
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
一致相容consistency relation
一般交货general conditions of delivery of goods
一般地说,我们不接受承兑交单托收的支付Generally speaking, we do not accept the payment terms by D/A
一项款的删除obliteration of a clause
上述above-mentioned clauses
下一货轮next vessel
不可实现的impossible condition
不可轻视的有利no mean advantage
不应强加先决No preconditions should be imposed
不确定性uncertainty conditions
不论损失与否lost or not lost clause
不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy
不负责N/R clause
不附件援助unconditional aid
不附带件的平均值unconditional mean
不附带件的最惠国条款unconditional most-favoured-nation clause
与…缔结条约enter into a treaty with
专利合作Patent Cooperation Treaty
中华人民共和国卫生检疫Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Health Quarantine
中华人民共和国经济合同仲裁Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Arbitration of Economic Contracts (1983)
中国保险China Insurance Clauses
临时interim regulations
合同主要件与随附条件conditions and warranties
习惯于 CIF 价格件出售货物be accustomed to selling on CIF basis
互为concurrent conditions
互为concurrent terms
互惠reciprocal clause
互惠性reciprocity clause
交付terms of delivery
交付回delivery receipt
交易terms and conditions
交货delivery terms
仅在个别情况下卖方才接受承兑交单的付款Only in rare cases does the seller accept D/A terms
仓库交货价格ex warehouse
保险仓至仓warehouse to warehouse
他们在对支付款进行争论They are haggling over terms of payment
以… 为条件on the basis of
以… 为条件on... basis
以不可抗力为subject to force majeure (指不可抗力免责 (force majeure excepted))
以先售为subject to prior sales
以全日工作制专职on a full-time basis
以到期付款为sauf bonne fin
以取得岀口许可证为subject to approval of export license
以取得舱位为subject to shipping space available
以取得进口许可证为subject to import license
以宽厚on easy terms
以开立信用证为subject to the opening of a letter of credit
以我方最后确认为subject to our final confirmation
以易货为on barter basis
以每周工作五日为on a five-day-week basis
优惠favourable conditions
优惠件进口concessional imports
优惠preference clause
你方件太苛刻Your terms are too harsh to accept
你方建议在支付款上是行不通的Your proposal is impracticable in terms of payment
你方必须从信用证中删去提及的It is necessary that you delete the clause mentioned from the L/C
供给supply conditions
依据不可抗力款所作的解释,法院裁定卖方抗辩是正确的The court held, on the construction of the force majeure clause, that the seller's contention was correct
依据交单件不同,托收分为付款交单,承兑交单和凭信托收据借贷三种Collection according to different conditions of delivering documents falls into D/P, D/A and D/P, T/R
保付货款del credere terms
保安safety rules
保护性protective provisions
保护性protective provisions
保护雇员的the enactment securing the position of employees
保税仓库交货价格ex bonded warehouse
保管storage regulations
保证safeguard provision
英国1906年海上保险法附件保险单解释Rules of Construction of Policy
保险地点location clause
保险延展extended cover clause
保险追加rider of insurance
保险除外责任exclusion clause
信用证credit term
修建这公路包括建造几座桥梁Building this road will involve the construction of several bridges
修改的amended clause
借款condition of loan
停租off hire clause
偿付repayment terms
偿付repayment conditions
偿付repayment terms
偿付reimbursement clause
充分sufficient conditions
先决conditions precedent
贸易免除escape clause
共同担险coinsurance clause
关于付款件,我方只接受即期信用证With reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C at sight
关栈交货in bond terms
其他件以合同为准other terms as per the contract
冷冻货物refrigerated cargo clause
谷物贸易net terms
租船净租net terms
准备reserve clause
减除不论损失多少,须由被保险人承担的一定数额损失的条款deductible clause
凭汇票付款件销售sales on draft terms
分期支付installment payment terms
分期支付installment payment clause
分组的状图grouped bar graph
分组的状图grouped bar chart
删除免责delete the exclusion
利物浦港口装卸Liverpool terms
到岸价净价CIF net
到岸价加战争险在内件,货到付款CIF and war risk payment upon arrival
