
Terms for subject Technology containing 模型 | all forms | in specified order only
一元线性回归模型unary linear regression model
一型多模铸造法pattern grouping
一型计数模型counter model type 1
一模多铸铸型family mould
一模多铸铸型family mold
一次模型材料expendable pattern material
一比一模型full-sized model
一比一模型full-scale model
一级消除模型first-order elimination model
一维数学模型one-dimensional mathematical model
一维河口水质模型one-dimensional estuary water quality model
一般模型universal model
一般模型general model
一般政策模型general policy model
一般线性模型general linear model
一般线性回归模型general linear regression model
一部门增长模型one-sector growth model
三参数模型three-parameter model
三变量模型three-variable model
三孑模型triple-cavity mould
三孑模型triple-cavity mold
三片模型triplet model
三线性反应模型trilinear response model
三维模型系统3D modelling system
三维模型系统3D modeling system
三维倾角模型显示three-dimensional slope angle model display
三维地貌模型3D terrain modeling
三维地震模型three-dimensional seismic model
三维实体模型three-dimensional solid modeling
三维数学模型three-dimensional mathematical model
三维数学模型three-dimensional mathematic model
三维水质模型three-dimensional water quality model
三维空间模型three-dimensional space model
三维结构模型three-dimensional architectural model
三维计算机模型three-dimensional computer model
三腔模成型法triple cavity process
三角形模型triangular shape
三角形分布模型triangular distribution model
三边压模型three-sided mold-board
上型模top swage
不分组回归模型ungrouped regression model
不动模型stagnant mould
不动模型stagnant mold
不协调的位移模型incompatible displacement model
不均衡模型disequilibrium model
不完全的模型partial model
不定污染源模型variable source model
不等比模型distorted model
不考虑设置成本的动态库存模型dynamical inventory model without set-up cost
不考虑设置成本的动态库存模型dynamic inventory model without set-up cost
反映全球性的自然、社会、人门等状态的世界模型world model
世界系统模型world system model
伊辛模型Ising model
伏格特模型Voigt model
伏格特模型Voight model
伏格特流变模型Voigt rheological model
传统决策理论中的决策模型decision model in traditional decision theory
传输线模型transmission line model
模型inverted model
倒置隧道模型ground mould
倒置隧道模型ground mold
分子模型molecular model
分子轨道模型molecular orbital model
分室模型compartment model
分层模型hierarchic model
分布模型distribution model
分布模型distributed model
分布参数模型distributed parameter model
分布参数系统模型model of distributed parameter system
分布参数系统模型distributed parameter system model
分布时延模型distributed delay model
分布滞后模型distributive lagging model
分布滞后模型distributed lag pattern
分布系数模型distribution coefficient model
分散模型distributed model
分散模型dispersal pattern
分散模拟模型discrete simulation model
分析模型analytical modeling
分析模型anatomic model
分析模型analytic model
分段模型sectional model
分段回归模型piecewise regression model
分段线性模型piecewise linear model
分段线性回归模型piecewise linear regression model
分派模型assignment-type model
分涂参考模型colour model
分涂参考模型color model
分离式模型separate modelling
分类模型disaggregated model
分级数据模型ranked data model
分级数据模型hierarchical data model
分级数据模型hierarchic data model
分级结构模型hierarchy model
分组回归模型grouped regression model
分解模型disaggregate model
分配模型partitioning model
分配模型allocation model
刚度退化模型stiffness-degrading model
刚柱柔性梁模型rigid-column-flexible-beam model
初型模Parison mold
初型模blank mould
初型模blank mold
初型模Parison mould
初始速度模型initial velocity model
初步设计模型bozzetto (意大利)
初设模型conceptual model
删除模型deletion model
包裹选择模型wrapping choice model
化合价模型valence model
化石场模型fossil field model
各向异性模型anisotropical model filament
各向异性模型anisotropic model filament
各向异性硬化模型anisotropical hardening model
