
Terms for subject Genetics containing | all forms
个体型idiotypic marker
二等位biallelic marker
交叉激活cross activation marker
亲和记物affinity tag
代谢法放射性metabolic radiolabeling
位点专一site-specific labeling
位点特异性site-specific labeling
低效率low efficiency marker
体内in vivo marker
体内in vivo labeling
体外in vitro marker
体外in vitro labeling
体细胞转座子签法somatic transposon tagging
作图mapping marker
total labeled
general labelling
共价covalent labeling
DNA 分子DNA molecular marker
分子记育种molecular markers assisted breeding
化学荧光chemiluminescent labelling
记分析one-marker analysis
单脉冲single pulse labeling
参考reference specimen
签表ditag list
双侧记回归分析flanking marker regression analysis
双因子签法two-element transposon tagging
双重double labeling
固定准地permanent sample plot
国际基因库international genebank standards
均匀记的uniformly labeled
均匀记的evenly labeled
均匀记的 DNA 探针uniformly labeled DNA probe
基于记的分析方法marker-based analysis
基因gene tagged
基因gene labeling
基因组genomic marker
外部outside marker
记示踪技术multitracer technique
奈氏准遗传距离Nei’s standard genetic distance
姊妹染色单体记节段交换sister label exchange
定位mapping marker
定位locating marker
定向转座子targeted transposon tagging
差示differential labelling
差示differential labeling
平均准差standard deviation of the mean
平均准误standard error of the mean
平整末端blunt end labeling
序列志位点sequence tagged site
序列签位点sequence tagged site
序列记连接子sequence tagged connector
同种异型allotypic marker
微卫星 DNA microsatellite DNA marker
性状-记回归trait-marker regression
抗药性drug-resistance marker
按计划进行nominally labeled
接尾tailed labeling
放射性radioactive marker
放射性radioactive tagging
放射性记化合物radiolabeled compound
放射性记探针radiolabeled probe
放射性记物radioactive label
放射性记蛋白质radiolabeled protein
更新regeneration standard
未知 SAGE 签的快速分析rapid analysis of unknown SAGE tag
5'-末端5'-end labeling
3'-末端3'-end labeling
末端end labeling
末端记探针end labeled probe
末端记终止法end labeling termination method
末端记载体end labeling vector
染色体chromosome marker
准分子量 DNADNA marker
准株系standard strain (S 株系)
准近交选择方案standard inbreeding scheme
准近交选择计划standard inbreeding scheme
准遗传距离standard genetic distance
志 DNAmarker DNA
志性状marker character
志系统marker system
点密码子punctuation codon
T-DNA 签法T-DNA tagging
PCR PCR marker
RFLP RFLP marker
记 DNAlabeled DNA
记互换开关reciprocal switches of label
记分子marker molecule
记回归分析marker regression analysis
记引物 PCRlabeled primers PCR
记获救rescue marker
记获救作图marker rescue mapping
记辅助导入marker-assisted introgression
记辅助选择marker assisted selection
记选择marker selection
记酶tagging enzyme
记非互换开关non-reciprocal switches of label
M₁₃ 模板M₁₃ template labeling
记 DNAtritium-labelled DNA
tritium labeling
记染色体tritium-labelled chromosome
记的tritium labelled
活体in vivo marker
特异记的specific labeled
生化biochemical marker
生物学biological marker
生物技术记技术biotechnological marker techniques
生物素记探针biotin labeled probe
生物素记的biotin labeled
离体in vitro marker
累积记法cumulative labeling method
脉冲记 RNApulse-labeled RNA
脉冲记技术pulse-labeling technique
脉冲追踪记试验pulse-chase labeling experiment
荧光记引物fluorescent primer
荧光记技术fluolabelled technology
荧光记的终止剂fluorescent terminator
荧光记的终止剂fluorescently-labeled terminator
蛋白质记技术protein marker techniques
补齐末端polish end labeling
识另recognition marker
贝尔幼儿发育Bayley scales of infant development
negative labeling
转座子transposon tag
RNA 转录RNA transcriptional labeling
轻同位素记的light label
辅酶coenzyme labeling
适应adaptive norm
选择selected marker
遗传genetical marker
遗传genetic marker
enzyme labeling
记免疫测定enzyme labelled immunoassay
记探enzyme-labelled probe
铁蛋白ferritin labeling
α-链α-chain marker
DNA 长度准物DNA marker
间接末端indirect end labeling
随机random transposon tagging
随机randomly labeling
随机引导的 DNA random primed DNA labelling
随机引物stochastic primer labeling
随机引物记法random primer labeling method
隐缩末端recessed end labeling
非姊妹记交换non-sister label exchange
非放射性non-radiometric labeling
非放射性non-radioactive labeling
非目non-target species
非选择性non-selective marker
顺序ordered marker
高效率high efficiency marker