
Terms for subject Technology containing 标度 | all forms | in specified order only
一致标度uniform scale
三进制标度ternary scale
三重标度triple scale
不等分度标尺curvilinear scale
不等分标尺刻度non-uniform scale division
标度phi scale
中心标度centre scale
中粒级标度phi grade scale
标度线main scale mark
伍登一温德华斯粒级标度Udden-Wentworth grade scale
伸长标度elongation scale
倾斜标度bank scale
偏移标度deflection scale
偏转标度deflection scale
光学标度visual scale
光度标photometrical scale
光度标photometric scale
光度标准photometrical standard (器)
光度标准photometric standard (器)
光度标准luminous standard ruler
光度标准器photometric standard
光度标准灯luminous standard lamp
光度标准灯泡luminous standard lamp
全标称速度full nominal speed
分度标graduated scale
分度标准geometrical canon
分度标准geometric canon
分度标尺graduate scale
分度标志index tag
分度标志graduate mark
分度标杆graduated bar
分度标杆graduate rod
分度标杆graduated staff
分度标杆graduated rod
分度标杆dividing rod
分度标记graduation mark
分级标度step scale
分角器标度protractor scale
列线图标度线abac scale
刻度水位标尺graduated staff gauge
刻度水位标尺graduated staff gage
副标准电度表substandard meter
化学标度质量mass on chemical scale
区段长度违章标志segment length violation flag
标度half scale
半对数标度semi-logarithmic scale
单一标度系数single scale factor
吃水深度标记Plimsoll's mark
吃水深度标记draught mark
各种标志清晰度definition of mark image
各种标志清晰度中等middle sharpness
各种标志清晰度好good sharpness
各种标志清晰度差bad sharpness
含氯度超标excessive chlorine content
噪声强度标准noise strength standard
在浮标黏度计内测定的黏度float viscosity
地图精度标准map accuracy criterion
地热温标温度geothermometer temperature
地震标准层深度depth of seismic marker horizon
均匀明度标uniform lightness scale (尺)
均匀色品标度uniform chromaticity scale
均匀色品标度系统UCS uniform chromaticity scale system
均匀色度坐标uniform chromaticity coordinates
均匀色度标uniform lightness-chromaticness scale
均匀色度标uniform chromaticity scale
坐标标度coordinate scale
坐标网尺度常数grid scale constant
坐标量度仪coordinate measuring instrument
坐标量度仪coordinate comparator
坡度线标桩grade peg
坡度标gradient indicator
坡度标gradient post (桩)
坡度标grade post (桩)
坡度标slope sign
坡度标gradient sign
坡度标grade indicator
坡度标准桩blue top
坡度标桩slope stake
夜光标度luminous diagram
天文时间标度astronomical time scale
天文时间标度astronomic time scale
孟塞尔标度Munsell scale
布氏硬度标尺Brinell's scale
带深度计游标卡尺vernier callipers with depth gage
带深度计游标卡尺vernier calipers with depth gage
强度标度intensity scale
强度指标法intensity target method
强度标号strength grade
强度标法intensity-scale calibration method
形态复杂程度综合指标comprehensive index of morphological complexity
形态复杂程度综合指标comprehensive index of morphologic complexity
彩度标chroma scale
总应力强度指标total stress strength index
慢速标度slow time scale
成品轧材的标准长度commercial stock length
成熟度的主要指标principal indicator of maturity
成熟度的辅助指标secondary indicator of maturity
截面标度cross-sectional scale
指标温度计index thermometer
指示器标度盘壳indicator dial cover
指示坡度的路标牌gradient board
摄像角标度angle scale
数字标度digital dial
明度标lightness scale
明度标brightness scale
最大标度maximum scale
有效应力强度指标effective stress strength parameter
有效应力强度指标effective stress strength index
有效目标长度effective target length
有机质丰度指标abundance indicator of organic matter
朗肯温度标Rankine's scale
材料强度标准值characteristic value for strength of materials
标准水泥试块强度standard briquette strength
标准亮度响应standard luminance response
标准亮度曲线standard luminosity curve
标准光强度etalon optical power
标准养护温度standard curing temperature
标准分度齿轮master dividing gear
标准分路灵敏度standard shunting sensitivity
标准刚度reference rigidity
标准刚度standard rigidity
标准刻度standard scale
