
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一揽子解决方total solution
一般提豁免申请application for waiver of general offer requirement
上市公司破产bankruptcy occurred in listing companies
不乐观的方pessimistic scenario
不良资产解救方troubled asset relief programme
小组task force
处理方式project-by-project approach
个性化财务方personalized financial solution
中止对方的执行halt to the plan
串联方tandem program
串联方tandem plan
保证投资不受损失的方保证投资得到一定利润和不受损失的计划investment guaranty program
信息档news file
信托契约法Trust Indenture Act
信用档credit folder
信贷档credit archive
停止方give up plan
全国证券市场改进法National Securities Markets Improvement Act
全方位解决方total solution
公司修订条例草Companies Amendment Bill
公司提corporate resolution
公布的分拆方announced divestitures
公平价格修正收购中,若被收购股份价格公平,绝大多数股东便可放弃改变控制权的反接管修正案Fair Price Amendments
内部方in house program
分配方管理distributed program management
利润分配方profit distribution schemes
制定出合适的方formulate an appropriate plan
制定初步详细方sketch out preliminary details
加速资金到账法Expedited Funds Availability Act
募股草red herring
反敲诈勒索和反贿赂组织法Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act
哈特一斯科特一拉迪奥法联邦法案,该法案要求当一家公司购买另一家公司超过 1500万美元或15%以上的股份时,应将该计划通知联邦贸易委员会和司法部Hart-Scott-Rodino Act
在有关部门备filing with the authority
埃奇法有关加强跨国跨州经营金融业务的法案Edge Act
塞勒一凯弗尔反合并法该法案限制通过收购资产削弱竞争性的合并celler-kefauver Antimerger Act
异议filing for voicing dissents
妥协法compromise bill
存档备filing for record
实施方implement plan
对方的修改modifications to the plan
对融资方的实证分析financing reality check
履行备手续have to be registered with the agency approving
平衡方项目balanced program
1970 年投资公司修正法Investment Company Amendments Act of 1970
2002年萨班斯法2002年连续发生安然和世界通讯公司等财务诈骗事件,对国际投资市场造成重大损失,美国国会对此出台了《萨班斯一奥克斯利法案》,该法对美国1933年《证券法》,1934 年《证券交易法》做了不少修订,以防止类似事件再发生Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002
应急预fallback arrangement
征求意见草exposure draft
投资方排序问题ranking problem in capital investment
折中法compromise bill
抵押贷款修改方mortgage modification scheme
抵押贷款债务减免的税收豁免法 2007年由财政部提出Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act
招股书草draft prospectus
拯救方rescue package
提前报交易所备report to the exchange for filing in advance
搁置方halt to the plan
放弃方give up plan
救市方rescue package
救市方financial rescue plan
救援方金融危机bailout programmes
分析scenario analysis
计划formula plans
最佳方optimistic scenario
最佳替代方optimal alternative
最佳解决方optimal solution
最坏情况的方worst-case scenario
有关个人利益的议private bill
有说服力的convincing case
期末档year end file
未记录在off the record
件概述brief facts
情摘要brief facts
情简述brief facts
上载file upload
recorder keeping office
法定statutory books
激励方incentive scheme
点方thirty-point plan 30
现金筹款方cash financing program
电子档记录legal (纽约证券交易所保存的)
直线分摊方straight amortization plan
破产法bankruptcy bill
税收减免法股票所有权计划Tax Reduction Act Stock Ownership Plan
筹资方financing arrangement
管理人员报酬整体方executive compensation package
经营方business initiative
陈述final submission
编制定期报告草compile drafts of periodical reports
股东大会否决议proposal disapproved by the shareholders' meetings
股份期权方share option scheme
股票档stock record
获利能力付款方earn-out payment scheme
补充备additional filings
表决议摘要说明brief identification of the matter voted upon
计划融资方planned financing program
证券法Securities Act
证券监管机构稽查办能力investigation and case handling abilities of the securities regulator
证监会档编号CE number/CE Reference
诈骗case of victimization
标准普尔附属机构投资者管理服务公司 (IMS) 所提供的各公司的财务资料及相关统计资料的电脑档Compustat
账户转账指令整批档转移ATI batch file transfer
贷款方loan programs
违纪disciplinary casebook
选购股份方share option scheme
造假账的false accounting records
金融机构改革、恢复和加强法financial institutions reform, recovery and enforcement act
银行法美国1933年通过该法,明令禁止商业银行投资证券经纪商,并不得承销证券及债券等投资银行的业务Banking Act of 1933
难以找到很好的解决方not susceptible to neat solutions
静态计算方static computational scheme
预投资方pre-investment programme