
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一揽子决策decision package
一揽子方a package arrangement
一次课税方single levy plan
一种方an alternative
一般重大走私an ordinary serious case of smuggling
一般圈地法general enclosure act
一般走私ordinary case of smuggling
三国决议草a tripartite draft resolution
三点方three pronged program
上下两议院均批准了该项议Both the upper and lower chambers have approved the bill
不公开审理hearing in camera
不同服务期的方alternatives with unequal service lives
不干方do nothing alternative
不得强制我方透露利润分配方We shall not be obligated to reveal our profit-sharing plan
与决策方有关的成本the cost relevant to alternative choice
审判员ad hoc judge (法官)
活动task-group activity
计划project planning
专业推销训练人员据以评价每一推销训练方在一给定情况下所具有效果的四个方面aim, content, method, expectation (即目的、内容、方法、期望)
两年期方和预算the biennial programme and budget
两栖方amphibious version
individual eases
事实上,该律师的做法是,什么对件有利就去执行什么In fact, the attorney carries out whatsoever is expedient for the case
互惠贸易协定方reciprocal trade agreements programme
互惠贸易协定法reciprocal trade agreement act
互斥方mutually exclusive alternatives
互让法compromise bill
产业分割法severin doctrine
产品方mix of product
产品方问题product mix problem
代替性方alternative courses
以目标为依据的方结构objective-based programme structure
以粮代工方Food-for-work program
以粮代工方food-for-work programme
价格数据档项目cost data file
伊朗一利比亚制裁法Iran-Libya Sanctions Act
会计法accounting legislation
传审call a case
传示议circular asserting (官厅、银行)
传示议官厅、银行circular asserting
你方应该按照我们在规划中大致规定的方采取必要的措施You should take the necessary measures as what we have outlined in the scheme
供选择的方yes-no decision
信用证信货,信用调查资料credit file
修正法the revision bill
修正法revision bill
修订的修正the revised amendment
克雷顿法Clayton Act
全国劳工关系法瓦格纳法案National Labor Relations Act Wagner Act
全国合理利用能源政策法National Energy Conservation Policy Act
全国器具合理使用能源法National Appliance Energy Conservation Act
全面谈判方comprehensive negotiating program
美国公司法Companies Act
公摊方pool scheme
具有结依据的仲裁裁决award having the authority of res judicata
军事援助方military assistance programme
农业工资法agricultural wages act
农业调整法agricultural adjustment act
农业调整法agriculture adjustment act
农业调整法及输入限额agricultural adjustment act, and import quotas
农业调节法Agricultural Adjustment Act
决议草draft decision
美国出口管理修正法Export Administration Amendments Act
美国出口管理法Export Administration Act
分摊方pool scheme
分类法美1949年颁布员工奖励法案Classification Act
基金等的分配方allocative decision
刑事criminal ease
划区确定方block definition program
创收方income generation programme
利税法Profits Tax Act
制度或方的准入access to a system or scheme
制度或方的参与者participant in a system or scheme
制度或方的成员member of a system or scheme
加勒比盆地立法提程序Caribbean Basin Initiative
加勒比盆地经济开采法Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
劳务分配方work program
劳工关赛管藩法labour management relation act
单一欧洲法Single European Act
印有图或图画、照片等的玻璃transparency (或薄布、瓷器等)
危险物资运输法Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act
原告将承担与此有关的所有费用The prosecution will bear all the costs relating to the case
双方同意将此交付公平仲裁Both parties agree to submit the ease to impartial arbitration
反托拉斯法an anti-trust act
发电厂和工业燃料使用法Power Plant and Industrial Fuels Use Act
发电厂和工业燃料使用法修正案Power Plant and Industrial Fuels Use Act Amendments
受权的法the authorizing legislation
受理accept and hear a ease
受理accept and hear a case
受理件的法院the court seized of the case
合作市场营运经销法cooperative marketing act
合格评定方conformity assessment programme
合格评定方conformity assessment scheme
同工同酬法Equal Pay Act of 1963
否决一项提put a veto on a proposal
否决议veto a bill
和解法compromise bill
商业一揽子方commercial package
商品采购的筹资方commodity purchase financing programme
商标图a pictorial trade mark
商标法Trade Mark Act
英国商标法Merchandise Marks Act
商船法,海上运输法规merchant shipping act
回执已向公司登记处备The return has been filed with the registrar of companies
国防生产法defence production act
国防生产法defense production act
be on record
在这种情况下,贵方应对此次破碎承担责任Under such circumstances, you are held responsible for the breakage
均匀分配收入赋税法uniform division of income for tax purposes act
基本设计方basic design scheme
增值最佳方incrementally optimal plan
处理decide a ease
处理decide a case
数据处理方processing programme
数据处理方processing program
处理经济settle an economic case
