
Terms for subject Statistics containing | all forms
三角子分布circular lattice distribution
1/4煅tightened inspection
指数index number of prices
相对数price-relative n.
似立方晶设计cuboidal lattice design
具有国际影响的价prices of international significance
农产品价指数agricultural price index numbers
出口价指数export price index
分组group lattice
到岸价cost insurance freight
表的 单元cell
acceptance number
检验lot inspection
检验acceptance inspection
线acceptance line
质量水平acceptable quality level
哈代―维纳伯均衡平衡Hardy-Weinberg law
列联表fourfold table
fourfold table
表相关系数fourfold table correlation coeficient
国际基准价benchmark international prices
圆周子分布circular lattice distribution
基准价benchmark price
复式表double-entry table
复式表two-way table
实际价actual price
实际价的加权平均数weighted average of actual prices
家畜价producer price
对数logarithmic paper
平均出厂合average outgoing quality
德拉施泰特―贝伦斯方法Dragstedt-Behrens' method
批量允许不合lot tolerance per cent defective
拉丁式矩形latinized rectangular lattice
样本square grid sample
最严检验most stringent test
最严1/4煅most stringent test
林德伯―利维定理Lindeberg-Lévy theorem
林德伯―费勒定理Lindeberg-Feller theorem
位姆一查利尔C型数列type C series
位姆一查利尔B型数列type B series
位姆一查利尔数列type A series
兰姆―查利C型数列Gram-Charlier series type C
兰姆―查利B型数列Gram-Charlier series type B
兰姆―查利A型数列Gram-Charlier series type A
列文科―坎特里引理Glivenko's theorem
子系统grid system
子设1/4lattice design
林豪斯―盖斯尔检验Greenhouse-Geisser test
耐登科―科罗留克分布Gnedenko-Koroljuk distributions
耐登科―科罗留克定理Gnedenko-Koroljuk theorem
cell deviation
比欣分布distribution of Sums which are Truncated from the Expectation of the Reciprocal
波利亚―埃基伯分布Pólya-Eggenburger distribution
消费价指数consumer price index
生产者价指数farmgate price index
生产者价指数output price index
生产者价指数producer price index
离岸价free on board
立方晶cubic lattice
综合价指数aggregate price index
综合价指数aggregative price index pl. indices
计算grid computing
耶茨―伦迪估计量Yates-Grundy-Sen estimator
西尔―图基检验Siegel-Tukey test
进口价指数import price index pl. indices
隐含价implicit price
零售价指数retail price index