到岸价卸货到岸CIF landed
到岸价吊钩下交货CIF under ship's tackle
到岸价按班轮CIF liner terms (船方负责装卸费用)
"到货""to arrive" terms
到货on arrival terms
到达品质arrival quality terms
到达数量arrival quantity terms
到达重量arrival weight terms
前述foregoing provision
加倍付税double duty clause
加入treaty of accession
劳务协定labour agreement clause
勉强同意涉及的grudgingly accede to the terms and conditions
旅馆包价inclusive terms
包装与唛头packing and marks clause
造纸公司Jujo Paper Co. Ltd. (1949)
协会危险药品Institute Dangerous Drug Clause
协会盗窃及提货不着险Institute theft, pilferage and non-delivery clause
协会罢工、暴动与民变保险Institute Strike, Riots and Civil Commotions Clauses
协会航空货物保险Institute Air Cargo Clauses
协会货物保险Institute Cargo Clauses (包括:单独海损不赔 (FPA),单独海损包括在内 (WA),一切险 (All Risks))
协会重置Institute Replacement Clause
协定treaty conditions
协定articles of an agreement
协议provision of agreement
协议签署execution clause
单独海损不赔,美国free from particular average, American conditions
单独海损不赔,英国free from particular average, English conditions
卖方同意以信用证为付款The seller agreed on L/C terms
卖方接到伦敦一位买主按 CIF The seller received a shipment order from a buyer in London on terms c.i.f. London
卡车交货on truck
危害jeopardy clause
危难jeopardy clause
友好、航海与通商treaty of friendship, navigation and commerce
双方均受合同款约束The both parties are bound by the terms of the contract
双方当事人最好在协议中采用一个It is advisable that the both parties introduce a clause in their agreement defining in advance their mutual rights and duties if certain events beyond their control occur
双重估价dual valuation clause
反对从信用证中删去该object to deleting the clause from the letter of credit
发价回counterfoil butt (附于报盘 (offer) 上的回单)
发价回counterfoil (附于报盘 (offer) 上的回单)
受主导保险人所同意的款约束:无须再行磋商terms to be agreed with leading underwriters
受惠favoured conditions
变更航程held covered clause
可分separation clause
合同contract provision
合同contract clauses
合同款使我方大受约束The terms of the contract bound us hand and foot
合同款对双方具有约束力The terms of the contract are binding upon the both parties
合同款的解释construction of contractual clauses
合同中列有不可抗力The force majeure clause is embodied in the contract
合同落空frustration clause
合同规定付款件为即期信用证The contract stipulates payment by sight L/C
合约双方必须严格遵守款内容The terms and conditions in the contract shall be strictly observed by both parties
中外合资经营企业的规章regulation for joint venture
后得财产after-acquired property clause
后继condition subsequent
启航sailing terms
品质quality terms
商业兴旺或萧business boom or bust
商业突然萧business bust
商业萧时,许多人失业When business is depressed, many people lose their jobs
商品贸易commodity terms of trade
在 CIF 件下,卖方对货物的责任在装运港将货物装上船并交由船方保管时即告结束Under the CIF clause, the seller's responsibility for the goods ends when he delivers them at the port of shipment on board ship into the shipowner's custody
在合同中往往有一默示A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence
在合同中规定保险specify the insurance clause in a contract
在合同中规定惯例stipulate a customary clause in a contract
在指定件下under the given conditions
在期租船件下,租船费一经确定不得变动On the basis of time charter, once the charterage is determined, it can't be changed
在海关办理一船的离港手续clear a ship at the customs house
在淡季商业相当萧During the off-season-period, business is rather depressed
在给定的件下under the given conditions
在贸易款上达成一致看法reach unanimity of views on trade terms
在进行还盘前买主慎重考虑了交易The buyer deliberated the trade terms and conditions before he made a counter-offer
外汇管理Statute for Foreign Exchange Regulations
外汇管理exchange control regulation
外汇管理例必须遵守The exchange control regulations have to be observed
外部介质environmental factors
多兀通货multicurrency clause
大家都同意这些All agreed on the terms
大萧great depression
契约的款与条件contractual terms and conditions
