
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一般公认的审计generally accepted auditing standards
一般审计general standards of auditing
《上市公司董事进行证券交易的准守则》Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers
准之方法nonstandard method
准之材料nonstandard material
两阶段投two-tier tender
中信普指数信息服务有限公司S & P/CITIC (指数管理公司)
《中华人民共和国招投标法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Bid Invitation and Bidding
中国崛起的sign of China's rise
串通投bidding ring
串通投bidding collusion
准成本制订的双重计划dual plan for standard costs
主要目和任务major objectives and tasks
主要经济指major economic indicators
主要经济指leading economic indicators
主要金融指principal financial indicators
交易量指分析trade volume indicator analysis
价格指price indicators
价格目price target
估值valuation standard
《保荐人准守则》Model Code for Sponsors
保险insurance subject
保险业计算actuarial basis
保险目object of insurance
信贷credit standard
修订全球会计align global accounting standards
元月指January indicator
全球会计global accounting standards
全球投资表现global investment performance standards
《全球行业分类准》Global Industry Classification Standard
公开招open bid
公用设施招utilities tender
公认的审计general accepted auditing standards
关于准会计实务的说明statement of standard accounting practices
《关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际准银行实务》International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits (ISBP 是银行、进出口商、律师、法官和仲裁员在使用 UCP500 处理信用证实务和解决争端时的重要依据,对各国国际业务从业人员正确理解和使用 UCP500,统一和规范信用证单据的审核实务,减少不必要的争议,具有重要意义,也是 UCP600 订立的重要标准)
内部审计internal auditing standards
内部审计internal audit standard
内部审计准说明statement on internal auditing standard
凯利指Kairi (在技术分析上,这一指标是以图标显示当前收盘价与其简单移动均值的差距(以百分比表示))
出口投风险规避期权export tender risk avoidance option
分期付款installment basis
分期摊还准法standard plan of amortization
利润目profit target
制定一个set a standard
制造业活动指manufacturing activity indicators
制造费用准通知单manufacturing expenses standing orders
动量指momentum indicator (预测未来市场走势的技术分析工具)
区域合作的长远目long-term goal of regional cooperation
千年发展目Millennium Development Goals (即"联合国千年发展目标 (United Nations Millennium Development Goals)")
历史historical standard
历史historical standards
历史准差historical standard deviation
原始目概算original target estimate
发展回合目goals of the development round
发展目development goal
可变动定额variable standard
可达到准成本expected-actual standard cost (attainable standard cost)
合同执行contract execution marked
同步指coincident indicators
同步指coincidence indicators
固定准成本constant standard cost
固定制造费用fixed manufacturing overhead standards
国际准制定机构international standard-setting bodies
国际信息指international information indicators
国际审计和保险准委员会International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
国际投international tender
制度coordinate system
坚持严格的贷款maintain strong underwriting standards
基本准成本指数标准成本,尺度标准成本,静态标准成本,固定标准成本basic standard cost index standard cost, yard stick standard cost, static standard cost, constant standard cost, permanent standard cost
基本审计目primary audit objective
增长决策的incremental decision criteria
外汇综合协议准条款Synthetic Agreements for Forward Exchange Recommended Terms and Com ditions
外界external standards
式计算表columnar work sheet
多目multiple goal
季节性和准成本差异seasonality and standard cost variances
完善成本perfect standard cost
完善准成本perfection standard cost
宏观调控目macroeconomic targets
宏观调控目macroeconomic objectives
定价投priced bid
实现准成本expected-actual standard cost (attainable standard cost)
实现发展回合目achieve the goal of the development round
实现联合国千年发展目achieve the Millennium Development Goals
实际经济增长目real economic growth target
实际预期准成本actual expected standard cost
审计准说明statement on auditing standards
审计报吿目报告政策reporting objective policies
审计报告standard of reporting
审计目audit objective
密封式投sealed bid tender
密封式投sealed bid
对收入低于法定准的联邦帮助negative income tax
币值准计算表tabular standard of value
市场准人market entry standards
布林线指Bollinger bands
开支spending standards
强化必须的国际strengthen international standards, where necessary
征税tax base
投标人successful bidder
成就之standard of performance
成本会计准委员会Cost Accounting Standards Board
成本指cost indexes (indicators)
成本概念和准委员会Committee on Cost Concepts and Standards
成本目cost objective
成本计算cost accounting standards