be filed with
put…on record
for the reference
for reference
for the record
复杂认股权选择方complex stock option plan
外国投资鼓励法foreign investment encouragement law
美国外国腐败行为法Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
美国外贸区法Foreign Trade Zone Act
外陆架地产法Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
多卷档the multivolume file
多国方a multicountry scheme
多套方alternate projects
多方平衡multiproject leveling
多方的优先顺序multiple project ranking
多科性方inter-disciplinary program
多边方multilateral project
多项预算调整法Omnibus Budge Reconciliation Act
大海以外浅海地带作业法outer continental shelf lands act
天然气井口解除控制法Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act
美国天然气政策法Natural Gas Policy Act
美国天然气法Natural Gas Act
天然气法中的条例Regulations under the Natural Gas Act
如赔偿金额超过50万英镑,该将提交仲裁If the compensation exceeds £ 500 000, the case will be submitted to arbitration
官方援助方official aid programme
计划firm plan
实施某一方realization of a project
实物支付法truck acts
审查情的是非曲直review of the merits
审査件的实体方面the review of the merits
审理try a case
审理hear a case
审理件的实体方面review of the merits (the substance of a judgement)
审理经济try economic cases
宣布方的目的enumerate the aims of a programme
宣言草draft declaration
宪法修改草draft of revised constitution
对比性模拟方comparative simulation project
对比性解决方comparative solution project
将…记录在案keep in the record
件中的实体作出的裁决adjudicate on the merits
就业法an employment act
岁人法revenue act
岁入税收the revenue act
美国州际贸易法Interstate Commerce Act
工业国有化法industry nationalization act
工业国有法the Industry Nationalization Act
工业国有法industry nationalization act
工程设计方an engineering design plan
工程试验方计划engineeing test program
工艺方的不确定性process uncertainty
工资会议法wages council act
工资调整方plans for wage adjustment
已备事件registered matter
已备的协定a notified agreement
布雷恩法Blair Doctrine
常用的存款档或资料active file
平均筹集基金方level-funding plan
平常仓贮方an ever-normal granary program
平行货币方parallel currency approach
1947 年美国的兰哈姆法该法案是有关决定识别美国州际商业活动中销售商品的商标和其他标记的联邦立法Lanham Act of 1947
1926 年美国铁路劳动法Railway Labor Act, 1926
美国 1938 年公平劳动标准法Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938
美国 1947 年劳工管理层关系法又称塔夫特一哈特利法案Labor Management Relations Act, 1947
美国1959 年劳资报告与公开法Labor Management Reporting and Disclosures Act, 1959
美国 1935 年国家劳资关系法National Labor Relations Act, 1935
美国 1991 年对外援助法Foreign Assistance Act of 1991
美国有关保护残疾工人利益的 1973 年康复法Rehabilitation Act, 1973
美国1866 年民权法另有 1871、1964、1991 年民权法案Civil Rights Act of 1866
美国1930 年的贸易关税法Trade Tariff Act of 1930
美国 1979 年的贸易协定法Trade Agreements Act of 1979
美国 1918 年的韦布一波默林法Webb-Pomerence Act of 1918
美国1986 年税收改革法Tax Reform Act of 1986
美国 1985 年综合预算调整法Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
1978 年美国《农业外国投资曝光法Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1978
1887 年美国州际贸易法Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
1935 年美国社会保障法Social Security Act, 1935
1970 年美国职业安全和健康法Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
美国 1935 年联邦失业税法Federal Unemployment Tax Act, 1935
美国应急计划和公众知悉权法Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
延期利润分成方dividends profit-sharing plan
延期利相分享方deferred profit-sharing plans
建立用户档build files on each of customers
建筑方竞争building design competition
建议方proposed projects
建议的修正a proposed amendment
开发方development projects
file up
征询方request for proposal
德莱尼修正Delaney Amendment (1958年颁布。对1938年的食品、药物和化妆品法的修正案,它授权食品和药物管理局可制止任何已显示对动物或人类有致癌作用的食品或食品添加剂在市场出售)
总体方overall objective
a pending case
outstanding question
outstanding case
成为判例的leading case
我们保存了各种顾客的全面、准确和完整的档We have kept full, accurate and complete records of various customers
我们发现合同草中有些漏洞,应在签署之前加以消除There are some loopholes in the draft contract, we should close them before signing
我们在设法修订该协议草We are trying to improve on the draft agreement
我们希望你们能认识到这种双方妥协的方是解决困难的切实可行的办法We hope you will realize that this compromise on both parties is a practicable solution of the difficulty
我们愿意接受你方公平合理的解决方We are ready to accept your fair and reasonable settlement
我将把此项设计方电传过去I will send a fax of the design plan
我方将按你方来函要求,印出此种图We shall print such design according to the instructions in your letter
战时权力法war power case
