
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
业务考evaluation of work
个人退休金算账户individual retirement account
习惯成本conventional costing
传统成本traditional costing
信用证审credit authorization
信贷审credit authorization
公平独立算定价arm's length pricing
内部审system of internal check
凭单vouching check
凭证vouching test
凭证复revision of documents
利润profit calculation
利润profit accounting
加权考weighted checklist
单证vouching test
印鉴对书letter of indication
原子磁性张弛nuclear magnetic relaxation
发票invoice approval
商店shop accounting
商店经济shop economic accounting
国民national accounting
国民算制度system of national accounts
国际校棉样international calibration cottons
划样checking pattern
检验proof test
试验inspection test
定期会计periodic accounting
定额成本norm costing
实际成本actual cost accounting
实际成本算制actual cost accounting system
实际成本算法actual cost accounting
信用证examination letter of credit
技术skill of audit
金额verifying the extension
桃棕色pecan brown
工作考evaluation of work
准订单authorized order
平均查日期mean audit date
平衡表的confirmation of balance
总成本total costing
总稽chief comptroller
成效成本successful-efforts costing
成本proof of cost
成本cost ascertainment
成本cost audit
成本cost calculation
成本算单位unit of costing
submit for approval
收益income ascertainment
时常running audit
最终成本terminal costing
期间会计periodic accounting
准股票non-assented stock
准股票non-assented share
准资产non-admitted assets
未审凭单unaudited voucher
未审报表unaudited statement
未审费用unaudited expenses
账目checking account
重量verification of weight
标准成本standard costing
准经纪人authorized broker
准资本subscriber capital
大号XL (extra large)
定权authority of approval
定股份authorized stock
定资本authorised capital
实发票verified commercial invoice
实数据换算verification of date conversion
实货载verification of the load
check over
对划样check pattern
对存货check the stocks
对现金proving cash
对行李check the baggage
对货物数量verify quantity of the goods
心衣样core sample
心设计core design
verification and appropriation
算员staff auditor
算年度accounting year
算方案accounting program
算程序accounting routine
cancel after verification
欧共体生态审EC eco audit
清产check-up assets and determination of funds
特别会计稽制度special accounting-checking system
独立keep separate account
环境审environment auditing
现金verification of cash
现金proof of cash
班组shift and group accounting
生产成本producing costing
生产线成本product line costing
制度verification and checking system
checking clerk
authority of audit
checking method
突袭surprise check
简单成本simple costing
纵向vertical check
定的加工方式certification program
实的副本verified copy
实的数字verified figures
经费authorization for expenditure
system of evaluation
qualifying period
自动mechanical check
试审test audit
象牙椰子纽扣ivory nut button
账目verification of accounts
账目reconcilement of account
账目审auditing of account
购料material purchased accounting
费用订单authorization for expenditure
车间shop accounting
车间成本workshop costing
车间经济workshop business accounting
过账proof of posting
进价算法purchasing price method
进价金额算法purchasing price method
逐项run down
邮资verification of postage
邮资查verification of postage
银行账目reconciliation of statement of account
银行账目reconciliation of bank account
、生物及化学服装成套衣服nuclear, biological, chemical suits
集中centralized accounting
首席数师chief auditor