承兑与拒付acceptance and rejection criterion
承诺实施关于银行保密性和透明度国际commit to international standards with respect to bank secrecy and transparency
承销竞competitive bid underwriting
中分享式货币期权share currency option under tender
买卖bidding trade
保函bid deposit
保证金bid guarantee
审核examination of bid
式拍卖auction in bid
操纵bid rigging
day of tender
期间外汇期权tender to contract option
招标津贴tender allowance
的有效期validity of tender
规则bidding rule
投资的说明书Statement of Investment Targets
投资安全gauge of investment safety
投资情绪指sentiment indicator
投资目investment target
折旧生产准法depreciation production basis method
折旧生产单位准法depreciation productions-unit-basis method
抛物线指parabolic indicator
控制bidding control
损益表之title of profit and loss summary
接纳acceptance criterion
推进战略目push strategic objectives
提高全球生活raise the global standard of living
支付比率之目target payout ratios
收益目earnings target
政府主导的,以更为商业化的体系为目的转型government-led transition towards a more commercially oriented system
政府的目government's target
文字literal symbols
新增信贷目credit growth goal
新增贷款目loan growth target
新帐户new account ticket
无效投invalid bid
最终调整的目预算final adjusted target estimate
机动flexible standard
材料准成本materials standard costs
查帐auditing standards
查故audit standards
target price
价货币quoted currency
成本会计部分计算partial plan of standard accounting
准人寿保险公司Standard Life (创办于 1825 年,是欧洲最大的相互型保险公司,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第287位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第375位)
准会计实务standard accounting practice
准保单exchange policy
准值standard values
准分批成本单standard job cost sheet
准分批量standard run quantity (economic lot size)
准制定机构standard setting bodies
准制造费用standard overhead cost
准加工费standard conversion cost
准化会计standardized accounting
准化制造费用率standardized burden rate
准单位成本unit standard cost
准单位率standard unit rate
准和普尔公司S&P (简称"标普公司",美国著名的信用评级机构)
准工作standard operation
准工时standard labor hour
准工资率standard labor wage rate
准年率standard annual rate
准年金standard annuity
准成本standard cost
准成本会计标准成本制度standard cost accounting standard cost system
准成本会计的单一计划single plan of standard cost accounting
准成本制度之基本特征basic features of a standard cost system
准成本单standard cost sheet
准成本差异variation from standard cost
准成本差异standard costs variance
准成本法the standard-cost method
准成本法standard cost system
准成本结算standard clearing
准成本计算standard costing
准戒本制度standard cost system
准扣除额standard deduction
准投资组合风险分析standard portfolio analysis of risk
准授权书Model Authorisation Letter
准普尔公司Standard & Poor's Corporation (美国著名的统计服务和评级公司,创始于1860 年)
准普尔合格境内机构投资者系列指数Standard & Poor's QDII Indices
准普尔存托凭证Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts
准普尔100指数Standard & Poor's 100 Index
准普尔指数Standard & Poor's Index
准普尔普通股指数Standard & Poor's Common Stock Index
准普尔500种股份指数S & P 500 Index
准普尔500综合股价指数Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index
准普尔股价指数Standard & Poor's Stock Price Index
准普尔500股指S & P 500 (美国股票市场的主要股票指数之一,是一种按成分股的市值(即公司发行股票的数量乘以股票的市场价格而得)进行加权计算的指数)
准普尔股票指数Standard & Poor's Stock Index
准普尔500股票指数Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index (美国标准普尔公司编制和发布的、反映美国股票市场行情变动的股票价格加权平均指数)
准普尔评级Standard & Poor's rating
准普尔评级公司Standard & Poor's (简称"标普公司",是著名的美国信用评级机构,该公司对借款人信用的评价受到资本市场的广泛关注,并可影响债券的价格和借贷成本)
准普尔/香港交易所中型股25指数S & P/HKEx MidCap 25
准普尔/香港交易所创业板指数S & P/HKEx GEM
准普尔/香港交易所大型股指数S & P/HKEx LargeCap
准普尔/香港交易所小型股50指数S & P/HKEx SmallCap 50
准普尔/香港交易所综合指数S & P/HKEx Composite
准机床standard machine tool
准机时standard machine hour
准材料成本standard material cost
准欧洲货币利率standard Euro-currency rate
准汇率standard rate of exchange
准登记服务standard registration service
准盈余standard profit
准组合买卖盘挂盘纪录standard combination order book
准观点standard view-point
准货币记帐单位standard monetary unit of account
准费用standard cost
准转换费用standard conversion cost
准采购价格standard purchase price
准金融理论standard financial theory
南非准银行集团Standard Bank Group (非洲最大的银行,成立于1862年,总部位于约翰内斯堡,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第231位)
准间接制造费standard manufacturing overhead
准间接制造费摊配率standard burden rates of manufacturing expenses
准风险standard risks
普中盘股 400指数S & P MidCap 400 Index
普全球 200指数S & P Global 1200 Index
