
Terms for subject Plastics containing | all forms
一般general labeling
准产品non-regulatory products
企业company standard (specification)
准的low level
俄罗斯TOCT 俄文Russian standard
克诺普硬度Knoop scale
公司company standard (specification)
internal standard
内径管材inside diameter calibration
华氏温FFahrenheit scale
参考reference marks
双轴准应力biaxial normal force stress
可燃性flammability standards
烫印机heat brander
单位international unit
国家规定的state-specified standards
国际准化协会International Standards Organization
国际准化协会International Standardization Organization
国际准化协会推荐标准ISO recommendation
国际准化协会标准ISO standard
国际准协会International Standards Organization
对比准样品standard of comparison
工业industrial standards
工业commercial standard
工业指浓度毒物学technical guideline concentration
带条状包装strip label
德国工业Deutsche Industrie Norm
德国工业德文Deutsche Industrie Norm
感光参考photographic reference standard
技术性能performance standards
持久包装permanent label
推荐recommendation standard
日本工业Japanese Industrial Standart
暂行ASTMtentative standard
志的模腔嵌件mould insert for marking
条带状band label
normal state
准化生产线standard line
准喷嘴standard nozzle
准国际单位制单位Standard International unit
准坯件master blank
准型式standard type
准嵌件standard insert
准成型料standardized moulding compound
准成型料standardized moulding composition
准成型料standardized molding composition
模具准框架standard frame
准模master mould
准模master mold
准模具可互换内嵌件的模具unit mould
准模具可互换内嵌件的模具unit mold
准模型master model
准模塑料standardized moulding composition
准模塑料standardized moulding compound
准模塑料standardized molding composition
准模塑料standard moulding compound
准模塑料classified moulding material
准模架standard mould frame
准模架standard mold frame
准浇口standard gate
准焊接normal weld
准环境standard atmosphere
准管螺纹normal pipe thread
准色standard colours
准薄膜standard film
准试样standard bar
准试验calibration test
准误差mean error
准附件standard equipment
准黏度计master viscometer
定功率nominal horsepower
度偏转scale deflection
display panel
志塞marking plug
志用圆形柱销round plug for marking
志用圆形模具嵌件round mould insert for marking
志用圆形模具嵌件round mold insert for marking
志销为制品上带标志marking pin
称功率normal horsepower
称宽度nominal width
包装display panel
签涂胶机label gummer
签黏合剂label adhesive
线bench mark
标距gage marks
标距gauge marks
距伸长elongation between gages
检验塑料模制品上certification of quality mark
检验合格conformity certification mark
模具tool mark
模具mould mark
横坐axis of abscissae
欧洲塑料Europäische Normen
流度flow tab
热压hot press marking
物性指physical indes
瑞典Swedish Standardization
硬度hardness scale
硬度scale of hardness
社团company standard (specification)
粗糙scale of roughness
paper label
绝对定absolute scaling
统一准螺纹美、英、加拿大Unified thread
美国准协会United States American Standards Institute
美国材料试验学会ASTM standards
耐光牢度light fastness standard
联邦美国Federal Standards
color scale
colour scale
色度坐chromaticity coordinate
色度指tinting value
英国准学会British Standard Institute
蓝色blue scale
螺纹准图表thread representation
装配matching mark
规格specification standards
警告包装caution label
质量检验quality control standards
签凹面板recessed panel
签装置labelling equipment
贴商凹面包装label panel
交通strip marker
配对matching mark
陈列品包装display label
准模塑料not-standardized moulding compound
高斯准分布Gaussian distribution
黏度准液viscosity standard liquid