
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一次性声呐浮传感器expendable sonobuoy
丁字风向wind tee
企业准工具清册list of factory standard tool
分类classification criterion
分至坐equinoctial system of coordinates
分配构型allocated configuration identification
圆形靶circular target
圆柱坐型机器人cylindrical robot
圆柱坐cylindrical coordinate system
圆锥风wind cone
备件志授权spares identification authorization
备用目alternate target
射击图器attack plotter
射线照相检验radiographic inspection standard X
射频目模拟器radio frequency target simulation
开始准仪表进场进近beginning standard instrument approach
开始准保持程序beginning standard holding procedure
开始准距离进场进近beginning standard range approach
开尔文温thermodynamics absolute temperature scale
体系parameter system
变量target variable
阈值metric threshold
指令控制声纳浮系统command active sonobuoy system
指向信标接收机marker beacon receiver
指定的目designated target
Z 指点Z marker
指点系统marker beacon system
指点信marker beacon (这些信标用来辨识沿航路或进近到仪表跑道的特殊位置。这是通过75MHz 的发射机完成的,它向在头上方飞的飞机发射定向信号。这些指点信标一般与航路中的导航设备以及作为点指示器的仪表着陆系统一起使用)
指点信marker beacon
激光或其他照射器使用的指示designation marking
指针位置线tramline pointers
指针位置线tramline pointer
最低使用性能minimum operational performance standard
最低合格acceptable defect level
最低性能minimum performance property standard
最低性能minimum performance criterion
最低性能要求minimum performance standard
最低航空飞机系统性能minimum aviation system performance standard
最低航空系统minimum aeronautical system standards
最低航空系统性能minimum aviation system performance standards
最低运行性能minimum operational performance standard
最佳空中目瞄准传感器optimum aerial targeting sensor
最大浓度准或含量maximum concentration level
最小间隔minimum separation standard
request for proposal
规格实验室standards laboratory
额定推力normal rated thrush
正常温度和压力normal temperature ftnd pressure
装配模式组件standardized assembly module
装配模式组件standard assembly module
准与推荐实例国际民用航空组织出版的Standards and Recommended Practices
准与推荐条款standards and recommended practices
准中央大气数据计算机standard central air data computer (美国)
准交付日期standard delivery date
准产品定义standard product definition
准仪表飞行起飞离场standard instrument departure
准仪表到场standard instrument arrival (一个指定的 IFR (仪表飞行规则)到场航线,通常在空中交通服务 (ATS )航线上,并从某一点开始执行公布的仪表进近程序。必要时或在取得操作优先权的情况下,要发布由航路飞行段到进近程序中所使用的定位点或设备的到场航线。当到场航线发布后,相关区域的宽度从航路值以航路轴两边30°的汇聚角逐步降低到“初始进近值”。如果到航线的长度大于或等于25 n mile,汇聚过程在初始进近点前25 n mile 开始,如果到航线的长度小于25 n mile,汇聚则由到场航线的起点开始。到场航线一般在初始进近点结束。考虑到最小区域高度,可以提供全方位的或者区域到场)
准仪表离场standard instrument departures
准仪表离场standard instrument departure
准仪表离场飞行系统standard instrument departure system
准仪表起飞离场standard instrument departure (一种指定的仪表飞行规则 (IFR )离场航线,其连接着机场或具有一个特定要机场的特定跑道,这个重要点通常是在指定的空中交通服务 (ATS )航线上,是飞行途中阶段的开始。一条标准的 IFR 离场航线可使空中交通管制员发表简短的许可,从而加速交通流量。这个程序通过图形和文本形式印刷出来交给飞行员。SID 提供了一种从终端到合适的途中结构的过度。SID 通常仅适应不同类型的飞机。只适合某种特殊种类飞机的 SID 有专门的标注。 SID 通常在离场程序之后第一个定位点、设备或途中阶段的航路点处结束。通常有两种基本的离场航线:直飞和转弯。standard instrument approach (标准仪表进场进近), standard instrument departure chart (标准仪表离场航图))
准仪表起飞离场系统standard instrument departure system
准仪表起飞离场顺序standard instrument departure sequence
准仪表进场进近standard instrument approach
准仪表进场standard instrument approach
准仪表进场系统standard instrument approach
准仪表进场进近程序standard instrument approach procedure
准仪表进近standard instrument approach
准仪表飞行进场standard instrument arrival
.准件standard part
准件仓库standard part warehouse
