
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
三重准铁丝网triple standard concertina
不够准的生活环境substandard living environment
21世纪议程全球目global goal in Agenda 21
为不分年龄人人共享社会规划可实现目国际专题讨论会International Symposium on Planning Attainable Targets for Societies for All Ages
亚太区域儿童和妇女社会指训练讲习班Training Workshop on Social Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia-Pacific Region
亚洲及太平洋千年发展目雅加达宣言:通向2015 年之路Jakarta Declaration on Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific: The Way Forward 2015
会计准工作组Working Group on Accounting Standards
依据平等性对偿还率进行准化standardization of reimbursement rates on an equitable basis
债务指debt indicators
儿童和妇女社会统计和指专家协商Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women
儿童基金会/亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会亚洲及太平洋区域儿童和妇女社会统计和指专家协商UNICEF/Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia and Pacific region
全球减贫指global poverty reduction target
全球化学品统一分类签制度专家小组委员会Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
全球化学品统一分类签制度专家小组委员会GHS Subcommittee
全球持续独特的识符persistent global unique identifiers
全球统一分类和签制度globally harmonized system of classification and labelling
公约执行基准和指协商小组Consultative Group on the Benchmarks and Indicators for the Implementation of the Convention
共同的和交叉的目shared and cross-cutting objectives
关于中美洲和加勒比可持续森林管理的准和指标专家会议Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Central America and the Caribbean
关于环境影响评估的目和原则Goals and Principles of Environmental Impact Assessment
制订准和指针development of standards and guidelines
千年发展目Millennium Development Goals
卫生组织/环境规划署联合环境卫生准方案Joint WHO/UNEP Environmental Health Criteria Programme
危险货物运输和全球化学品统一分类签制度专家委员会Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
反光reflectorized marker
可以接受的联合国戒备accepted united nations readiness standards
可持续发展管理Criteria for Sustainable Development Management
可持续性发展可靠指sound indicators for sustainable development
合格eligibility criteria
后向反光志牌retroreflective placard
向最需要的地区送交目?援助target assistance where it is most needed
国际ISO/TC 211international standards iso/tc 211
国际准化组织International organization for standardization
国际会计和报告International Standards of Accounting and Reporting
国际会计和报告准政府间专家工作组Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting
国际南极冰漂流浮方案International Antarctic Ice Drifting Buoy Programme
国际环境保护准讨论会Seminar on International Standards for Environmental Protection
在《千年发展目》的基础上制定一个战略框架strategic framework based on the Millennium Development Goals MDGs
地理信息系统gis standards
经纬coordinates of latitude and longitude
基准和指benchmarks and indicators
基线和具体目baselines and targets
备战准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以促使特派团任务的完成readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved
大地志桩geodetic monument
实施改组方案的警察局将获得波黑特派团关于符合民主执行警务基本准的认可证书。accreditation as meeting basic standards of democratic policing
实现亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年的目和亚太经社会区域残疾人机会平等区域论坛Regional Forum on Meeting the Targets for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons and Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the ESCAP Region
实现千年发展目attain millennium development goals
准杀虫剂产生抗药性的按蚊anopheles mosquitoes resistant to standard insecticides
1990年代目方案基金Programme Fund for the 1990s Goals
总体政治目Over-arching political objective
request for proposal
invitation for bid
invitation to bid
tender notice
bid notice
捐助方所要求的报告程序和会计reporting procedures and accounting standards that are imposed by various donors
排放discharge standard
排雷以支持边界定工作mine clearance in support of demarcation
排雷行动信托基金、速效项目及划定和定边界Trust Funds for Mine Action, for Quick-Impact Projects, and for the Delimitation and Demarcation of the Border (wrong translation para.22 s/2002/744)
收集、分析和传播人力资源开发统计数据和指的指导方针Guidelines for collecting, analysing and disseminating statistics and indicators on human resources development
放弃目De-target nuclear weapons
时间与深度换算表或绘图time/depth conversion table
时间与深度换算表或绘图time/depth conversion plot
有时限的国家指time-bound national targets
本组织目objectives of the Organization
准业务程序standard operating procedures
准作业报告:标准作业报告由部队/特遣队每月使用标准表格在部队/特遣队一级进行standard operational reporting. standard operational reports are performed at the unit/contingent level by the unit/contingent on a monthly basis using a standardized form
准作业程序standard operating procedures
准偿还率standard rates of reimbursement
准和参考材料专家组Group of Experts on Standards and Reference Material
准手术室固定装置和设备standard operating theatre fixtures and equipment
准特护室设备standard intensive care unit equipment
准费用手册Standard Cost Manual
核不扩散与核裁军的原则和目principles and objectives for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament of 1995
检查的准和准则inspection standards and criteria
正式招invitation to bid
残疾人机会均等准规则Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
毒素toxin standards
毒素biotoxin standards
测线line identifier
海运集装箱必须按照国际准进行维护即经认证可用于船运的方有资格获得偿还。sea containers must be maintained to international standards i.e., certified for shipping in order to be eligible for reimbursement
200海里距离distance criterion, 200 nautical mile
热带大气海洋浮阵列Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array
特遣队自备装备主要装备和自我维持的准、核查和控制standards, verification and control of contingent-owned equipment for major equipment and self-sustainment
特遣队自备装备制度准构成部分及租赁备选方案standard elements of the contingent-owned equipment system and lease options
环境ambient standard
环境卫生Environmental Health Criteria
环境和可持续发展指协商专家组Consultative Expert Group on Environment and Sustainable Development Indicators
环境指业务手册Operational handbook on environmental indicators
环境质量environmental quality standard
生物多样性 2010 目2010 Biodiversity Target
生物毒素toxin standards
生物毒素biotoxin standards
直升机降落场记设备发烟榴弹、发光棒和发光片等 helicopter landing site marking equipment smoke grenades, luminous sticks/sheets, etc.
竖立界boundary markers construction of
绩效指indicators of achievements
职业安全occupational safety standards
联合国刑事司法准和准则的形成和应用问题区域间专家筹备会议Interregional Preparatory Meeting of Experts on Formulation and Application of United Nations Standards and Norms in Criminal Justice
联合国少年司法准和政策训练班United Nations Training Course on Juvenile Justice Standards and Policy
联合国边界划定和定信托基金United Nations Trust Fund for the Delimitation and Demarcation of the Border
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法准和规范执行情况会前工作组Pre-sessional Working Group on the Implementation of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法准和规范简编Compendium of United Nations Standards and Norms in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
自我维持self-sustainment standards
自我维持performance standards for self-sustainment
自我维持性能self-sustainment standards
自我维持性能performance standards for self-sustainment
自我维持类别进出任务区时不受问责制约束,而需要进行核查和检查,以确保其满足特遣队商定准和任务规定self-sustainment categories are not subject to accountability upon entry into and departure from the mission area, but rather to verification and inspection to ensure that they meet the agreed standards and mandate of the contingent
装备分类、将要适用的偿还率和classification of equipment, rates and standards to be applied
规范和准制定措施norms and standard-setting measures
请求引渡准程序standardized request for extradition
边界划定和Delimitation and demarcation of the border
达尔富尔界委员会Darfur Boundary Demarcation Commission
近东可持续森林管理的准和指标专家会议Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in the Near East
里约Rio markers
阿拉伯国家会计准讲习班Workshop on Accounting Standards in the Arab Countries
非洲干旱地区可持续森林管理的准和指标专家会议Expert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Dry-Zone Africa
预防犯罪和准规范实施科Crime Prevention and Standards and Norms Implementation Section
食品准法典Codex Alimentarius
饮用水drinking water standard