
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
不顾后的误导陈述reckless misrepresentation
临时停牌产生的效effect of suspension
临时吊销执照造成的结effect of suspension
价值投资的长期结long-term results of value investing
优化效策略optimization strategy
再投资效reinvestment effect
决策结result of decision
反复亏损效由于价格波动,使交易次数多的投资者交易成本过重,造成投资业绩不佳whipsaw effect
发出限制命令的结consequence of order imposing restriction
可电询结的款项wire fate item
吞食效python effect
定律law of cause and effect
方法causal methods
causal chains
放松监管的恶symptom of deregulation
数据分析结empirical result
无关结irrelevance result
冻卷套期头寸Jellyroll spread (不同等级、不同到期日的同一指数期权的长短头寸)
查询无结unsuccessful enquiry
正常化结normalizing results
法定如利息、地租legal fruits
支票结清后电询结wire fate
监管结supervisory findings
监管结regulatory consequences
种种预测结cascade of forecast
稀释效effect of dilution
稀释效dilution effect
经验证明的结empirical result
导向法outcome-oriented approach
性损害consequential damage
股东年会投票结voting results at annual general meetings
股份配发结allotment results
要求电告托收款项结wire fate item
要求电告结wire fate
造成恶的干预ill-fated intervention
冻券赚取投资产品时间差价的投资方法long jelly roll
防止出现意想不到的后guard against unintended consequences