准件偏差standard parts deviation (用于零件制造和装配的标准件与工程图纸规定的标准件信息不符,该信息包括标准件牌号、标准件尺寸、标准件标记、标准件性能及标准件标准。包括 I 类标准件偏差和 II 类标准件偏差。I 类标准件偏差,影响零件的最终之用状态;II 类标准件偏差,不影响零件的最终之用状态)
准件手册standard manual
准件托运费用unit handling cost
准件清单standard parts list
准价格指南benchmark pricing guide
准传输码standard transmission code
准低频导航进场进近standard low frequency range approach
准作业指令standard operational order
准使用程序standard operation procedure
准依据性图表master diagram (模线部门编制的供设计部门用的一种图纸,它表明了飞机最主要的原始结构、形状所用到的许多视图、尺寸、方程式,它以数字形式标记出各种有关基准名称、站位、主要铰链线、对接交点等)
准依据性图表master diagram
准信息中心standard information center
准信息库standard information library
准信息标识符standard message identifiers
准信息格式standard message format
准修理手册standard repair manual
准修订通知standard revision notice
准全向无线电信标进场standard omnirange approach
准军用制图程序standard military drawing program
准出席与劳力收集系统standard attendance and labor collection system
Wichita 准刀具Wichita standard cutter
准分发清册standard distribution list
准分度系统standard indexing system
准初速standard muzzle velocity
准到场航线standard terminal arrival route
准制造工序standard manufacturing procedure
准刻度standard scaling
准动态模型standard dynamics model
准化协议standardization agreement
准化国际组织international organization for standardization
准化、构型和改型计划standardization, configuration and modification program
准化测试程序standardize test program
准化目录standardization directory
准化程序standardization program
准化简化规范standardization simplification specification
准化网络体系结构standard network architecture
准化航空导航与制导standardized aeronautical navigation/guidance
准化设计备忘录standardization design memoranda
准化设计方法standardized design solutions
准化评估组standardization evaluation group
准化重量记录系统standardized weights record system
供应物资的准单位uncocked position
准单位canonical unit
准单元法standard cell method
准原器primary standard
准及推荐措施Standard and Recommended Practices
准发火装置standard firing unit
准受控结冰云团a measured controlled simulated icing cloud
准和推荐实践Standard and Recommended Practices
准和核动力舱standard and nuclear propulsion module
准和质量控制部门standard and quality control department
准国际单位unit standard international unit
准地址生成程序standard address generator
准地面导航系统standard terrestrial navigation system
准坐标系统standard coordinate system
准型五点式约束系统standard five-point restraint harness
准基准参考数据standard reference data
准基准数据系统standard reference data system
准基地供应系统standard base supply system
准基本空重standard basic empty weight
准外形样板master contour template
准大气压atmosphere pressure
准姿态航向基准参考系统standard attitude and heading reference system
准孔定位样板master hole locating template
准守则standard code
准定位服务standard position service
准实施器standards enforcer
准实验卫星standard experiment satellite
准实验室资料手册standard laboratory information manual
准审査委员会board of standard review
准密度standard specific gravity
准导航计算机standard navigation computer
准射束进场着陆系统standard beam approach (system)
准射束进场着陆系统standard beam approach system
准工作卡standard job card
准工作法standard practice
准工作法修正standard practice amendment
准工作法备忘录standard practices memorandum
准工作法手册standard practice manual
准工作法说明standard practice instructions
准工作法通告standard practice bulletin
准工作程序standard working procedure
准工作程序standard practice procedure
准工作订货与报告数据系统standard work ordering and reporting data system
准工具standard tool
准工具存货清单standard tool inventories
准工时standard hours
准工程安装工作包standard engineering installation package
