
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
提取的存款unclaimed balance
不可改变银行确认信用证书irrevocable unconfirmed banker's credit
与... 有生意往帐户in account with
业主往账户personal account
买主收到卖方寄之样本original sample
产品rule of origin
付给pay bearer
以六个月为期的伦敦银行同业往贷款利率six-month LIBOR
伦敦银行同业往贷款London Interbank Offered Rate
伦敦银行同业往贷款利率London Interbank Offered Rate
信用credit in business
公司往inter-company accounts
公私public and private sources
出口往帐户export account
分公司往branch office current
分公司往branch office current
分店间往inter branch transaction
号数original number
友好往friendly intercourse
商业往账户commercial account
国外往帐户foreign correspondent
国际复兴开发银行拨资金报告书statement of transfers from IBRD
国际收支往international transactions
在市场上购某物in the market for something
估计数extraneous estimates
借款者nonresident borrower
原因external causes
审计external audit
投入external input
援助external assistance
援助foreign assistance
援助external aid
杂质extraneous impurities
资助external finance
资源external resources
资金external resources
资金external finance
资金capital foreign
资金援助external financial assistance
资金需求external financial requirements
资金额external resource flows
风险extraneous risks
多年以ad multos annos
in futuro
的服务future service
延迟装运所带引起incident to delay in shipment
开出与开信用证letter of credit: opened and received
当天回火车票day ticket
存折current pass-book
账户current account
账户account current
账结余balance of current account
资产quick assets
透支overdrafts on current account unsecured
透支overdraft on current account unsecured
银行bank with whom the credits opened
总店shipment from home office
总店往head office current
恢复业务往renew business relations
情报information source
找工作给人做make work
拿出证据put up or shut up
指定的仓库可以用交货的商品certificate stock
提出有关制造资料,供未研究发展的参考offering information on manufacturers, gained in research and development work
支店往账户branch office general
无往关系no account
普遍往open credit
各期偿付本金和利息的折现值discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest
future claims
的债务还本付息额future service payments
的冲击future shock
的政府因素值future values of government factor
经济增长的前景prospects for future growth
资源resources for the future
人支票bearer cheque
人支票check payable to bearer
人支票check to bearer
人支票bear check
人支票bearer check
人汇票bearer draft
人背书endorsement to bearer
inward correspondence
incoming correspondence
信收到your letter to hand
兑现之支票race bill
取即付的汇票draft on demand
取即付的票据bill payable cm demand
回票round-trip ticket
回程turn around
回程round voyage
回程租船契约return voyage charter
往账目open account
incoming message
incoming cable
报交换inward call
料加工贸易trade of processing with customer’s materials
源企业source enterprise
源国source country
源国政府source government
自即付的汇票draught on demand
"their" deposit
vostro account (deposit)
国际汇兑loro accounts
松下eased off
没有人取的行李unclaimed baggage
特别往存款special current account
现金source of cash
现金cash resource
由上期转carry forward
第一手primary source
第二手secondary sources
资本regulate capital
联行往inter-branches accounts
联行往利息interest on inter-branches accounts
imported goods
sea articles
规定的将日期付款payment at a fixed future time
触及外物体致污contact with external substances, soiled by
详细银行往调节表long-form bank reconciliation
货物源证original certificate
贸易往商业关系commercial intercourse
资料information source
资金source of funds
资金mode of financing
资金resources provided
资金funds provided
资金源与运用表source and application of funds statement
资金源去向表source and disposition statement
资金源及运用表statement of resources and application of funds
资金源运用表statement of sources and disposition of funds
资金源运用表statement of source and application of fund
金额balance brought forward
银行往分类账bank account ledger
银行往存款account current
银行往登记簿bank register
银行往调节表bank reconciliation statement
银行往bank account
银行往账差额bank balance
银行往账折bank books
非本的价值extrinsic value
预算外extra-budgetary source
西亚元Malaysian dollar
西亚航空公司Malaysian Airline System