
Terms for subject Technology containing 档案 | all forms | in specified order only
专题档案case history
人事档案系统personal records system
信用调查档案accountant file
信用调査档案credit file
分析性审计档案analytical audit file
分析性审计档案analytic audit file
卡片档案card filing cabinet
取消注册的档案cross-out file
图像档案image file
土地档案land archives
地图档案map archiving
地图档案map archive
工程史料档案case history file
工程技术档案制度engineering technique files system
库存档案记录item master record
建立资料档案file creation
报告和档案制度system for reporting and filing
文件档案系统file system
无用档案保管所records holding area
明细档案detail file
有用档案active file
标准化档案archive of standardization
树木档案tree archive
档案dossier (材料)
档案保管archives keeping
档案保险库file vault
档案储存条件archival-storage condition
档案制度filing system
档案大楼archives building
档案document file
档案存储bulk memory
档案file room
档案filing room
档案muniments room
档案archives office
档案室玻璃document glass
档案muniment house
档案muniment room
档案archive repository
档案房屋archives building
档案filing case
档案file cabinet
档案标记file signal
档案filing box
档案card index
档案管理archive administration
档案管理员filing clerk
档案系统record keeping system
档案archival paper
档案编目cataloguing of file
档案胶片archival film
档案file cover
档案袋纸archival bag paper
档案设备filing equipment
档案质量archival quality
档案资料存储器bulk memory device
档案资料室documentations office
档案archives building
档案muniments house
档案archive establishment
森林资源档案files of forest resources
火灾档案fire achieves
目录档案directory file
立式档案vertical file
结转的档案carry-over file
编目档案catalogued file
耐火的档案fire-resistive file room
航标技术档案technical archives of aids-to-navigation
资料档案information file
钻孔技术档案drill hole technical file
震源资料档案hypocentral data file
震源资料档案hypocenter data file
非现用档案inactive file