准工程实践惯例standard engineering practice
准工程师学会standard engineers society
准工艺手册standard process manual
准工艺装备master tool (亦称标准工装或标工,是以1 : 1真实尺寸体现产品某些部位几何形状和尺寸的刚性实体,作为制造、检验和生产用工艺装备的模拟量标准,是保证工装之间和产品部、组件之间尺寸和形状协调互换的重要依据)
准工艺装备master tools
准工艺装备master tooling
Wichita 准工装Wichita standard tool
准工装standard tooling
Macon 准工装Macon standard tool
准工装定位系统standard tool location system
准工装指令standard tool order
准工装控制master tooling control
准工装样板master tooling template
准工装索引系统standard tool index system
准工装订货单master tool order
准工装订货请求master task order request
准常规装载standard conventional load
准平均弦standard mean chord
准平板tool master (用于协调标准样件、装配型架等多孔对接平面上的孔位)
准平板tool master
准序列号standard serial number
准建模语言unified modeling language
准弯管normal bend
准弹道standard trajectory
准弹道大气standard artillery atmosphere
准弹道带standard artillery zone
准形式standard model
准性能简表standard performance summary charts
准情况standard conditions
准战区陆军指挥与控制系统standard theater army command and control system
准技术说明standard technical instruction
准折射standard refraction
准指令standing order
准振荡器reference oscillator
准接口应用性分析程序standard interface applicability analysis program
准接口数据库standard interface database
准接口规范standard interface specification
准接口项目standard interface item
准控制功能standards control function
准控制量规master control gage
准措施standard method
准操作手册standard operating manual
准操作扩展程序standard operating procedure amplified
准操作程序standard operation procedure (涵盖那些使它们成为明确的或标准化的程序而不失去效力的操作特征的指令集。除非命令使用其他程序,这个程序都可应用。使用这些程序能减少下达指令时间并消除不明确性和重复性)
准操作计划standard operating plan
准操作说明指令standard operating instruction
准数据单standard data sheet
准数据处理机standard data processor
准数据文档standard data file
准数据访问接口standard data access interface
准断面typical section
准旅客商载standard passenger payload
准无线电信标导航进场standard range approach
准日期大气、海平面高度表设定standard day, sea level altimeter setting
准时zone time
准时间与速率设定standard time and rate setting
准显微镜standard microscope
准更改standard change
准更改综合与跟踪standard change integration and tracking
准替代standards substitution
准替代申请standard substitution request
准有效载荷显示和控制接口standard payload display and control interface
准构型标识符standard configuration identifiers
准样件master (作为制造和控制生产工装尺寸的依据,以便在孔之间、特定零件的表面和/或外形、配合零件或装配件、或其他部分之间建立相互的关系)
准样件工作法master tool method
准样机pattern aircraft
准核武器nominal weapon
准桨距standard pitch (螺旋桨的桨在螺旋桨三分之二半径处测得的几何桨距,用百分数的形式来表示,又称 nominal pitch (标称节距))
准检查准则standard inspection criteria
准检查程序bench mark
准检査程序standard inspection inspect procedure
准检査设备standard inspection equipment
准检索系统standard indexing system
准模块航空电子设备修理和测试standard modular avionics repair and test
准模块航空电子设备报告和测试standard modular avionics report and test
准模型/标准样件master model
准模拟数字系统standard analog to digital system
准模片calibration templet
准正常模式standard normal mode
准武器接口装置standard armament interface unit
准气压高度standard pressure altitude
准油standard oil
准波束引导进场standard beam approach
准波束着陆制导系统standard beam landing guidance system
准波束进场进近standard beam approach
准波束进场进近系统standard beam approach system
准注语standard notes
准流量standard flow
准测量仪master gauge
准测量仪器standard measuring instruments
准测量程序standard measurement program
准海平面sea level standard
准海平面大气standard sea level air
准海平面大气压力sea level standard atmosphere pressure
准温度normal temperature
准温度0°C,标准气压和干燥气体状态standard temperature, pressure, dry
