
Terms for subject Water resources containing | all forms
产生的准吉布斯能standard Gibbs energy of formation
产生的准摩尔吉布斯能量standard molar Gibbs energy of formation
供水水质浊度指water supply quality turbidity index
假设准态溶液hypothetical standard state solution
美国环境保护局国家一级饮用水暂行National Interim Primary Drinking Water Standards (EPA)
国家二级排放second grade of national discharge standard
地下水保护ground water protection standard
地下水水质groundwater quality standard
地卡水环境水质environmental quality standards for groundwater
地表水环境水质environmental quality standards for surface water
城市底水水质municipal water supply quality standard
多白参数估算multiple objective parameters estimation
安全容许acceptable standards of safety
富营养eutrophic criteria
布朗水质指Brown water quality index
希尔森霍夫生物指HilsenhofFs biotic index
微生物指microorganism index
投药剂量当量指dose-equivalent index
权重index weight
排污sewage discharge standard
排污准总量total amount of pollutant discharge standard
排污指effluent guidelines
最大剩余消毒剂水平目maximum residual disinfectant level goals
最大污染物水平目maximum contaminant level goals
有效工业废水排放指effective index of industrial wastewater emissions
有机污染organic pollution criteria
有机污染物organic pollutant criteria
准剂standard materials
准化核机组电站系统standardized nuclear unit power plant system
美国地质调查局准参考水样本standard reference water samples (USGS)
准参考物质standard reference materials
准吉布斯能standard Gibbs energy
准吸附剂model adsorbents
准容量standard volume
准态系统non-standard state system
准断面standard cross-section
准毒性检测standard toxicity test
准气压normal atmosphere
准气味单位standard odor units
准水与废水检测方法standard methods fbr examination of water and wastewater
准污染物criteria pollutant
准淡水介质standard freshwater medium
pH 准缓冲溶液pH standard buffer solution
准缓冲溶液standard buffer solution
pH 准缓冲溶液pH standard buffer
准膜滤大肠杆菌检验方法standard methods fbr membrane filtration fecal coliform test
准转氧效率standard oxygen transfer efficiency
水体水质water body water quality standard
水环境质量water environment quality standard
水质准框架water quality standard framework
水质识指数water quality identification index
水质识指数法water quality identification index method
水质化学指chemical water quality indices
水质指water quality factor
水质指index of water quality
水质管理目water quality management goals
水质评价water quality assessment standard
污染指pollutional index
污染指contamination index
污染物准指标pollutant standard index
污水排放effluent discharge standard
污水排海ocean discharge criteria
河流水质目river water quality objectives
河流水质目river quality objective
海水水质sea water quality standard
海洋环境作业浮operational buoys fbr ocean environment
渔业用水水质fishery water quality standard
湖泊富营养lake eutrophic criteria
湖泊富营养eutrophic criteria of lake
灌溉水质standards fbr irrigation water quality
灌溉用水水质irrigation water quality standard
特伦特生物指Trent biotic index
环境决策目体系objectives system of environmental decision
环境质量准最大容许值environmental quality standard maximum acceptable
理化指physicochemical index
理化环境指physicochemical environment index
生态环境指ecoenvironmental index
生物biological standards
相对准偏差related standard deviation
硅藻生物指diatom biotic index
管道pipe standards
纺织工业染整水污染物排放discharge standard of water pollutant for dyeing and finishing of textile industry
综合指comprehensive index
综合风险评价指体系integrated risk assessment indexes system
罗斯水质指Ross water quality index
美国联邦安全饮用水Federal Safe Drinking Water Standard
荧光识水处理剂fluorescence-labelled water treatment agent
达西度活性物质运移方程Darcy-scale reactive transport equation
达西度非活性物质运移方程Darcy-scale nonreactive transport equation
造纸工业排放水污染物水质discharged water standard of discharged water pollutant for paper industry
风险分散体系指risk dispersion index method
饮用水卫生sanitary standard fbr drinking water
饮用水水质drinking water quality standard
饮用水水质浊度指drinking water quality turbidity index
饮用水汞质基准drinking water quality criteria standard
高镒酸钾指potassium permanganate index