各向异性硬化模型anisotropic hardening model
吉利冻模型jelly mould
吉利冻模型jelly mold
同心圆模型concentrical model
同心圆模型concentric model
同心环带模型concentrical zone model
同心环带模型concentric zone model
同时破坏模型simultaneous mode of failure approach
同量异位模型isobar model
同量异位素模型isobaric model
循环流动疲劳模型fatigue model of soil cyclical mobility
循环流动疲劳模型fatigue model of soil cyclic mobility
备择模型alternative model
复合污染源扩散模型multiple sources diffusion model
复合立体模型multiple stereomodel
复合立体模型compound stereomodel
复合误差随机模型multiple-error-stochastic model
多产品存储模型multi product inventory model
多倍仪立体模型multiplex model
多元线性回归模型multivariate linear regression model
多元线性回归模型multiple linear regression model
多准则评价模型evaluative model for multiple criteria
多参数综合决策分析模型multiparameter integrated decision analysis model
多变量统计模型multivariable statistical mode
多变量统计模型multivariable statistic mode
多型槽模锻multiple impression forging
多孔模型porous mould
多孔模型porous mold
多宾斯一坎普BOD-DO河流水质量模型Dobbins-Camp Biological Oxygen Demand-Dissolved Oxygen water quality model of river
多层模型multiple layer model
多层模型multilayer model
BET 多层吸附模型BET multilevel adsorption model
多态速度-密度模型multi regime speed-density model
多方模型polytropical model
多方模型polytropic model
多时期模型multiperiod model
多核模型multinuclear model
多槽模型gang of cavities
多模成型机multiple mould machine
多模成型机multiple mold machine
多段型车速-密度模型multi regime speed-concentration model
多点污染源扩散模型multiple point source dispersion model
多目标决策模型multiple objective decision making model
多目标决策模型multi objective decision making model
多目标水质管理模型multiobjective water quality management model
多相多组分模型multiphase multicomponent model
多相扩散模型heterogenous diffusion model
多级模型跟踪控制器hierarchical model following controller
多级模型跟踪控制器hierarchic model following controller
多群模型multigroup model
多重介质渗流模型multiple medium flow model
多重回归模型multiple regression model
多釜串联模型tanks-in series model
多阶层库存模型multiechelon inventory model
多项式误差模型polynomial error model
封闭式模型closed model
封闭性模型closed model
封闭空间火灾模型enclosure fire model
射解扩散模型radical diffusion model
小型模型bench model
小比例尺模型small-scale pilot model
小比例尺模型试验small-scale model test
小比例尺水工模型small-scale hydraulic model
尖头成型模nib-forming die
布伦地球模型Bullen's earth model
布尔选择模型Boolean choice model
布格模型Burger's model
布鲁瑙厄·埃梅特-泰勒多层吸附模型Brunauer-Emmett and Tetter multilevel adsorption model
布鲁金斯模型Brookings model
帕拉格模型Prager model
帕斯卡滞后模型Pascal's lag model
模型open model
开发环境模型development environmental model
开发环境模型development environment model
开尔文模型Kelvin's model
开尔文一伏格特模型Kelvin-Voigt model
开尔文固体模型Kelvin's solid model
开尔文流变模型Kelvin's rheological model
开尔文流变模型Kelvin's rheologic model
开放模型open model
开放互连系统参考模型open system interconnection reference model
开派斯模型Kepes model
异重流模型density flow model
异重流模型density current model
引力弹弓模型slingshot model
引导模型pilot model
弗兰德利希模型Freundlich model
弗劳德模型Froude's model law
弗劳德模型试验法则Froude's law of model testing
弗劳德模型试验法则Froude's law of model test
张拉成型模stretch-draw dies
张线式悬挂模型wire-supported model
意图模型view modeling
意图模型view modeling approach
感觉模型perceived model
感觉的假立体模型perceived pseudoscopic model
感觉的立体模型perceived stereomodel
成因地质模型genetic geological model method
成因地质模型genetic geologic model method
成型finishing die
成型模section mould
成型模shaping die
成型模section mold
成型模forming die
成型模具forming die
成型钢模forming die
成批生产模型production model
