
Terms for subject Information technology containing | all forms
不可信息non-searchable information
不完全参数检incomplete parameter checking
不成功unsuccessful search
不相关子uncorrelated subquery
专一specific polling
两分找法binary chop
中断interrupt inquiry
中断码检interrupt code checking
中继线trunk hunting
string search
二叉对分找树binary search tree
交互interactive searching
交叉表crosstab query
代码审code audit
代码审与走查code inspection and walkthrough
代码检code check
代码检时间code-checking time
参考信息for your information
全程找并替换global find and replace
公共联机书目系统online public access catalog
关系relational query
内插interpolation search
内部internal searching
出错检bug check
分层结构hierarchical structured query
分布式询处理distributed query processing
前后检before and after look
动态门限dynamic threshold query
单值询结构single-value query structure
即席ad hoc query
反向reverse find
反检和码inverse check sum code
合格检validation test
因特网包询工具packet Internet grope
图书馆文献编目和找全自动化技术completely automated technique for cataloguing and acquisition of literature for libraries
块检过程block-check procedure
域名反向domain name inverse query
声音audio inquiry
外部external searching
多值询结构multiple-value query structure
多媒体看器配置文件名后缀在OS/2操 作系统中,多媒体査看器配置文件的扩展名.ccf
多媒体multimedia query
大小写敏感case-sensitive search
字符检character check
存储界限检storage bounds checking
完整性检校验completeness check
定时询控制timing inquiry control
inspection package
命令语言audit command language
总结报告inspection summary report
效率inspection efficiency
有效性inspection effectiveness
检查程序audit program
密度density queries
对等复peer review
对象询语言object query language
层次询语言hierarchical query language
嵌入式结构询语言embedded structured query language
嵌套nested query
嵌套子nested subquery
差错检error checking
市场调与销售预测market survey and selling forecast
干涉检interference checking
并行找存储器parallel search memory
并行数据parallel data query
开发系统错模块development system debug module
强类型检strong type checking
强类型检strict type checking
循环cyclic query
快照密度snapshot density queries
快照密度period density queries
快速quick query
总和检summation check
总线询协议bus-polling protocol
扩展的询语言extended query language
折半half-interval search
拼写检程序spelling checker
按内容contextual search
probe point
操作action query
故障检修trouble shoot
数据询语音应答系统data inquiry-voice answer
数据库database query
数据库database inquiry
数据库检实用程序database surveyor utility feature
数据库自动database automatic table look-up
文件引用file reference
文档询服务archive polling services
有序找队列ordered seek queuing
有效找速度effective search speed
有效性检validity check
机器检中断machine check interruption
机器检处理程序machine check handler
机器检处理程 序machine check handler
机器检屏蔽machine check masking
机器检、记录与恢复machine check recording and recovery
机器检、记录和恢复machine check recording and recovery
极限检limit check
准/检索量度precision/recall measure
寻服务hunting service
找并替换find and replace
看与请求比look-to-request ratio
看与购买比look-to-buy ration
线系统seek wire system
table look-up
表技术table look-up technique
表指令table look-up instruction
表法灰度扩展tabular gray-scale
inquire (ENQ)
询问语言query language
询与用户显示器inquiry and subscriber display
询与通信系统inquiry and communication system
询事例query instance
询事务inquiry transaction
询优化query optimization
询优化程序query optimizer
询分解query decomposition
询和响应操作inquiry/response operation
询和响应通信inquiry/response communication
询应用系统inquiry application
询执行的流水线法pipeline for query execution
询方式inquiry mode
询程序inquiry program
询站query station
询组规模控制query set size control
询语法树query syntax tree
询语言query language
询路径query path
询逻辑终端inquiry logical terminal
查错程序error routine
tree query
桌面检desk checking
功能look facility
和保护check sum protection
和字符check-sum character
和集check sum set
寄存器check register
序列checking sequence
检验,校验指示器check indicator
授权记录check authorization record
check box
点与再启动程序checkpoint and restart procedure
点入口checkpoint entry
点再启动checkpoint restart
点再启动设备checkpoint restart facility
点分类checkpoint sorting
点初启checkpoint start
点数据集checkpoint data set
点文件checkpoint file
点记录checkpoint record
点评审check-point review
点请求记录checkpoint request record
点转储checkpoint dump
点转储记录checkpoint dump record
点/重新初启服务程序checkpoint/restart service facility
诊断程序check diagnostic
模糊询语言fuzzy query language
注册、接入认证和状态询协议register, admission and status
混合计算机系统检程序hybrid computer system checkout
溢出检overflow check
独立性检independent check
电气规则检electrical rule checking
登录启动的检log-initiated checkpoint
直接找寻址directory lookup addressing
直接反向检索direct reverse search
直接存取direct access inquiry
相联associative lookup
知识query of knowledge
知识询优化optimizing of knowledge query
知识性质检系统checking knowledge property system
程序有效性检program validation
空闲缓冲区询包free buffer enquiry
符号检指示器sign check indicator
类型检type checking
系统计划检system scheduled checkpoint
线性探linear probing
终端terminal polling
终端询和自动回答terminal polling and auto answer
结构化询语言structured query language
结构化英语询语言structured English query language
统计调statistical survey
编码检coding check
编程的检programmed check
置换检checking by substitution
肯定询响应positive poll response
自动拼写检automated spelling check
自然语言natural language query
范例query by example
规格检specification check
设计规则检程序design-rules checking
设计规则检design rule check
诊断检程序diagnostic test program
语法检程序syntax test program
false drop
调色板palette lookup
资源遥感调resource remote sensing survey
跳步jump step search
跳步检leapfrog testing
软件综合审software comprehensive audit
边界检marginal check
边界检bound checking
边缘检校验high-low bias test
边缘检校验high-low bias check
远程计算系统的错误检remote computing system error detection
重叠overlapping seek
量程范围range check
chain query
链接表检索chained list search
错误检设备error control equipment
限定段找变元qualified segment search argument
除法异常检divide check exception
随机random search
随机取样random sample queries
需求审requirements inspection
静态static table searching
页表page table lookup
预编辑程序检pre-edit programs checking
验收检软件包acceptance inspection package