标准加速度normal acceleration
标准加速度情normalized acceleration spectrum
标准加速度谱standard acceleration spectrum
标准劲度standard stiffness
标准化程度的设备modular measure system
标准华氏温度计standard Fahrenheit thermometer
标准压力与温度normal pressure and temperature
标准压实厚度nominated compacted thickness
标准厚度typical thickness
标准厚度standard thickness
标准参考温度standard reference temperature
标准发光度函数standard luminosity function
标准周围温度normal ambient temperature
标准噪声温度standard noise temperature
标准坍落度normal slump
标准坡度standard grade
标准坡度standard lean-to
标准多布森分光光度计standard dobson spectrophotometer
标准宽度normal opening
标准宽度typical width
标准宽度standard width
标准宽度modular width
标准密度standard density
标准密度normal density
标准密度级standard density rate
标准尺度standard measurement
标准尺度normative scale
标准工作日长度standard workday length
标准工作温度standard operative temperature
标准度量standard measurement
标准度量衡standard weights and measures
标准开口高度standard opening height
标准开度normal opening
标准强度normal intensity
标准态浓度standard state concentration
标准感度normal sensibility
标准抗压强度standard compression strength
标准折射模数梯度standard refractive modulus gradient
ABC 标准抽样制度ABC standard sampling system
标准控制制度standard control system
标准时间一温度曲折standard time-temperature curve
标准普罗克托干密度standard proctor dry density
标准最大浓度criterion maximum concentration
标准最小强度standard minimum strength
标准有效温度standard operative temperature
标准段宽度width of standard section
标准毛细管黏度计master viscometer
标准沉降速度standard fall velocity
标准测度canonical measure
标准测度canonic measure
标准浓度standard concentration
标准液浓度standard solution concentration
标准深度分级样卡standard depth scale
标准深度压力记录仪standard depth-pressure recorder
标准温度reference temperature
标准温度standard temperature
标准温度压力normal temperature pressure
标准温度与压力normal temperature and pressure
标准温度及压力standard temperature and pressure
标准温度时间曲线standard temperature/time curve
标准温度表normal thermometer
标准温度计玻璃standard thermometer glass
标准火灾温度一时间曲线standard temperature time curve
标准灵敏度normal sensibility
标准点制度standard hour system
标准焦油黏度计standard tar viscosimeter
标准焦油黏度计standard tar viscometer
标准照度standard illuminant
标准照度standard illumination
标准照度standard intensity of illumination
标准照度reference illumination
标准状态逸度standard state fugacity
标准环境温度standard ambient temperature
标准电子活度standard electron activity
标准电度表reference kilowatt hourmeter
标准白度standard white
标准盐度standard salinity
标准相对可见度standard relative visibility
标准石油密度计standard petroleum densimeter
标准破碎强度standard crushing strength
标准硬度standard stiffness
标准硬度standard hardness
标准硬度块standard block of hardness
标准稠度standard consistence
标准稠度water consistency
标准稠度standard consistency
标准稠度normal consistence
标准稠度与凝结时间测定仪apparatus for determining normal consistency and setting time
标准空气密度standard air density
标准粒度standard grain size
标准粒度standard grading
标准粒度standard gradation
标准精度standard accuracy
标准精度图standard accuracy map
标准纬度normal latitude
标准线划粗度standard line weight
标准细度standard fineness
标准能见度standard visibility
标准腔口速度standard muzzle velocity
标准航道尺度standard channel dimensions
标准船型尺度standard ship size
标准色度观察者standard observer
标准调制度standard modulation degree
标准贯入度检验standard penetration inspection
标准跨度standard opening
标准辐射强度standard pyranometer
标准辐照度standard irradiance
标准连续浓度criterion continuous concentration
标准速度typical speed
标准速度typical velocity
标准速度standard speed
标准速度滤池standard rate filter
标准采暖度日normal heating degree days
