
Terms for subject Environment containing 标量 | all forms
住宅质量标准housing quality standard A norm or measure applicable in legal cases and considered to reflect a relatively high grade or level of excellence in the construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use or appearance of dwelling units (适用于合法案件的准则或标准,和考虑使住所单位在建造、维修、运作、居住、使用或外观上,反映出较高等级或优秀水平。)
美国国家环境空气质量标准National Ambient Air Quality Standards
大气质量标准同盟Air Quality Standards Coalition
海洋氯化物标准平均含量standard mean ocean chloride
环境质量标准environment quality standards
环境质量标准environmental quality standard Normative documents and guidelines for determining the degree of environmental conditions and requirements to avoid negative and damaging effects, influences, and consequences (规范化的文档和指导方针,用来决定环境条件和需求的程度,用以避免负面的和毁坏性的影响和后果。)
环境质量目标environment quality objectives
环境质量目标environmental quality objective
质量标准quality standard
质量目标quality objective Any goal or target established for a product, service or endeavor that aspires to attain a relatively high grade or level of excellence (对产品和服务设立的目标,希望能做得很好。)