战略性方strategic decision
所得税裁定的实施方operation method in income tax adjudication
所提交的图和颜色均不符合顾客要求The design and colour submitted do not serve the purpose of the customer
扩大技术援助方an expanded program of technical assistance
技术方Technical Program Groups
技术方经济评价标准standards of economic evaluation of a technical project
投资奖励法investment incentives act
投资方a ranking form
投资方investment proposals (alternatives)
投资方的排列问题ranking problem in capital investment
折衷方trade-off decision
拟定方develop alternative
挑选最佳有利select the most favorable alternatives
授权法an authorization bill
开发协会授权法authorizing legislation (IDA)
开发协会授权法authorization bill (IDA)
提供等值服务的方alternatives providing service of equal value
提出方develop alternative
提出正式的贷款方presently authorized to issue formal financing proposal
提出议propose a motion
提出议table a bill
提出预算向议会open the budget
搁置议table a bill
撤回提withdrawal of proposal
支援方back-up program
支流方tributary project
政府打算在年度预算中提岀一些紧缩通货的措施The government is going to introduce some deflationary measures in the annual budget
政府提government bill
数据data file
新到的货中包括各种图和颜色的绸缎The new consignment of goods consists of silks and satins in different designs and colours
新的图已得到他们公司的全盘同意The new designs have met with their blanket approval
之确认identification of alternatives
修改决策program change decision
修改建议program change proposal
储备金programme reserve
准备金program reserve
制定program formation
可行性分析concept feasibility analysis
column diagram
基础预算法program-based budgeting
建议outline proposals
拨款文件the programme allotment document
拨款文件the program allotment document
援助programme assistance
摘要memorandum summary
政策alternation policy
构成部分a program element
构成部分project component
比较的基础bases for comparison of alternatives
的目的memorandum objectives
选择the programme alternatives
选择the program alternatives
预算编制programme budgeting
可査no record
无为方do nothing alternative
无相斥性方选择non-mutually exclusive independent alternatives
无相斥性的方non-mutually exclusive alternatives
既定方established program
明确养老金方defined-contribution pension plans
明确受益方defined-benefit plan
易货方a barter scheme
最优方optimum programme
最优方optimum program
最优方optimal decision
最佳方preferred embodiment
最佳结果方best result alternative
最初方ground plan
最后final text
最后定配额final quota
最适当的解决方optimum solution
可査be on record
可査on the books
可査的事项matter of record
有关个人利害的议private bill
有明确规定的养老金缴纳defined-contribution plan
有花边状图的玻璃器皿lace glass
有限的不定议qualified negative
未决a pending case
未决诉suit pending
美国的权利授予法enabling bill
权利法bill of right
核定方approved program
核心方余留下的行政活动the remaining core programme administrative
核能管理委员会核准法Nuclear Regulatory Commission Authorization Act
件实情fact of legal case
件正在审理中the suit pending
例委员会ease committee
例委员会case committee
例工作case work
例法common law
例法ease method
例法ease law
例法case method
例研究,专题研究case study
例调査case work
侦记录case records
details of a ease
之确定definition of files
之统一consolidating the file
保持file maintenance
修正file cleanup
利用utilization of archives
制度a filing system
印制typing the file
原件master copy of a file
原本master copy of a file
名称file name
recorder-keeping office
a muniment room
的建立file set up
的设立file set up
管理制度filing system
管理员a file clerk
编目the cataloging of file
资料file data
概算补充方supplemental programme budget proposals
次优答second-best solution
此合同必须正式备The contract must be made a rule of court
比较方an alternate layout
比较方alternative design (project)
民事civil case
永久性档carry-over file
美国汽车替代燃料法Alternative Motor Fuels Act
法津件之解决settlement of a law cose
法院不偏袒任何一方,而是秉公办The court will not side any party but handle a case impartially
法院作出"情不明拒绝受理"的裁定bring in a finding of non liquet
海上保险法Marine Insurance Act
消灭缺点部署, 无缺点方, 无缺点计划zero defects program
混合议an omnibus bill
激励经营方Scanlon plan
物价紧急管制法emergency price control act
特别行动方a special action programme
独立方independent alternative
现场偿还资金方site restoration fund scheme
现行方current program
生产方manufacturing project
生产方production decision
相关性方之比较non-mutually exclusive independent alternatives
相对于更新方之成本cost relative to improved models
加拿大石油管理法Petroleum Administration Act
破产产业管理人的职务receivership (或职位)
