
Terms for subject Cryptography containing | all forms
一种个人隐私安全平台 the platform for privacy preferencesP3P
一种由一套 3U 结构的欧洲准卡组成的模块化 turbo pmac2 系统级控制器universal motion and automation controller
三重数据加密triple DES
代数准型algebraic normal form
公共密钥加密public-key cryptography standards
公开指public index
公用电子钱包规格CEPS-standard common electronic purse specifications standard
公钥加密public key cryptography standard
加拿大可信计算机产品评估Canadian trusted computer product evaluation criteria
单射injective tag
双精度 IEEE 的double precision IEEE standard (institute of electrical and electronic engineers)
美国可信计算机系统评价trusted computer system evaluation criteria
可信计算机系统评估trusted computer system evaluation criteria
可区分的distinguishing identifier
可扩展记语言extensive markup language
可扩展访问控制记语言extensible access control markup language
固定时间量乘法constant-time scalar multiplication
美国国家准技术研究所national institute of standards and technology
plucker 坐plucker coordinate
基于 GLV 的量乘法GLV-based scalar multiplication
基于信息的记项目information based indicia program
基于分解的指计算法decomposition-based index calculus
基于情报的记项目information-based indicia program
复制copy marking
安全准活动security standard activity
安全志符secure ID
安全security tag
安全security label
安全security marking
安全security banner
安全判定示语言security assertion markup language
安全散列secure hash standard
安全断言置语言security assertion markup language
安全目security target
安全目security goal
安全评估security evaluation criteria
密钥key tag
广义目素性检测general purpose primality test
所提出的加密proposed encryption standard
抗目碰撞target collision resistant
拟加密proposed encryption standard
的乘积法则product rule for indices
的基base of index
table of indices
计算变量index calculus variant
计算方法index-calculus method
计算算法index calculus algorithm
改进型推荐加密improved proposed encryption standard
敏感度sensitivity label
记安全保护labeled security protection
有效valid tag
有理准形或矩阵rational canonical form or matrix
有理准形rational canonical form
准假设standard assumption
准字母standard alphabet
ISO 准散列函数ISO standard hash function
准数论假设standard number theoretic assumption
准的亏格为1的曲线standardized genus 1 curve
准的基于规约的证明技术standard reduction-based proof technique
准的复杂性理论假设standard complexity theoretic assumption
准的最糟情况standard worst-case
准的秘密安全standard covert security
准芯片prototype chip
志获取banner grabbing
注有版权保护内容mark copyrighted content
签一致性tag consistency
记假设marking assumption
识名称distinguished name
题注册信息title registry
登录logon banner
恢复点recovery point objective
线性反馈移位寄存器target LFSR
short tag
short title
禁止任何政策指inhibit any policy indicator
策略映射抑制指policy mapping inhibit indicator
约当准型Jordan canonical form (or Matrix)
约束任意政策指inhibit any policy indicator
美国国家准与技术研究所American National Institute of Standards and Technology
联邦信息处理federal information processing standard
联邦信息处理准出版物federal information processing standards publications
联邦信息处理准已批准安全方法FIPS-approved security method
联邦信息处理准已验证加密术FIPS-validated cryptography
覆盖和分解指计算cover and decomposition index calculus
认证authentication tag
评估目target of evaluation
评估目assessment objective
通用common criteria