准温度和标准压力standard temperature and pressure (指气温和气压)
准温度日hot day
准滤线栅standard grid
准物质标准值certified value of reference material
准特性的自动驾驶仪bogey autopilot
准生产程序standard manufacturing program
准生成自由焓standard free enthalpy of formation
准电子情报资料系统代码与格式standard electronic intelligence data system codes and format
准电子设备系统standard electronic assembly system
准界面/接口控制文件standard interface control document
准白standard white
测量准的保持conservation of measurement standard
准的数字化乐器接口文件standard MIDI file
准的红外辐射模式standardized intra red radiation model
准的自然结冰条件measured natural icing condition
准盲目进场进近standard blind approach
准相互交换格式standard interchange format
准瞄准具master service sight
准短缺通知standard shortage notice
准研制程序standard development procedures
准硬盘文档standard disk drive
准硬盘驱动standard disk drive
准空机重量standard empty weight
准空运军需品集装箱standard air munitions package
准立方英尺/分的气流standard cubic feet per minute of gaseous airflow
准立方英尺每分钟standard cubic feet per minute
准立方英尺每小时standard cubic feet per hour
准立方英尺每秒second cubic feet per second
准立方英尺/秒second cubic feet per second
准等级standard class
准管理控制委员会standard control board
准箱twenty foot equivalent unit
准类型的发动机type engine
准精确导航standard precision navigation
准级normal category (飞机型号证书中的标准级,不包括特技飞行)
准纬线standard parallel (标于地图或航图上的一条或多条平行线,这些线表明了这张地图或航图的比例)
准线径规standard wire gauge
准组件化电子修理和测试standard modular avionics repair and test
准终端到达standard terminal arrival
准结构模线master layout (是一套1 : 1按照工程设计图设计的平面图形结构。它以精确的细则绘出每一个零件、组合件或一组互相有关系的组件)
准结构模线master layout
准维修程序standard maintenance program (procedure)
准罗兰standard Loran
准联机组件standard on-line module
准自动重新计划系统standards automated reschedule system
准航空弹药组件standard air munitions package
准航空电子模块standard avionics modules
准航空电子系统standard avionics system
准航空电子组件standard avionics modules
准航空电子综合控制系统standard avionics integrated control system
准航站与进场飞机报告系统standard terminal and arrival reporting system
准航站及进场飞机报知系统standard terminal and arrival reporting system
准航站自动替换系统standard terminal automation replacement system
准航站进场standard terminal arrival, standard terminal arrival route
准航站进场航路standard terminal arrival, standard terminal arrival route
准航站进场航路standard terminal arrival routes
准航站进场航路standard terminal arrival route
准螺距nominal pitch
准表法master meter method
准装载type load
准装载单元装置standard carry on units
准装配模块standardized assembly modules
准规main gage (gauge)
准规范更改通知standard specification change notice
准角形式standard angle format
准计算机公司standard computer corporation
准设备操作法standard equipment practice
准设施材料清单standard facility material list
准设施设备清单standard facility equipment list
准评审standards evaluation
准试验发动机standard testing motor
准试验大纲standard test program
准试验构型standard test configuration
准试验设备程序standard test equipment procedure
准试验飞行器standard test vehicle
准说明图standard instruction sheets
准转弯normal turn (两分钟转360°)
准转弯率standard rate of turn
准运行指令standard operating instruction
准进场进近standard approach
准进场航线standard arrival route
准进场航路系统standard terminal arrival route system
准进场路线standard terminal arrival route
准适用性试验standard serviceability test
准选件standard option
准选择standard option
准通用标记语言standard generalized mark-up language
准重力standard gravity (标准地球引力加速度时的重力)
准重力加速度free fall (其值为9.8米/秒)
