
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
三叉神经感觉切断术护理nursing care of trigeminal sensory roots resection
上皮Hertwig epithelial root sheath
上皮epithelial root sheath
上颌窦治术radical maxillary sinusotomy
上颌窦治术Caldwell-Luc operation
乳癌治术radical mammary cancer operation
乳突治术radical mastoidectomy
乳胶癌治术护理nursing care of radical mastectomy
outer root sheath
外阴治术radical vulvectomy
子宫治术radical hysterectomy
子宫次治术subradical hysterectomy
实际碳酸氢actual bicarbonate radical
巨结肠治术radical macrosigmoid operation
急性尖周炎acute apical periodontitis
慢性尖周炎chronic apical periodontitis
root amputation
菌属培养Morganella culture
改良乳突治术modified radical mastoidectomy
侧牙周囊肿lateral periodontal cyst
内固位体intra-radicular retainer
固位体radicular retainer
尖下截骨术subapical osteotomy
尖周吸收periapical resorption
尖周囊肿periapical cyst
尖周炎periapical periodontitis
尖周牙骨质异常增生periapical cemental dysplasia
尖周肉芽肿periapical granuloma
尖周脓肿periapical abscess
尖囊肿periapical cyst
岸脑炎Negishi encephalitis
性疼痛root pain
治性手术radical operation
治性颈清扫术radical neck dissection
root canal
管充填术root-canal filling
管充填银尖root canal silver point
管内封药intracanal medicament
管内预备intracanal preparation
管口root canal orifice
管封闭root canal sealing
管治疗术root canal therapy
管钻root canal reamer
管长度测量仪root canal length meter
管闭塞obturation of root canal
间截骨术interradicular osteotomy
除式腹部子宫切除术radical abdominal hysterectomy
除手术radical surgery
面平整术root planing
浆液性尖周炎serous periapical periodontitis
炎性旁囊肿inflammatory collateral cyst
root of tooth
拔除术extraction of dental root
root elevator
皮索管钻Peeso drill
直肠癌治术radical resection of rectal carcinoma
结肠直肠治手术护理nursing care of radical operation of colon and rectum
蛛网膜下腔神经阻滞subarachnoid root block
解剖anatomical root
赫特维希上皮Hertwig epithelial root sheath
赫特维希上皮epithelial root sheath
廷岀血热Argentinian hemorrhagic fever
颈神经cervical radiculitis
食管癌治手术护理radical operation for carcinoma of esophagus
root of nose