form
排队论模型queuing theory model
描述高炉操作的模型model to describe blast furnace operation
撕开和焊合模型tearing and healing model (一种解释连俦坯振痕形成的模型)
撕开和焊合模型tear and heal model (一种解释连铸坯振痕形成的模型)
放射型拉模bell shaped die
放射型拉模radiused die
放射型拉模convex-face die
放射型拉模bell mouth die
放射型锥模radiused conical die
数字模型numerical model
数学模型mathematical model (The agreement between the average heat fluxes in the mold calculated by the mathematical model and by the cooling water temperature rise is particular good for the trials with the stainless steel. 对使用不锈钢所进行的试验而言,根据数学模型计算出的结晶器内平均热通量与根据冷却水温度升高计算出的结晶器内平均热通量十分吻合。)
数学模型计算mathematical-model calculation
数据库数据模型data-base data model
模型测量full scale measurement
整体模型solid pattern
整体模型unsplit pattern
整体模型full pattern
无限大平板模型infinite slab model
易熔模型fusible pattern
晶格模型lattice mode
晶粒模型grain model
智能模型intelligence model
有模造型pattern moulding
有限元模型finite-element model
有限元热应力模型finite-element thermal-stress model
机械模型mechanical model
机械相互作用模型mechanical interaction model
机理模型mechanism model
板坯结晶器有限元模型finite-element model of slab mold
标准模型standard pattern
模具型腔加工die sinking
模型mould matrix
模型上半部pattern cope
模型中间包model tundish
模型定位销钉pattern dowel
模型开缝扣榫slotted pattern key
模型托板follow board
模型支架pattern holder
模型template board
模型润滑mould wash
模型的几何相似性geometric similarity of model
模型研究model study
模型系数mould ratio
模型pattern assembly
模型组合mould splits
模型组合card of patterns
模型结晶器model mold
模型缩尺差错wrong pattern allowance
模型计算model computation
模型设计板layout board
模板型铸template casting
模板型铸件template casting
模板造型pattern plate moulding
模板造型平板mould board
橡皮板坯模型rubber slab model (【技】为研究连铸板坯受力情况,以橡皮为原料做成的板坯模型。)
橡皮模冲压成型rubber pressing
橡皮模造型contour moulding
模型的原模型grand-master pattern
比例模型试验scale test
气泡模型bubble model
氧气顶吹转炉装料模型BOF charge model
模型water model
泡沫塑料模型foam plastic pattern
泡沫聚苯乙烯模型polystyrene foam pattern
泡筏模型bubble raft model
波型壁钢锭模rippled mould
流线型拉模radiused die
液体单位晶格模型lattice cell model of liquid
液滴模型liquid drop model
液相穴控制模型liquid pool control model
混钢模型intermix model
渣膜传热模型heat transfer model across flux film
温降预测模型prediction model of temperature drop
湍流模型turbulent flow model (In addition to studying RTD theoretically, predicted tracer response curves at the tundish nozzles have been compared with corresponding experimental measurements in order to assess the reliability of the turbulent flow model. 除了从理论上对停留时间分布进行研究外,还完成了中间包水口处示踪剂响应预测曲线与相应的实验测量值的比较,以便对湍流模型的可靠性做出评估。)
溶液几何模型solution geometrical model
漏模造型机stripping plate moulding machine
漏钢预报模型breakout prediction model
漏钢预报模型BOP model
灰箱模型grey-box model
炉机匹配模型matching model between steelmaking furnace and caster
炉机匹配模型coordination model between steelmaking furnace and caster
点阵模型lattice mode
炼钢过程数学模型mathematical model of steelmaking process
烧结模型sintering model
热力学模型thermodynamic model
热化学模型thermochemical model
热压模型hot pressing mould
热机械模型thermomechanical model
热物理学模型thermophysical model
热电偶基漏钢预报模型thermocouple-based breakout prediction model
热轧辊模型thermal roll model
热通量数学模型mathematical model of heat flux (To validate the predictions of the mathematical model of heat flux, an average heat flux in the mold was calculated and compared to the values deduced from the cooling water temperature rise. 为了验证热通量数学模型的预测,对结晶器内平均热通量进行了计算并与根据冷却水温度升高推导出的数值进行了比较。)
熔模蜡型精密造型investment moulding
熔模蜡型精密造型investment mould
熔模壳型铸造法invest shell casting method
熔模精密造型investment moulding
熔模造型lost-wax moulding
熔模造型lost-wax investment moulding
熔模造型lost-wax mould
熔模铸型invested mould
爱因斯坦晶格振动模型Einstein model
环氧树脂模型epoxy pattern
玻尔原子模型Bohr picture
玻尔-佐默菲尔德原子模型Bohr-Sommerfeld's atom model
玻尔原子模型Bohr's atom model
球团模型pelletizing model
理想自由电子模型ideal free electron model
理论轧制模型theoretical rolling model
电子组态模型electronic configuration model
电弧炉能源平衡模型energy-balance model of EAF
电磁场无模成型作用direct magnetic pulse forming action
电磁场无模成型法direct magnetic pulse forming process
电磁场无模成型法direct magnetic pulse forming method
电磁电解槽模型electromagnetic cell model
电解槽模型cell model
白箱模型white-box model
