
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
中华人民共和国支管理法the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Control of Firearms
中华人民共和国支管理法the Law of the Peopled Republic of China on the Control of Firearms
买卖或者运输trade in or transport guns
仿真imitation gun
使用use guns
依法配备公务用lawfully equipped with guns for the discharge of official duty
保存或展览的guns preserved or displayed
公务用gun used for the discharge of official duties
出借loan guns
出借公务用loan guns used for the discharge of official duties
制造无号的manufacture guns without numbers
各种various kinds of guns
妥善保管maintain the guns properly
射击运动sports guns
建立印度洋金鱼委员会定Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
抢夺forcibly seize firearms
hold guns
抢劫rob with a gun
猎捕hunt with a gun
证件certificate permitting the holding of guns
携带carry guns
携带支入境enter the territory of China with guns
收回take back the guns
支制造manufacture of guns
支子弹firearm ammunition
支持枪证件certificate permitting the holding of guns
支査验制度inspection system for guns
支状况condition of the gun
支管理规定regulations governing control of guns
支管理证件certificate for control of guns
支运输许可证件permit for transport of guns
支配购证件certificate for rationed purchase of guns
种代码coded variety of the gun
民用guns for civilian use
民用支制造许可证件certificate permitting manufacture of guns for civilian use
没收的confiscated guns
hunting gun
盗窃抢夺steal or forcibly seize any gun
禁止携带forbid to carry guns
私自销售sell guns without authorization
私藏conceal guns
违反支管理规定in violation of the regulation governing control of guns
道具guns used as props
邮寄mail guns
配售民用rationed sale of gun for civilian use
配备公务用armed with guns for the discharge of official duties
配置equip with guns
配置民用equipped with guns for civilian use
销售sell guns
销毁destruction of guns
非法出借illegally loan guns
非法制造illegally manufacture guns
非法销售sell guns illegally
麻醉注射narcotic injection gun