标准采暧度日normal heating degree-days
标准重力加速度standard gravitational acceleration
标准重力加速度standard gravity acceleration
标准重力加速度normal acceleration of gravity
标准量规的厚度thickness of gauge
标准量规的厚度thickness of gage
沥青标准针人度试验standard penetration test
标准锥度standard taper
标准锥度接头standard taper joint
标准锥度规standard taper gauge
标准锥度规standard taper gage
标准长度typical length
标准长度钢轨【铁】standard length rail
标准降落速度standard settling velocity
标准降落速度standard fall velocity
标准黏度液standard viscosity liquid
标准黏度计standard viscosimeter
标准黏度计standard viscometer
标定精度calibrating accuracy
标定速度crest speed (指在道路的一个区段中,驾驶员在没有交通干扰的情况下所能达到的行驶速率)
标定速度crest speed
标定高度nominal height
标定高度calibrated altitude
标密度scalar density
标尺刻度scale label
标尺长度scale length
标尺长度length of scale
标尺长度误差rod length error
标幅照度scalar irradiance
标度scale base
标度hardness scale
标度dial type scale
标度不变性scale invariance
标度不变性破坏scaler invariance breaking
标度不变理论scale-invariant theory
标度乘法器scale multiplier
标度信号放大器notch amplifier
标度假设scaling assumption
标度分格间距length of a scale division
标度分类间隔class interval
标度单位scale unit
标度压缩scale compression
标度参数scale parameter
标度变化scale change
标度变换scale transformation
标度变换scale conversion
标度变换器scale converter
标度变数scale variable
标度因数constant multiplier
标度因数标度系数scaling factor
标度始点值minimum scale value
标度marking scale
标度尺数字scale numbering
标度尺特性characteristics of scale
标度尺的工作部分effective range
标度scale arc
标度scaling property
标度投影scale reading projection
标度投影器scale projector
标度操作scale operation
标度放大器scale projector
标度方法scaling method
标度无关破坏scaling violation
标度无关分析scaling analysis
标度星对scale pair
标度dial plate (盘)
标度标记scale designation
标度模型scale model
标度模数scale modulus
标度scaling ratio
标度scale ratio
标度scale point
标度scale plate
标度scale disk
标度indexing plate
标度differential micrometer dial
标度盘仪器dial instrument
标度盘指示器dial indicator
标度盘指针dial pointer
标度盘模拟指示器dial analogue indicator
标度盘秤dial balance
标度盘量规dial measuring gauge
标度盘量规dial measuring gage
标度系数scale factor
标度线graduation mark
标度线scale line
标度线graduation line
标度线保持器reticule holder
标度线保持器reticle holder
标度线对准reticule alignment
标度线对准reticle alignment
标度终点end of scale
标度终点值maximum scale value
标度终端起点beginning of scale
标度终端起点end of scale
标度范围scale range
标度设计scale design
标度起点beginning of scale
标度锁档dial lock
标度长度scale length
标志体 Z 轴长度Z-axis length of markers
标志体 X 轴长度X-axis length of markers
标志体原始长度initial length of markers
标志体变形后长度post-deformation length of markers
标志体Y轴长度Y-axis length of markers
标志变动度sign variation
标志变动度mark variable extent
标志变化系数和精度要求比ratio of coefficient of variance against precision demanded
标志方差和精度要求比ratio variance against precision demanded
标志极差和精度要求比ratio of range against precision demanded
标志鱼密度tagged fish density
标志鱼密度density of marked fish
标牌宽度width of mark
标示长度位punctuation bit
标称劲度nominal stiffness
标称厚度nominal thickness
标称厚度木材nominal thickness lumber
标称宽度nominal breadth
标称强度nominal strength
标称断裂强度nominal breaking strength
标称温度nominal temperature
标称筛分粒度nominal screen size
标称设计强度designated design strength
标称速度nominal speed
标称速度nominal velocity
标称速度datum speed
标称长度nominal length
标称长度designated length
标称颗粒度nominal grain size
标称颗粒粒度nominal grain size
标称高度nominal altitude
标记亮度index intensity
标记刻度reference mark
标记强度index intensity
标识符长度length of identifier
标识符长度identifier length
标量密度scalar density
标量强度scalar intensity
