
Terms for subject Desert science containing 模型 | all forms | in specified order only
优化模型optimization model
光照模型illumination model
具时滞的种群连续增长模型population continuous growth model with time lag
养分模型nutrient model
分解者模型decomposer model
分部模型compartment model
区域长期发展模型long-term region development model
双线性模型bilinear model
哺乳动物消费者亚模型mammalian consumer sublmodel
哺乳动物食物模型mammal diet model
土壤-植被-大气转输模型soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models
地下水开采模型model of groundwater resource yield
地图数据模型cartographic data model
增量开发模型development model
大气循环模型global circulation model
大气环流模型general circulation models
大气环流模型general circulation model
大气环流模型实验general circulation model experiments
大气环流模型实验GCM experiments
天气形成因素模型WGEN Model
尺度模型scale model
径流模型runoff model
指数模型exponential model
数字模型numerically-implemented model
数字景观模型digital landscape model
整体模型total model
断层模型fault model
方差分析模型ANOVA model
有限区域模型limited area models
机理模型mechanistic model
李-斯特瑞勒几何光学树冠模型Li-Strahler geometric-optical canopy model
栅格数据模型raster data model
模型修正modifying the model
模型发展序列model development sequence
模型模拟时段model timesteps
模型要素modeled element
模型验证model testing
模拟模型simlation model
模拟模型analogue model
欧洲土壤侵蚀模型European Soil Erosion Model
氮素生产者-分解者亚模型N producer-decomposer submodel
水分有效性模型water availability model
水文降雨径流模型Hydrological Rainfall Runoff Model
水流模型water-flow model
模型sand model
渗透过程模型percolation process model
温度模型temperature model
温度剖面模型temperature profile model
演替促进模型facilitation model of succession (指由先锋植物种驱动的生态演替的模型)
演替抑制模型inhibition model of succession
热量模型heat model
生产者模型producer model
生态水文模型eco-hydrological model
生活周期模型life cycle model
矢量数据模型vector data model
矩阵模型matrix model
模型carbon model
离群值模型models for outliers
种群模型population models
空间数据模型spatial data model
简单氮模型流程simple N model runs
线性种群模型linear population model
群落气候模型community climate model
能流模型energy flow model
自回归模型self-regression model
萨克拉门托土壤蓄水量模型Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model
近似模型pseudo model
随机性模型stochastic model
非生物模型abiotic model
风蚀预报模型wind erosion prediction model