瞬态一维模型one dimentional model in transient regime
石膏模型plaster master
碰撞模型collision model
碱性氧气转炉有机玻璃模型plexiglass model of BOF
示意模型schematic model
神经网络基漏钢预报模型neural-net-based breakout prediction model
神经网络基漏钢预报模型neural-net based BOP model (In an effort to minimize false alarms, the following two approaches were taken : (1) The narrow face thermocouples were repositioned to the center of the narrow face, and (2) a neural-net based BOP model was developed. 在尽量减少误警报的努力中,曾采取了以下两个方法:①将窄面处的热电偶重新配置到窄面中心位置;②研发神经网络基漏钢预报模型。)
空心模型hollow pattern
【压】 空心型材挤压模hollow die
空心型材挤压模hollow die
简化模型simplified model
简化模型分型面的泥芯stop-off core
简易模型simplified model
箱形成型模box forming die
粗轧机设定模型rougher setup model
精炼控制模型refining control model
系列槽模型tanks-in-series model (一种用于分析变钢种过程的模型: Therefore, it is desirable to develop a simpler and faster means of analyzing the grade change process. With this aim in mind, a simple tanks-in-series model has been developed to account for the grade change process. 因此,人们迫切需要开发一种简洁、快速的分析变钢种过程的方法。基于这一目标,现已开发出一种简易的系列槽模型用于说明变钢种过程。)
系统模型system model
紊流模型turbulent flow model
紊流模型turbulence model
组合模型built-up pattern
组合模型build up pattern
组合四辊式异型拉拔模turks head die
终吹模型end-blow model
经济计算模型econometric model
结晶模型crystallization model
结晶模型crystalline pattern
结晶器有限元热应力模型finite-element thermal-stress model of mold
结晶器胶质玻璃模型plexiglass model of mold
结构模型constructive model
综合模型generalized model
肥皂泡模型soap bubble model
能带模型band model
脱碳模型decarburization model
自由成型模free forming die
自由电子模型free electron model
自还原动力学模型self-reduction kinetic model
舌型模bridge port die
模型套混合物investment compound
蜡模浇型法investment casting
补吹模型reblow model
计算保护渣黏度的经验模型empirical model for calculating viscosity of casting flux
计算机辅助过程仿真模型computer-aided process simulation model
试验模型pilot model
车轮坯成型模锻压力机wheel forging press
轧制模型rolling model
轧制力模型rolling force model
转炉炼钢车间数学模型mathematical model for converter shop
BOF 转炉装料模型BOF charge model
软熔带模型cohesive zone model
软熔带预测模型cohesive zone prediction model
轻便式模型干燥炉portable mould drier
过程模型process model
近似模型approximate model
连续监测高炉操作的在线模型on-line model for continuous monitoring blast furnace operation
连续系统模型程序continuous system modeling programme
连铸坯传热数学模型mathematic model for heat transfer of strand
连铸坯凝固模型model for strand solidification
连铸坯凝固传热数学模型mathematical model of heat transfer during solidification of strand
配水模型water distribution model
金属铸型,压件,铸造模子casting die
钢水流动模型steel flow model
钢水流动模型liquid steel flow model
钢锭传热数学模型heat transfer mathematical model of ingot
钢锭凝固的数学模型mathematical model of solidification of ingot
钢锭热焓数学模型mathematical model of heat content of ingot
钩型凝固模式hook-type solidification pattern
铸坯传热数学模型heat transfer mathematical model of strand
阿布里科索夫模型Abrikosov model
集体电子模型collective electron model
震实式漏模造型机jolt pattern-draw moulding machine
震实式翻转起模造型机jolt roll-over pattern-draw moulding machine
静态模型steady state model
静态炼钢模型static steelmaking model
静态装料模型static charge model (The static charge model uses initial and final information about the heat to calculate the amount of charge and the amount of the oxygen required. 静态装料模型利用一个炉次的起始和终了数据即可计算出炉料装人量和氧气需求量。)
静电-硬球模型static-rigid sphere model
非等温水力学模型nonisothermal water model
预模压加热蠕变成型creep forming
预测带钢形状的数学模型mathematical model for predicting strip profile
预测连铸过程的数学模型mathematical model for predicting continuous casting process
预测钢水成分的数学模型mathematical model for predicting composition of liquid steel
骨架模造型skeleton pattern moulding
骨架模造型skeleton pattern moulding
高炉模型blast furnace model
高炉控制模型blast furnace control model
高炉操作连续检测在线模型on-line model for continuous BF operation monitoring
高炉数学模型mathematical model of blast furnace
高炉热化学模型thermochemical model of BF
高炉热化学模型thermochemical blast-furnace model
高炉短期控制数学模型short-term control mathematic model for blast furnace (【技】在高炉操作过程中,最主要和最经常的短期控制项目是炉热水平的跟踪与调控、防止炉料下降与煤气流分布失常的调控及生铁质量的控制。要求控制模型对炉况变化能做出快速反应,结构较为简单,计算时间短而相关的输人参数尽量少。目前高炉应用的主要模型有炉热指数模型、含硅量预报模型及布料控制模型。)
黏度计算经验模型empirical model for calculating viscosity