标量速度scalar speed
标高刻度reference mark
横坐标尺度abscissa scale
正常湿度标准湿度normal moisture
步数标度step scale
气压计标度barometrical scale
气压计标度barometric scale
气压计标度因素barometrical scale factor
气压计标度因素barometric scale factor
氢离子浓度指数比色标准序列standard colorimetric colour for pH measurement
水平标度horizon dial
水泥净浆标准稠度normal consistency for cement paste
水泥净浆标准稠度需水量water requirement for normal consistency for cement paste
污染标度pollution scale
活动标度moving scale
标度scale of turbulence
流域相对侵蚀强度指标relatively erosive intensity index of watershed
流量密度标flux density scale
浊度标turbidity scale
浊度标准液turbidity standard
测辐射热标准辐照度bolometric standard irradiance
测高标记亮度补偿height-marker-intensity compensation
浓度标准concentration standard
浮标式黏度计float-type viscosimeter
浮标式黏度计float-type viscometer
清晰度标准resolution standard
温度一湿度指标temperature humidity index
温度标temperature scale
温度标thermometric scale
温度标scale of thermometer
温度标定temperature calibration
温度标尺temperature scale
温度计标度thermometer scale
温氏泥沙粒度分级标准Wentworth scale
vernier dial
游标标度vernier division
游标刻度vernier division
游标刻度盘vernier scale
游标扇形度盘vernier quadrant
游标斜分度规vernier bevel protractor
游标深度尺depth gauge
游标深度尺vernier depth gage
游标精度vernier accuracy
游标量角器游标分度器vernier protractor
游标高度尺vernier height gage
游标高度规vernier height gage
湍流标度turbulence scale
湍流标度turbulent scale
湍流标度scale of turbulence
潜水呼吸纯度标准diving breathing gas purity standard
灰度gray scale
灰色标度grey scale
焦距标度focusing scale
焦距标度distance scale
煤层厚度标准差standard deviation of coal thickness
照度标准lighting standard
照度标准standard of illumination
照度标准recommended level of illumination
照度标准illumination standard
物标强度target strength
物理标度质量mass on physical scale
球粒陨石标准化丰度chondrite-normalized abundance
生物标度biological scale
生物标度biologic scale
生物学标度biological scale
生物学标度biologic scale
电度表转数标准rotating standard
电磁波测距标称精度nominal accuracy of electromagnetic distance measurement
砖层高度标准尺brick gauge
砖层高度标准尺brick gage
硬度标度hardness scale (degree)
硬度指标hardness number
硬度标hardness gauge
硬度标hardness point
硬度标hardness gage
硬度标准scale of hardness
稠度指标relative consistency
等分标度uniform schedule
等色差色度坐标uniform chromaticity coordinates
等闻响应标度equal listener response scale
紊流标度湍流尺度scale of turbulence
缠绕标度spiralled scale
缠绕标度spiraled scale
罗盘标度compass scale
罗盘标度compass dial
航标制度system of aid to navigation
航道标准宽度standard width of navigation channel
航道标准宽度standard width of channel
航道标准尺度standard dimensions of navigation channel
航道标准尺度standard dimensions of channel
色度标准color scale
色饱和度标度chroma scale
衍射强度标准diffraction intensity standard
表头刻度仪表标度meter scale
表观目标亮度apparent target luminance
调节标度degree scale
质量数标度mass scale
适合标度proper scale
选择标度selectivity scale
选择器标度selector dial
通过远距信标台的高度outer-marker crossing height
速度标志speed marker
速度标杆velocity rod
道路中线坡度标高center line grade elevation
镀铬游标万能角度尺universal chrome-plated vernier angle protractor
镜面标度mirror scale
阻抗标度impedance scale
降雨标准强度历时曲线rainfall standard intensity-duration curves
震级标度magnitude scale (of earthquake)
霍尔丹氏标度Haldane scale
非标准可听度范围abnormal audibility zone
非线性标度non-linear scale
面层厚度的标定粉刷gauging plaster for finishing (俗称出拓饼)
面层厚度的标定粉刷gaging plaster for finish (俗称出拓饼)
饮用水水质浊度指标turbidity index of drinking water quality
饰面层厚度的标定粉刷gauging plaster for finishing (俗称出拓饼)
饰面层厚度的标定粉刷gaging plaster for finish (俗称出拓饼)
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