如果天气件好,这条船将于星期五傍晩抵达孟买Given good weather, the ship will reach Bombay Friday evening
如果货物不符合销售合同款,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款If the goods are not in conformity with the terms of the sales contract, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price
如果货物与合同款不符,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款If the goods are not in accordance with the terms of the contract of sale, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price
姐妹船sister-ship clause
保险委付abandonment clause
存款deposit ticket (由存款人填写)
存款credit slip (由存款人填写)
存款deposit slip (由存款人填写)
存款收deposit receipt
安全责任safety responsibility regulations
完全契约sole understanding clause
完整契约integration clause
定期租船燃料bunker clause
定解定义definite conditions
定解definite conditions
实施enforce a regulation
尚好tolerable condition
尽力按那些款成交try to close on those terms and conditions
岀口export regulation
岀口许可证Export Licensing Regulations
工商业萧地区depressed area
工艺操作process conditions
劳资协定工资伸缩escalator clause
差异与索赔discrepancy and claim clause (合同)
带有件的销售契约take conditional sale deeds
带电汇款的信用证credit with T/T reimbursement clause
平等parity clause (指国民待遇条款 (national treatment clause))
"1947年外汇管制法"provisions of the Exchange Control Act 1947
引渡an extradition treaty
强调基本lay stress on fundamental terms and conditions
归一化normalized condition
当地local conditions
当地件差别differences in local conditions
微量de minimis clause
overall consideration
意外事故contingency clause (美国的贸易合同中不用 force majeure 不可抗力,而用 contingency clause)
成本加运费班轮件价C & F liner terms
我们已从信用证中删去了有关As per your request we've deleted the relevant clause from the letter of credit
我们已找到销售新产品一有希望渠道A prospective channel for the sale of our new products has been discovered
我们抱歉不能同意你方贸易We regret we cannot agree to your trade terms
我们的支付款是即期汇票支付的信用证Our payment terms are L/C available by draft at sight
我方不能接受延期付款We cannot accept payment on deferred terms
我方的付款件是保兑的不可撤销的、见票即付的信用证Our terms of payment are confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight
所有权独占sole and unconditional ownership clause
打包钢baling band
打破块分割dismantle the barriers between regions
执行合同的carry out the provisions of a contract
扩展管辖权clause extending jurisdiction
技术technical terms
技术与经济件确定阶段definition phase
技术转让中保密confidentiality clause in technology transfer
技术转让中断break clause
投标承建一新的铁路tender for construction of a new railway
投资法的优惠favourable investment legislation
折衷compromise clause
担保security provisions
拘捕与扣留除外FC & S clause
按 CIF 件,卖方承担保险货物的义务Under the CIF clause, the seller is under an obligation to insure the goods
件支付payment on terms
按一般航运in regular terms
按凭单付现on payment terms of cash against documents
按商品现状tale quale
按定期租船契约租一secure a ship on time charter
按比例分摊海损pro rata average clause
按特定件发行债券special offering
按班轮件船上交货价格FOB liner terms
按美国保险件承保货物运输保险undertake to insure the goods in transportation subject to AC
捕获与夺取不赔free from capture and seizure clause
提前偿付acceleration clause (借款协议)
搭售tie-in clause
撤销cancelling clause
支付payment clause
支付payment terms (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
支付terms of payment (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
支付payment clause (常见的包括:交货付现 (cash on delivery)(缩为 C. O. D.)、定货付现 (cash with order) (缩为 C.W.O.)、凭单付款(payment against documents)、凭单托收付款 (payment against documents through collection) 、分期付款(payment by installments))
改变报盘中的modify terms in an offer
放宽合同relax the terms of the contract
放宽的softened terms
放松信贷easy credit terms
故意曲解本put a false construction on the clause
斯德哥尔摩Treaty of Stockholm