战略计划模型strategic planning model
指数模型index model
指数函数模型exponential function model
模型制成的shaped to pattern
按模数设计的箱型构件作为构成建筑物的单位module box
按比例缩小的模型scale down model
明显的模型explicit model
明渠导流模型model test of open channel diversion
明胶网格模型gelatine network model
明胶网格模型gelatin network model
易逸性平衡模型fugacity equilibrium model
星形模型stellar pattern
星形模型star-shaped pattern
最优模型optimal model
最优化模型optimization model
最初复杂模型initially complex model
最初简单模型initially simple model
最小费用模型least cost model
最终速度模型end velocity model
有基台模型models with a sill
有效模型neat model
有效模型gross model
有效模型effective model
有机玻璃模型Plexiglass model
有约束重力模型constrained gravity model
有缺陷模型imperfect model
有限体积近海模型finite volume coast and ocean model
有限元水质模型finite volume water quality model
有限单元体模型finite element model
有限差分公式模型finite difference equation model
有限差分水质模型finite difference water quality model
有限移动源模型finite movement source model
有限错动模型finite dislocation model
服装人体模型dress form
服装人体模型dress stand
朗格缪尔模型Langmuir's model
朗格缪尔一欣谢尔伍德动力学模型Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model
朗格缪尔单层吸附模型Langmuir's single level adsorption model
期望值模型model of expected value
标准模型normative model
标准模型standard mould
标准模型standard shape
标准模型standard mold
标准模型master mold
标准分析模型normative analytic model
标准回归模型standard regression model
标准地球模型standard earth model
标准弱电模型standard electroweak model
标准正交模型orthonormal model
标准正交统计模型orthonormal statistical model
标度模型scale model
标桩模型peg model
校准模型calibrate model
校正识别模型correctly identified model
模具型腔的加工die sinking
模具型面刨削stamp shotting
模压成型mould pressing
模压成型mold pressing
模压成型die forming
模压成型件die formed parts
模压成型法stamping process
模压成型绕组former winding
模压混凝土型材extruded concrete section
模压混凝土型材extruded concrete shape
模压混凝土型材extruded concrete profile
模块化巨型计算modular supercomputer
模块结构式微型计算机modular structure microcomputer
模型prototype (机)
模型shape maker
K-G 模型K-G model
模型一致的model consistent
模型上漆pattern varnish
模型与原型关系model-prototype relationship
模型model filament
模型估计model estimation
模型分割model split
模型分类category of model
模型列举pattern enumeration
模型列车miniature train
模型制作model fabrication
模型制作model construction
模型制作model building
模型制作技术modeling technique
模型制作技术modelling technique
模型制作技术model fabrication technique
模型制品moulded articles
模型制品molded articles
模型制造mold manufacture
模型制造mould manufacture
模型制造model building
模型进展evolution of modelling
模型进展evolution of modeling
模型化合物model compound
模型合理化论证validation of the model
模型合理性论证validation of the model
模型合销pattern dowel
模型地图relief map
模型地裂运动model earthquake motion
模型地震运动model earthquake motion
模型堆场moulds stockyard
模型堆场molds stockyard
模型堤坝model fill
模型复杂性model complexity
模型多项式方程polynomial model equation
模型大地构造学model tectonics
模型振动器mould vibrator
模型振动器mold vibrator
模型搜索pattern search
模型搜索法pattern search method
模型modelling technique
模型modeling technique
模型标准model standard
模型校准model calibration
模型校正器model corrector
模型校正装置model device for the model
模型水槽model flume
模型水轮机model water turbine
模型水陆生态系统aquatic model ecosystem
模型爆破model blasting
模型生态系统model ecosystem
模型用木材pattern wood
模型用浆modelling paste
模型用浆modeling paste
模型用润滑剂mould lubricant
模型用润滑剂mold lubricant
模型用石膏mould plaster
模型用石膏mold plaster
模型电动机model motor
模型model sand
模型model material
模型试验研究model investigation
模型试验研究model study
模型研究model investigation
模型稳定性model stability
