
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing | all forms
听力保护damage risk criterion for hearing
听力保护damage risk criterion
听觉危害damage risk criterion for hearing
噪声定值noise rating
噪声定曲线noise rating curves
噪声损伤damage risk criterion
噪声控制criterion for noise control
噪声规范准曲线noise criterion curves
噪声评价psycho-acoustic criterion
试验calibration test
心理声学psycho-acoustic criterion
改良准纯音测听modified standard pure tone audiometry
杰克逊准支气管镜Jackson standard bronchoscope
气导参考零级standard reference zero for the calibration of
准化噪声能量normalized noise energy
准可听阈standard threshold of audibility
准可听阈standard audiometric thresholds
准听力零级standard hearing zero level
准测听阈standard threshold of audibility
准测听阈standard audiometric thresholds
准耳机standard earphone
准零级standard zero
准音调standard musical pitch
准音调cal pitch
记试验mark test
X 横坐X-axis
白喉准毒素normal diphtheria toxin
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