准量规master gage (用于协调产品部、组件接头的对合协调和保证部、组件的互换; 协调标工之间的对合接头位置; 协调型架之间的对合接头定位器位置)
准量规master gage
准钻孔量规master drill gage
准长度信息standard length message
准陆军管理信息系统standard army management information systems
准零件实样master tooling part (是一种按名义尺寸准确制造的生产用产品零件,被接受作为工装制造和协调用的尺寸依据)
准零件实样master tooling part
准零件手册standard parts manual
准面对面导弹standard surface-to-surf ace missile
准项目变更standard item variations
准频率和时间信号standard frequency and time signal
准额定功率normal rated power (发动机在不造成损伤的情况下能连续运行的最大功率。又称 maximum continuous power (最大连续功率))
准额定速度normal rating number
准风速仪standard anemometer
准飞机无线电机箱standard aircraft radio case
准飞机武器监控器与投弹控制系统standard aircraft weapon monitor and release control system
准飞机特性standard aircraft characteristics
准飞行数据记录器standard flight data recorder
准马赫数calibrated Mach
准高度standard altitude
准高度表设定值standard altimeter setting
定和测量系统calibration and measurement system
定图labelled graph
定实验室calibration laboratory
定架calibration frame
定检验calibration check
定点aiming point
定表速calibrated air speed
定表速calculated air speed
定计算scale calculation
定量程calibrated span
定阶跃calibration step
工指令master tool order
工指令申请master tool order request
工控制图master control drawing (用于控制尺寸、公差的工装图,它代替了真正的标工)
工控制图master control drawing
工申请联系单master tool order request
度函数scaling function
度参量scale parameter
度改变scale change
度理论scaling theory
志复印样板identification masking template (是丝网印刷部门印刷背面复印标志用的一种样板)
志复印样板identification masking template
志灯logo light
志灯光指示器marker light indicator
志点pass point
志盘marking panel
有检查点的航行图control plot
本几何学specimen geometry
calibration model
模试验calibration-model test
callout notes
identification plate
牌值placard value
marking up
示部队marking team
称上爬nominal climb
称交错nominal stagger
称减速点nominal deceleration point
称分离nominal separation
称加速nominal acceleration
称加速点nominal acceleration point
称参考nominal reference
称孔径normal hole
称平均元素nominal mean element
称弹道nominal trajectory
称形状nominal shape
称情况nominal case
称控制力nominal control force
称提升nominal ascent
称攻角nominal angle of attack
称模型nominal model
称涡nominal vortex
称真空推力nominal vacuum thrust
称范围nominal range
称设计nominal design
称车辆nominal vehicle
称转速nominal speed
称配置nominal configuration
称预测nominal prediction
instruction decal
签交换路径label switched path
线hair line
平面标示低空飞行目标用的rats table
记交换应用label switched application
记信息管理系统mark information management system
记修改申请maker request for revision
记分配协议label distribution protocol
记原图申请request for marker artwork
记打点样板marking dot template
记树labelled tree
记虚拟电路label virtual circuit
识号码identification number
识项目identification item
计量长度gauge length
scalar (区别于向量)
量函数scalar function
量参数scalar parameter
量耗散率scalar dissipation rate
题关键词索引key word in title
题开始字符start of heading character
题改变transfer of title
题栏index panel
题选择heading select
altitude calibration
高列注记number contour
scale height
球体坐spherical coordinate system
球坐spherical coordinate
理想气体温ideal-gas temperature scale
码头calibration in dock
适航airworthiness standard
适航airworthiness regulation
适航airworthiness tag (局方代表或其授权人签发的,用于表明产品已经经过制造符合性检查,符合型号设计要求的证书“包括 AAC-038 表、 FAA Form 8130-3、EASA Forml 等”)
适航签管理airworthiness tag management
适航批准Airworthiness Approval Tag
阀门及配件制造工业准化协会Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry
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