
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
中央党Party School of the CPC
中等职业学secondary vocational school
中等职业学secondary vocational schools
举办各种学establish and administer schools of various types
亚洲和太平洋地区承认高等学教育学历、文凭与学位的地区公约Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific
公办学government-run school
军事学教育education in military schools
军队所属院colleges and schools of the Army
保护protection by school
周边秩序order in the area surrounding the school
基本建设capital construction for school
教育制度school education system
给予的处分punishment imposed by the school
设置规划plan for the establishment of school
学制系统内的学school governed by the schooling system
宗教院religious colleges
寄宿制学boarding school
少年军活动juvenile cadet activity
工读学work-study school
成人高等学higher learning for adult
普通学regular school
普通本科高regular undergraduate institutions
普通高等学regular institutions of higher learning
school property
办产业factories run by schools
务会议school's administrative meeting
外教育after-school education
外法律辅导员after-school legal counselor
外活动场所place for out-of-school activities
school buildings
舍安全school building safety
长办公会议president's administrative meeting
长负责制system under which the principal assumes full responsibility
民办学a privately-run school
民办学举办者sponsors of privately-run schools
法官院judge college and university
结合学的计划combination with the school plan
薄弱学school started on weak foundation
选择院的自由freedom of choice of educational institutions
重点学key school
非重点学non-key school
高等学institutions of higher learning
高等职业学vocational colleges
高等职业学教育tertiary vocational education
高等院colleges and universities