件信用限度discretionary credit limit
件信用限度discretional credit limit
件定货discretionary orders
件定货discretional orders
件继承权fee absolute
件继承的不动产权fee simple
无权修改合同no right to modify the terms of the contract
无附加件合同absolute contract
普通usual terms (与专门条款,特别条款 (special terms, particular terms) 相对)
暂保单,承保insurance broker 保险经纪人签发给被保险人的临时保险凭证,以待由保险公司签发正式保单
暂保单,承保covering note
暂保单,承保cover note
最后一款必须从信用证中删去The last clause shall be omitted from the L/C
最惠国most favourable national clause
最惠国the most favoured nation clause
不紊orderly sequence
件委托书limited order
件批准conditional approval
件承兑conditional acceptance
件接受conditional acceptance
件背书endorsement with recourse
件背书qualified endorsement
件转让的债券escrow bonds
件转让的契约escrow agreement
件选择法restrictive method of selection
数学件选择法restrictive method of selection
有义务履行合同的规定be bound to carry out the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract
有利favourable conditions
有限制款的买卖或租赁合同requirement contract
木板wooden crate
款不可作此种解释The clause does not bear such a construction
本合同非按分批装运件成交The contract is not concluded on installment basis. The goods must be shipped in one consignment
本合约按照接受书上所印交易件而签订The contract is concluded subject to the conditions of sale printed on the letter of acceptance
本报盘以未售出为This offer is subject to prior sale
买卖terms and conditions
件苛刻的合同hard contract
亦缩为 regnregulation
文中的一些字无法辨认Some of the words in the provision are illegible
文有几处明显的错误There are several conspicuous errors in the provision
文有效性effectiveness of the provision
款前后不一致be not consistent in clauses
款解说definition of terms
款限定definition of terms
traite de commerce
约参加国treaty participants
约规定通商口岸treaty port
海运合同杰森Jason clause
箱装be packed in crates
极好very good condition
标准亦缩为 s. c.standard condition
标准保险standard policy provisions
标准保险standard policy provisions
标准保险standard policy provisions
标准转船standard transhipment clause
保险栏外warranted clauses
根据…条款under the provision of
检验regulation of inspection
检验文的准确性test the accuracy of provision
正常使用工作regular service conditions
正常销售usual marketing requirements
正规normality condition
歧视性discriminatory clause
流动保单每船限额per bottom clause
气候件条款climate conditions clause
汇票exchange clause
没有迹象表明买主准备接受你方There is no indication that the buyer is ready to accept your terms and conditions
泊位berthing clause
泊位装卸货物berth terms
法律款选择choice of law clause
海上保险marine insurance conditions
海上保险延伸marine extension clause
海关卫生Sanitary Customhouse Regulations
海琴hedging clause
海琴hedge clause
涨价rise clause
涨价与跌价rise and fall clause
清算settlement terms
溢短装ML clause
溢装overshipment clause
合同滑动价格伸缩条款escalator clause
火灾险扩展fire risk extension clause
火险保单关于抵押财产的赔偿顺序full contribution mortgage clause
特殊保障简写为SSGspecial safeguard provision
拉丁现状tale quale
现行existing regulation
生意萧slack business
生意萧Business is dull
甲板货on deck cargo clause
电报被视为一种有件的接受The cable is construed to mean a conditional acceptance
保险疏忽negligence clause
目的港码头交货价格ex quay
短装short shipment clause
确切exact conditions
确认回confirmation slip
保险碰撞running down clause
碰撞责任collision clause
票据交换clearing term
票面加盖关于罚金及限制款的戳记的债券stamped bond
福利待遇fringe clause
租赁terms of lease
租赁leasing conditions
税收tax regulations
符合借款担保件的证券eligible security for collateral for a loan
类似similar terms
索赔公证survey clause
累积cumulative provisions
红色red clause
红色款信用证red clause letter of credit
约束functional constraints
约束constrained conditions
约束件与变数constraints and variables
海洋运输纽杰森New Jason Clause
线图表bar graph (用于统计;比较: bar charts 棒形图表(股票))
线图表bar chart (用于统计;比较: bar charts 棒形图表(股票))
细猪肋fine middling
经济economic depression