秘书把这些信放入顾客档The secretary put these letters in the customer file
租赁方评价lease evaluation
积累购储accumulation plan
税前项目方招标pre-tax work program bid
美国税收改革法Tax Reform Act
稳妥方sound basis
put…on record
put on record
章程草draft constitution
1865 年美国第十三次宪法修正Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment
筹备资金方project financial memorandum
精密设计备选方the elaboration of alternative
系统的选择方system alternative
紧急分配方emergency allocation scheme
石油紧急分配法emergency allocation scheme
紧急通货法Emergency Currency Act
组织法an organic act
经营方operating programme
经过一整天的讨论,委员会同意了这个方After a whole day's discussion the committee agreed on the scheme
结合方an association scheme
给问题找答work out a solution of the problem
给问题找答work out a solution to the problem
给问题找答work out a solution for the problem
统一方statistical decision
综合例研究integrated case studies
综合商品方特设政府顾问委员会Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Integrated Programme for Commodities
综合性国别方comprehensive country program
综合调整方the aggregate adjustment
缓冲储备方solution stock scheme
罗宾逊-帕特曼法Robinson-Patman Act
美国 1930 年的斯穆特一霍利关税法Smoot Hawley Tariff Act of 1930
美国 1974 年的贸易法Trade Act of 1974
美国 1986 年移民改革和控制法Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1986
1941年美国制定的租借法Lend-Lease Act
美国的加勒比地区经济复兴法Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
美国航空通商法Air Commerce Act
《美国货优先购买法Buy American Acts
联合国方和预算机构特设工作小组Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery
联合工业方joint industrial program
联合工业方joint industry program
联营方pool scheme
联邦储备法Federal Reserve Act
美国联邦公平包装和标签法Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act
联邦动力法Federal Power Act
联邦劳动标准法federal fair labor standard act
联邦失业保险税法federal unemployment tax act
联邦立银行券National Bank Note
联邦立银行法national banking act
美国联邦贸易委员会法Federal Trade Commission Act
美国联邦陆上油气资源租赁改革法Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Reform Act
联邦顾问委员会法Federal Advisor Committee Act
航空商务法Air Commerce Act
节约方an austerity program
英国租购法规定的默示条件与保证义务hire purchase contracts conditions and warranties
英国预算收入finance act
药品管理档Drug Master File
董事长提出了我们来年开支的草Chairman of the board gave a rough outline of our expenses for the coming year
行贿bribery case
记录在in the book
评价方evaluate alternative
该方可被认为业经双方批准The project can be deemed to have been approved by both parties
说明制定法经过的条款an enacting clause
请求执行一经济件的判决seek enforcement of the judgement of an economic case
财政法finance bills
货币改革方project of monetary reform
购买商品筹资方commodity purchase financing program
美国的《购买美国产品法Buy American Acts
贸易保护法trade safe-guarding act
美国资源开采法Resource Recovery Act
转售差额津贴方purchase-and-resale differential subsidy
轮班工作方alternative work schedule
这三位仲裁员组成仲裁庭审理该The three arbitrators will form an arbitration tribunal to hear the case
这个子已拖了足足5个月This case has dragged for a good five months
这些图正在流行These designs are in vogue
这样一种颜色暗淡的装饰图不吸引人Such an ornamental design in a dull color offers no inducement
进出口合作方import-export cooperative programme
违章件处理通知书notice of the violation and disposition of the case
退股方withdrawal plan
适合悬的法律lawsuits pending
从可选方案中选择一个方selecting a course
选择投资方select an investment scheme
选择最优方select best alternative
审査法ease-by-case approach
通过议pass a bill
部分筹集基金的方partially funded plan
部门性合作方a sectoral co-operation program
部门间方inter-sectoral programs
采购方procurement scheme
重大important case
重大走私serious case of smuggling
重订方a reformulated program
重订方reformulated program
金融法money bill
鉴别备选方成本identifying cost of alternative
钢铁国营法the iron and steel bill
钢铁国营法iron and steel bill
问题的problem case
限制损失法loss limitation act
限制种植方crop limitation program
集体年金方group annuity plan
青年专业方a young professional program
非独立方dependent alternative
非补偿性认股选择权方a non-compensatory stock option plan
非补偿性认股选择权方non-compensatory stock option
面向行动方action oriented programme
项目和方的估价appraisal of project and programme
项目方project alternation
预算不敷法deficiency bill
预算修正追加预算budget amendment
预算及会计法budget and accounting act
预算草estimate budget
预防性维修方preventive maintenance program
风险档risk profile
鼓励建设法Incentive Awards Act
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