
Terms for subject Finances containing 核 心 | all forms | in specified order only
以紧缩为核心的政策austerity-centred policy
发挥核心作用play a core role
在世界舞台上扮演更加核心的角色take a more central role on the world stage
年化核心通胀率annualized core inflation rate
核心一级资本core tier 1 capital
核心内容core content
核心利益core interest
核心投资者central player
核心欧元区国家core eurozone members
核心消费价格指数core consumer prices index
核心盈利core earnings
核心议程centrepiece of agenda
核心资本充足率core capital adequacy ratio
核心通胀core inflation
核心通货膨胀率core rate of inflation
核心通货膨胀率core inflation rate
生产中心成本核算production center costing
核心资产non-core assets