经济萧economic depression (与经济景气,繁荣 (economic boom) 相对)
经济萧economic slump (与经济景气,繁荣 (economic boom) 相对)
罗马Treaty of Rome
罚款punitive provisions
罢工,暴动,内乱不赔free of strikes, riots and civil commotions clause
罢工、暴动及内乱不赔free from strikes, riots and civil commotions clause (F. S. R. & C. C. clause)
美国US terms
"美国件"平安险free of particular average American conditions (只赔搁浅,沉没,失火或碰撞直接造成的损失)
美国保险American condition
联合保险coinsurance clause
自动恢复保险金额automatic reinstatement clause
自动承保增值peak cover clause
自由权liberties clause
航程变动change of voyage clause
船主负风险owner's risk clause
船舶互有责任碰撞both to blame collision clause
苛刻exacting conditions
使许多企业倒闭The depression caused many business collapses
市场dull market
市场dead market
虏获与夺取不赔free from capture and seizure clause
虏获与夺取不赔free of capture and seizure clause
diffraction fringes
补充supplementary regulations
补充supplemental regulations
补充supplemental clauses
补充supplementary clauses
补充supplemental terms
装船品质shipped quality terms (与卸货品质条款 (landed quality terms) 相对)
装船数量ship ped quantity terms
装运品质shipping quality (与卸货品质条件 (landing quality) 相对)
装配一船以备航行fit out a ship for voyage
让一船下水launch a ship
让渡alienation clause
证券偿债基金sinking fund provision
证券持有人同意更改证券件的证券assented securities
证券赎回redemption provision
款半年后失效The clause shall cease to run 6 months later
该交易以在装船前三十天开立信用证为件而达成The transaction is concluded on the stipulation that the L/C should be established 30 days before the commencement of shipment
谷物交易com trade clause
程租船责任中止cesser clause
货币可供currency availability clause
货物装船前或卸岸后陆上运输中发生损失的保险shore clause
贵重货物valuable cargo clause
贷款件表示法案Truth in Lending Act
贸易trade terms
贸易net barter terms of trade
费用charges clauses (汇款通常规定自付印花税 (payable with stamp), 自付银行手续费 (payable with banker's charge s) 等费用条款)
起岸捐税付讫landed duty paid
转运费用forwarding charge clause
边列warranted clauses
保险边列栏外marginal clause
边境检查frontier inspection regulation
运费付至目的地carriage paid to
运费保险费付至目的地carriage and insurance paid to
船与一石油货轮相撞后沉没The ship sank through a collision with an oil tanker
船受租船契约的约束The ship is under charter
船已宣布失踪The vessel has been posted as missing
船搁浅了The vessel took the bottom
船昨天结关后离港驶往纽约The ship cleared for New York yesterday
船载重二万吨The ship has a tonnage of 30,000
这些款与国际惯例相抵触These terms collide with international practices
这些附加件是无关紧要的The additional terms are immaterial
违反act in violation of the stipulations
违反violate a clause
违反规定件交付bad delivery
连带违约cross default clause
适应cargo-worthy clause
适当decent conditions
适用applicable provision
逆转reversal condition
通知notifying clause
通过这运河transit the canal
速遣费与滞期费相同demurrage same despatch
遵守付款comply with the terms of payment
遵守信用证comply with the terms of the L/C
不能航行的货轮上的货物极其危险The goods on the disabled vessel were in great peril
邮政postal regulations
重量与计量weights and measures act
铁路交货on rail
销货sales ticket
销货sales slip
防卫safeguard provision
防止损失sue and labour clause
防止海上碰撞国际Reglement International pour Prevenir les Abordages en Mer
件契约conditional bond
附加conditions attached
附加件条款soft clause
附属subsidiary conditions
附带collateral conditions
限制restrictive clause
限制性restrictive condition
保险限额下部分不赔partial limitation
除非信用证款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading
雇佣船员shipping articles
雇用船员shipping articles
雇用船员ship's articles
非公认private terms
非负性non-negativity conditions
风险peril clause
风险承保risk note
美国食品及药物Food and Drug Act
黄曲霉素险系中国保险款中的一种特殊附加险Aflatoxin risk is a special additional coverage in CIC
贷款黄金保值gold proviso clause
支付协定黄金保值gold guarantee clause
默示implied terms
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