模型紧固夹mould clamps
模型紧固夹mold clamps
模型缩尺效应model scale effect
模型范围model range
模型范围model scope
模型范围model area
模型范畴category of model
模型调整法model coordination method
模型调整法model adjustment technique
模型选择准则model selection criterion
模型选择程序model select programme
模型选择问题problem of model selection
模型锥度tape of mold
模型锥度tape of mould
模型锥度taper of model
模型锥度conicity of model
模塞助压成型plug forming
模塞成型plug forming
模子成型mould formation
模子成型mold formation
模板整型犁mould board plough
模板整型犁mold board plough
模氏II型Mobitz type II heart block
气动力试验模型aerodynamical test model
气动力试验模型aerodynamic test model
气化模型化模gasified pattern
气旋模型cyclonic model
气流模型flow model
气流模型air-stream pattern
气流模型airflow model
气流模型试验air model test
气流模型试验air model study
气相转移模型gas transfer model
气象模型meteorologic model
氚数学模型mathematics model of tritium
清水模型clear water model
清水定床模型clear water fixed-bed model
渐近宇宙模型asymptotical model
渐近宇宙模型asymptotic model
渐进转化模型progressive conversion model
渗流计算模型seepage calculation model
漂移数学模型drift mathematical model
漂移补偿模型model for drift compensation
漏模造型stripper-plate mould
漏模造型stripper-plate mold
漏模造型strip casting
演绎模型deductive model
爆破校准地震模型explosively calibrated seismic model
球棒模型ball-and-stick model
球状模型spherical model
球状模型spheric model
理想模型theoretic model
理想模型theoretical model
理想模型ideal model
理想化震源模型idealized source model
理想物体的基本模型basic model of ideal body
理想震源模型idealized seismological model
理想震源模型idealized seismologic model
理论模型theoretic model
理论模型ideal model
理论模型时间剖面theoretical time section of model
理论模型时间剖面theoretic time section of model
理论机构模型theoretical mechanical model
生产流程模型production flow pattern
生态模型ecological mode
生态模型ecologic mode
生态系统模型ecological mode
生态系统模型ecologic mode
生态系统模拟模型ecosystem simulating model
生态系统评价模型ecosystem assessment model
生态递阶模型ecosystem hierarchical model
生物体效应模型organism level effect model
生物电模型bioelectrical mode
生物电模型bioelectric mode
真实模型truth model
真空成型立体模型vacuum drum model
真空造型阴模die box mould
真空造型阴模die box mold
砂制模型sand pattern
砂槽模型sand trap model
砂箱模型sand box model
研究模型study model
研究模型research model
砖坯模型放尺率green brick size enlargement
程序模型program model
程序模型programme model
程序模型procedural model
程序模型programme modelling
程序模型program modelling
程序功效模型programme behaviour model
程序功效模型program behavior model
编译代码模型化法compiled code modelling technique
编译类型模拟compile type simulation
缝隙模型model of fissuration
考马姆拉模型Komamura model
脆性模型brittle model
脏雪球模型dirty snowball model
蘑菇形模型mushroom mould
蘑菇形模型mushroom mold
蜂巢模型honeycomb model
蜂窝场模型cell field model
蜗壳形模型cochlear model
蠕变模型creep model
调整模型比例尺scaling model
贝叶斯模型Bayesian model
负压水工模型subatmospherical hydraulic model
负压水工模型subatmospheric hydraulic model
退出呼声模型exist-voice model
选择模型preference pattern
透明塑料模型transparent plastic model
透明塑料模型transparency plastic model
透明核模型transparency-nucleus model
透视模型perspective model
逐次逼近型模拟数字转换successive approximation type analogue -digital
逐次逼近型模拟数字转换successive approximation type analog -digital
递阶模型hierarchical model
递阶模型hierarchic model
通信系统的模型model of communication system
造价优化模型cost optimization model
销售模型marketing model
锐截断模型sharp cut-off model
锐边界模型sharp boundary model
错定的模型misspecified model
错误图形模型error graphic model
需求与供给模型demand and supply model
震源模型seismic source model
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