
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
上期账转brought forward
从……衍生而来的看跌put derived from...
以借的股票进行交易trading on borrowed stocks
企业固定资金enterprise fixed funds source
企业资金enterprise funds source
优先股转换而的实收资本paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock
使股市冷下calm the stock markets
信息information sources
的股票stock acquired by borrowing
的股票stock borrowed
的股票borrowed share
债务及资金liabilities and sources of funds
偏见的biased sources
偿债基金的资金funding of compensation fund
公司资本组成与源表statement of the resources and composition of company capital
危机将要临的预兆harbinger of crises to come
即将临的风险imminent risk
比率historical rate
估算original estimate
估算original entry
可靠的收人dependable income stream
subsequent party
商定未日期agreed future time
国际资本international funding sources
国际资金international funding sources
填写未日期date forward
复原到原的持股量position unwind
投资者external investor
资本capital from outside resource
资金额external resources flows
风险和损失external risk and damage
外部源重要信息key information from outside sources
对冲基金的sources of hedge fund
的不动产物权future estate
财产权future interest
就要到的风险imminent peril
缓解给股市bring relief
应收往账利息nostro interest claims receivable
存款账户account current
cooperative bank
recurrent account
book account
账户current account (CA)
账户兑换性current account convertibility
账户担保透支overdraft on current account secured
账户管理费commission on current accounts
把资本固定下tying up capital
投资失败带损失burn your finger
投资者信息source of investor information
拒绝往账户dishonored account
源报告股东的股权reporting stockholder's equity by sources
按投资的资金额分享收人sharing profits in proportion to the amount of investment
收人source of income
收人income stream
无往账户no accent
有史以最高值all-time peak
有担保往账透支overdraft on current account secured
价值future worth
利息inchoate interest
回报future return
执行责任future performance liability
投资净现值net present value of future investments
投资机会future investment opportunity
损失准备reserve for contingency
收益prospective yield
收益增长证券future income growth securities
权益inchoate interest
权益future interest
现金流的证券化securitization of future cash flows
现金流证券化future cash flow securitization
的债务还本付息额future service payment
经营收人贷款额future revenue loan value
行权责任future performance liability
财产future estate
财富future worth
财富future goods
贷款款项future advances
资金总额future sum
造市者potential market maker
回买卖round trip transaction
回交易round turn
回交易成本round trip transaction costs
回期权交易round trip option transaction
往账户open account
往账户余额balance of payments on current account
往账盈余surplus on recurrent account
源于中国的股利dividend with a source in China
自公司管理层的关键信息key information from the company's management
自国外银行同业的存款amount due to banks abroad
自客户的现金收人cash receipts from customers
自清算人的首次分配款项first dividend from liquidators
路不正物品hot goods
流动资本circulation funds source
流动资金current resources
牛市是从忧患之墙攀登上股市名言bull market climbs a wall of worry
交保证金的证券margined security
约定未时间agreed future time
纳斯达克福市场纳斯达克与伦敦国际金融期货期权交易所成立的交易系统NASDAQ Liffe Market
给投资者带不能接受的风险pose unacceptable risk to investors
股票往报告stock balance summary
股票碎沫累积起可成为大泡沫equity froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble
融资source of finance
账务往动态account activity
账户往活动account activity
资金financial source
资金源与运用报表分析analysis statement of source and application of fund
资金源和使用分析analysis of source and application of fund
资金源账户liability account
资金源账户fund source account
资金报表的源和使用sources and applications of fund statement
达到两年新高hit a two-year high
银行同业往interbank transaction
银行间资金往interbank funds transfer
随之而的交易风险attendant business risk
隐蔽历的资金laundered money
额外收人source of additional revenue
西亚吉隆坡证券交易所综合指数Malaysia KLSE Composite Index
西亚吉隆坡证券交易所综合指数KLSE Composite Index, Malaysia