普全球 100 指数S & P Global 100 Index
普公允价值排名S & P fair value ranking
普创业板指数S & P GEM Index
普/国际金融公司指数S & P/IFCI (由国际金融公司编纂的可投资的新兴市场股票指数)
普/多伦多证交所指数S & P/TSX Index
普/多伦多证交所60指数S & P/TSX 60 Index
普/多伦多证交所600指数参与+C1786 单位S & P/TSX 60 Index participation unit
普小型 600 指数S & P Smallcap 600 Index
普投资政策委员会S & P Investment Policy Committee
普500指数基金S & P 500 Index fund
普推荐资产配置S & P recommended asset allocation
普普通股排名S & P common stock ranking
普每股收益评估S & P EPS estimate
普澳交所100指数S & P SAX 100 Index
普现象S & P phenomenon
普相对强弱排名S & P relative strength rank
普评级S & P rating
普高盛商品指数S & P GSCI
的证券underlying securities (指投资者融人资金可买人的证券和证券公司可对投资者融出的证券)
的证券designated securities
的资产underlying assets (指衍生品合约中约定的资产,可以是实物商品(如原油、小麦、铜等)、金融资产(如外汇、银行存款、股票、证券等)、利率、汇率或各种综合价格指数等)
公称,额定nominal value
称值nominal value
takeover bid
open tender
购要约takeover bid offer
核算指accounting indices
准资产substandard assets
准风险substandard risks
正常normal standard
正常成本normal cost standards
每周售法weekly tender method
每日回报准差standard deviation of daily return
比较方案用的criteria for comparing alternative
汇率目exchange rate target zone
汇率目区理论exchange rate target zone theory
汇率直接价法direct quotation of exchange rate
汇率间接价法indirect quotation of exchange rate
流动性目liquidity goal
流动资金指核对制度system of current capital target checking
现行准成本current standard cost
现行理想的准成本current ideal-standard cost
现金余额cash balance standard
现金投cash tender offer
理想ideal standard
理论成本theoretical cost standard
盈利earning standard
一致性企业目标与职工目标的一致性goal congruence
利润target profit
利润profit target
协调制度goal congruent system
地域target zone
成本target cost
摊还债券targeted amortization class
收益率target cut off rate
法团target corporation
预算法budgeting to objectives
直接价法direct quotation method
相对动量指relative momentum index
短期利润目short-term profit goal
短期增长目short-term grow target
短期经济增长目short-term economic grow target
社会会计的国际准化international standardization of social accounting
秘密招close-door bidding
空头竞short tender
竞争性competitive bid auction
竞价投book building process (包销商用以定价一笔发行的方法。包销商在促销活动结束后把所收集的初步购股订单一一记下,然后根据投资者愿意支付的价格水平确定最终发行价)
精算评估招actuarial tender
累计投book building process
经济周期活动指activity indicators
经济增长目target for economic growth
经济增长目growth target
经济运行的先行指leading indicators
经济运行的滞后指lagging indicators
绩效之standard of performance
综合效益指overall efficiency indicator
美国准普尔500指数American S&P 500
美国债市的准计息方法U.S. street method (指除美国财政部以外,美国债市参与者计算到期收益率使用的标准方法)
美国石油学会重力指API Gravity (美国石油学会采用的一种公认的石油比重指标,可粗略衡量石油的质量)
联合国千年发展目UN Millennium Development Goals (简称"千年发展目标 (Millennium Development Goals,MDGs)",2000 年9 月在联合国首脑会议上获得一致通过,即承诺在2015年之前将全球贫困水平降低一半(以1990年的水平为标准))
融资目financing objective
补充准则supplementary criteria
评估assessment criteria
评估全球会计review global accounting standards
财务会计准委员会financial accounting standards board
财务会计准的解释interpretation of statement of financial accounting standards
财务报告目financial report objective
财务报告编制rule for the preparation of financial statement
财务指financial indicator
财务指目标financial target
财务指financial index
财务目financial target
财政目financial objective
货币供应目money supply target
货币目的制定money targeting
贷款norm of lending
贷款lending criteria
费用expense standard
超买超卖指over bought over sold
运输成本指target of transportation cost
选择choice criterion
通胀指货币政策inflation indexed monetary policy
通胀目inflation targets
通胀目inflation goal
通货膨胀目制定inflation targeting
通过持续不断努力最终达到改革目achieve the final objectives of reform through sustained efforts
量化目quantitative targets
金融指financial indicator
金融政策目monetary policy targets
金融政策目monetary policy objectives
金融服务招tender for banking services
金融服务招banking services tender
金融服务招banking tender
银行识号码bank identification number
长期目long-range goal
间接价法indirect quotation (外汇术语,指一单位本国货币可兑换若干单位外币的报价方式)
间接费分配base for overhead distribution
间接费用overhead expense standards
零手卖空指odd-lot selling indicator
零股卖空指odd-lot selling indicator
准交易日期broken date (远期市场标准交易日期以外的交易日,英文又称"odd date")
准报价split quotation
准期权non-standard option
准期限套算汇率triangular arbitrage
准期限套算汇率broken cross rates
非指债券off-the-run issue
预定predetermined standards
风险资本risk-based capital standard