
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
丘疹坏死性结tuberculoid papulonecrotica
中国肺结病分类法Chinese classification of pulmonary tuberculosis
中性分叶粒细胞neutrophilic granulocyte segmented form
中性杆状粒细胞neutrophilic granulocyte band form
乙型肝炎心抗体hepatitis B core antibody
乙状结肠结tuberculosis of sigmoid colon
乳房结tuberculosis of breast
乳房结breast tuberculosis
亚急性血行播散型肺结subacute hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis
偏结样型界线类麻风borderline tuberculoid leprosy
先天性结intrauterine infective tuberculosis
先天性结congenital tuberculosis
视网膜inner nuclear layer
前列腺结tuberculosis of prostate
卵巢结ovarian tuberculosis
原发后肺结postprimary pulmonary tuberculosis
原发型肺结primary pulmonary tuberculosis
口腔结性溃疡tuberculous ulcer of mouth
呼吸系统结tuberculosis of respiratory system
咽结tuberculosis of pharynx
喉结tuberculosis of larynx
嗜碱性杆状粒细胞basophilic granulocyte band form
嗜酸性分叶粒细胞eosinophilic granulocyte segmented form
嗜酸性杆状粒细胞eosinophilic granulocyte band form
回盲部结ileocecal tuberculosis
基底basal nucleus
声门结tuberculosis of glottides
出血putamen hemorrhage
视网膜outer nuclear layer
外阴结vulval tuberculosis
多种耐药结multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
女性生殖器结female genital tuberculosis
子宫内膜结endometrial tuberculosis
宫内感染结intrauterine infective tuberculosis
苷酸探针oligonucleotide probe
尿道结tuberculosis of urethra
细胞白血病megakaryocytic leukemia
希氏多孔针刺结菌素试验Heaf multiple puncture tuberculin test
序列特异的寡苷酸探针SSO probe
序列特异的寡苷酸探针sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe
强迫性compulsive checking
微滴droplet nuclei
急性单细胞白血病acute monocytic leukemia
急性粒-单细胞白血病acute myelo-monocytic leukemia
慢性单细胞性白血病chronic monocytic leukemia
慢性纤维空洞型肺结chronic fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis
慢性血行播散型肺结chronic hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis
成人原发结感染adult primary tuberculous infection
仁抗体anti-nucleolar antibody
抗体antinuclear antibody
抗体测定antinuclear antibody assay
蛋白抗体antinucleoprotein antibody
接种后结菌素阳转率postvaccinal tuberculin positive conversion rate
播散性结disseminated tuberculosis
支气管内膜结endobronchial tuberculosis
支气管淋巴结结d'Espine sign
支气管淋巴结结bronchial lymphoid tuberculosis sign
放射性素半衰期radionuclide halflife
放射性素源radionuclide source
无反应性结non-reactive tuberculosis
无反应性结anergic tuberculosis
旧结菌素试验OT test
旧结菌素试验old tuberculin test
早期辐射early nuclear radiation
上性眼肌瘫痪supranuclear ophthalmoplegia
仁管系统nucleolar channel system
仁组织区nucleolar organizing region
仪器nuclear instruments
心运动概念leading circle concept
性白内障nuclear cataract
性眼肌瘫痪nuclear ophthalmoplegia
nuclear vacuole
糖核酸酶保护测定RNase protection assay
糖核酸酶保护测定ribonuclease protection assay
衰变类型nuclear disintegration type
纤维nuclear bag fiber
S 酸酶作图S nuclease mapping
纤维nuclear chain fiber
间性眼肌瘫痪internuclear ophthalmoplegia
黄疸nucleus jaundice
黄疸bilirubin encephalopathy
黄素缺乏病vitamin B₂ deficiency
气管支气管结tracheobronchial tuberculosis
泌尿生殖系统结tuberculosis of genitourinary system
泪腺结tuberculosis of lacrimal gland
活动性肺结检出率detection rate of active pulmonary tuberculosis
浸润型肺结infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis
消化系统结tuberculosis of digestive system
烧伤后心温度core temperature after burn
生殖器结genital tuberculosis
男性生殖器结male genital tuberculosis
疣状皮肤结tuberculosis verrucosa cutis
痰涂片阳性肺结患病率prevalence rate of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis
痰涂片阳性肺结新登记率new case registration rate of new case registration rate of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis pulmonarytuberculosis
皮肤结tuberculosis of skin
眼眶结orbital tuberculosis
眼结tuberculosis of eye
睫状体结tuberculosis of ciliary body
睾丸结tuberculosis of testis
稳定性stable nuclide
空洞性肺结cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis
等位基因特异的寡昔酸探针ASO probe
等位基因特异的寡苷酸探针allele-specific oligonucleotide probe
粟粒性结miliary tuberculosis
精囊结tuberculosis of seminal vesicle
纵隔淋巴结结mediastinal hilar lymph node tuberculosis tuberculosis
性中耳炎tuberculous otitis media
性乳突炎tuberculous mastoiditis
性关节炎tuberculous arthritis
性多浆膜炎tuberculous polyserositis
性宫颈炎tuberculous cervicitis
性巩膜炎tuberculous scleritis
性指炎tuberculous dactylitis
性支气管扩张tuberculous bronchiectasis
性支气管狭窄tuberculous bronchostenosis
性气管炎tuberculous tracheitis
性泪囊炎tuberculous dacryocystitis
性滑膜炎tuberculous synovitis
性眼内炎tuberculous endophthalmitis
性空洞开放性愈合open healing of tuberculous cavity
性结节性红斑tuberculous erythema nodosum
性肛门周围脓肿tuberculous perianal abscess
性肾炎tuberculous nephritis
性肾盂炎tuberculous pyelitis
性肾盂肾炎tuberculous pyelonephritis
性胸腔积液tuberculous pleural effusion
性胸膜炎tuberculous pleuritis
性脉络膜视网膜炎tuberculous chorioretinitis
性脊椎炎tuberculous spondylitis
性脑膜炎tuberculous meningitis
性脑膜炎tubercular meningitis
性腱鞘炎tuberculous tenosynovitis
性腹膜炎tuberculous peritonitis
性腹膜炎护理nursing care of tuberculous peritonitis
性葡萄膜炎tuberculous uveitis
性趾炎tuberculous dactylitis
性风湿病tuberculous rheumatism
性风湿病Poncet disease
性骨炎tuberculous osteitis
性骨髓炎tuberculous osteomyelitis
性骶髂关节炎tuberculous sacro-iliitis
性骶髂关节炎tuberculosis of sacro-iliac joint
性髂关节炎tuberculous coxitis
杆菌培养tubercle bacillus culture
病化学药物治疗chemotherapy of tuberculosis
病发病率incidence of tuberculosis
病年感染率tuberculosis annual infection rate
病患病率prevalence rate of tuberculosis
病感染率tuberculosis infection rate
病新登记率tuberculosis new case registration rate
病死亡率tuberculosis mortality rate
病爆发流行fulminating epidemic of tuberculosis
病病死率tuberculosis fatality rate
病登记率tuberculosis case registration rate
病监测tuberculosis surveillance
菌素单位tuberculin unit
菌素反应tuberculin reaction
菌素皮内试验Mantoux test
菌素皮内试验intradermal terbuculin test
菌素纯蛋白衍生物.purified protein derivative of tuberculin
菌素试验tuberculin test
菌素迟发超敏反应tuberculin delayed hypersensitivity
过敏现象tuberculous allergic phenomenon
面容tubercular facies
结肠结tuberculosis of colon
结膜结tuberculosis of conjunctiva
性白内障perinuclear cataract
耳结tuberculosis of ear
肘关节结tuberculosis of elbow joint
肝结tuberculosis of liver
肝豆状病变护理nursing care of hepatolenticular degeneration
肠结tuberculosis of intestine
肠结intestinal tuberculosis
肩关节结tuberculosis of shoulder joint
肺结pulmonary tuberculosis
肺门淋巴结结hilar lymph node tuberculosis
肾结tuberculosis of kidney
肾结护理nursing care of tuberculosis of kidney
肾结renal tuberculosis
胃结tuberculosis of stomach
胎儿结fetal tuberculosis
胎盘结placental tuberculosis
胰结tuberculosis of pancreas
脉络膜孤立结tuberculosis solitaria choroidea
脉络膜粟粒结tuberculosis miliaria choroidea
脊椎结spinal tuberculosis
脾结tuberculosis of spleen
腹部结abdominal tuberculosis
膀胱结tuberculosis of bladder
舌结tuberculosis of tongue
虹膜结tuberculosis of irides
血小板生成型巨细胞platelet-producing megakaryocyte
血行播散型肺结hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis
视网膜结tuberculosis of retina
质量检查考assessment and evaluation
输卵管结tuberculosis of fallopian tube
迷路结tuberculosis of labyrinth
阴囊壁结tuberculosis of scrotal wall
阴茎结tuberculosis of penis
附着糖体bound ribosome
附睾结tuberculosis of epididymis
附睾结epididymis tuberculosis
male pronucleus
female pronucleus
非结性分枝杆菌non-tuberculous Mycobacterium
非结性分枝杆菌病non-tuberculous mycobacteriosis
颈淋巴结tuberculosis of cervical lymph nodes
颊黏膜结tuberculosis of buccal mucosa
食管结tuberculosis of esophagus
骨与关节结tuberculosis of bone and joint
骨、关节结护理nursing care of tuberculosis of bones and joints
骨盆结tuberculosis of pelvis
nucleus pulposus
鲁尼恩非结性分枝杆菌分类法Runyon classification of non-tuberculous Mycobacterium
鲁尼恩非结性分枝杆菌分类法Runyon classification of atypical Mycobacterium
鼻结tuberculosis of nose