
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
上下文context tree
"与"AND tree
"与/或"AND/OR tree
"与/或"搜索AND/OR tree search
主题topic tree
二叉对分查找binary search tree
二叉binary tree
二叉的旋转rotation of binary tree
优化optimal tree
信宿sink tree
倒置inverted tree
m 元m-ary tree
m 元完全正则m-ary full regular tree
关键码key tree
决策decision tree
决策判定decision tree
决策decision tree method
准完全二叉almost-complete binary tree
分布distribution tree
分布式生成distributed spanning tree
分类形结构sorting tree structure
分类与回归classification and regression tree
判别discrimination tree
动态故障dynamic fault tree
区分distinguishing tree
华莱士加法Wallace add tree
单人博弈one-person game tree
博弈game tree
博弈搜索game-tree search
n叉n-ary tree
双向共享bidirectional shared tree
反演refutation tree
反驳refutation tree
句法syntactic tree
右深连接right deep join tree
后缀suffix tree
启发式与/或捜索heuristic AND/OR tree search
呼叫call tree
命名上下文naming context tree
命题proposition tree
圣诞型分类xmas-tree sorting
均高二叉height balanced binary tree
增强型系统augmented tree system
多元多分multiway tree
字母alphabetic tree
字符character tree
完全 n 叉complete n-ary tree
完全二叉complete binary tree
左深连接left deep join tree
平衡balanced tree
平衡二叉balanced binary tree
引导homing tree
扩充的二叉extended binary tree
抽象语法abstract syntax tree
数字检索digital tree search
文件file tree
无向undirected tree
最优归并optimal merge tree
最小代价生成minimum-cost spanning tree
最小支撑minimum support tree
最小赋权路径长度minimum weighted path length tree
最短路径shortest path tree
有向directed tree
有序ordered tree
有核core based trees
有界平衡bounded-balanced tree
期望解potential solution tree
查询语法query syntax tree
串结构tree-string structure
分类tree sort
分类器tree classifier
tree name
周游tree traversal
tree diagram
型中间语言tree intermediate language
型工作带tree work tape
型拓扑tree topology
型结构数据库机tree structure database machine
封锁协议tree protocol
Upenn Upenn treebank
形结构系统tree-structured system
形网络tree network
形语言tree form language
形选择排序tree selection sorting
搜索tree search
文法tree grammar
查询tree query
桩电缆stub cable
桩网stub network
检索tree search
模式tree schema
状版本模型tree like version model
结构tree structure
结构网络tree structure network
自动机tree automaton
节点的度degree of node in tree
语言tree language
遍历tree traversal
邻接语法tree adjoining grammar
height of a tree
rooted tree
概念concept tree
模糊fuzzy tree
正则表达式regular expression tree
沿生成走两次算法twice-around-the-spanning-tree algorithm
派生derivation tree
浓密bushy tree
源分布source distribution tree
爬概括规则climbing generation tree rule
生成spanning tree
生成generating tree
生成协议spanning tree protocol
生成探测器spanning tree explorer
生成算法spanning tree algorithm
目录directory tree
目录信息directory information tree
目标object tree
目标goal tree
直接网络directed tree
硬件hardware tree
空子empty subtree
穿线threaded tree
穿线的二叉thread binary tree
管理信息management information tree
红黑RED-BLACK trees
终极terminal tree
经济business tree
维护maintenance tree
fat tree
自寻homing tree
自适应步进协议adaptive tree walk protocol
虚拟后缀visual suffix tree
表达expression tree
规则目标rule goal tree
计算computation tree
证明proof tree
词典lexicographic tree
语法分析syntax analysis tree
语法分析parsing tree
贪心greedy tree
进程process tree
连接join tree
退化degenerate tree
霍夫曼Huffman tree
高度平衡height-balanced tree