
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一般ordinary condition
三带trifasciate (trifasciatus)
不允许non-permissive condition
不利土壤adverse soil condition
不利环境因素unfavorable environmental factor
不利生长adverse growing condition
不施肥nonfertilized condition
不良bad condition
不适宜栽培unfavorable growing conditions
不适宜生长unfavorable growing conditions
不适宜的播种unfavourable sowing conditions
丛生嫩枝tufted shoots
两用播机平播与沟播兼用dual-purpose drill
中耕播机tiller planter
中间铺式割晒机center-delivery windrower
九行播机nine-row seed drill
桑树cut shoot
修剪指桑树修剪的操作蚕桑pruning without cutting back
优越preferability condition
低压lower layering
住房housing conditions
健康healthiness condition
充分sufficiency condition
充分必要sufficient and necessary condition
充分饱和fully saturated condition
先决prerequisite condition
light bar
光照light condition
分级枝sorting shoot
big slip
切枝stem cutter
切顶铺甜菜windrowing topper
刮肥板scraping floor bar
chopped shoots
剖面样bisect (bisecare)
剖面样bisect method
剥皮枝faggot of peeled wood
半分拉丁方分析analysis of half-plaid latin square
半自动种薯播机semi-automatic seed potato drill
半裂拉丁方half-plaid latin square
单行手推播机one-row hand drill
卧式播机horizontal drilling machine
卫生sanitary conditions
合乎需要贮藏desirable storage condition
同一identical condition
同等件区equiconditional region
后续post condition
后置post condition
向中间搂集草center gathering
圆盘排种式播机plate-feed drill
土壤气候soil-climate condition
土壤-气候-水分管理soil-climate-water management conditions
地轮驱动播机wheel-driven drill
场址conditions of location
坏天气bad weather condition
复合形图composite bar chard
外界件总体综合complex of external conditions
外界环境extreme environmental condition
缫丝 multi-ends reeling (machine)
间隙型分级机multiline slit type sorting machine
多栅型分级机multiline slat type sorting machine
多风windy condition
大田宽行栽培field strip cropping
大麦纹花叶病病毒病害false stripe
大麦纹花叶病病毒病害barley false stripe
大麦纹花叶病病毒病害barley stripe mosaic
大麦纹花叶病毒barley false stripe virus
大麦纹花叶病毒barley stripe mosaic virus
天然压natural layering
季节性生长seasonal growth condition
narrow stripe (striola)
小型行间拖拉机机引播机small interrow tractor drill
小麦wheat line seeding
小麦wheat drilling seed
小麦播机wheat drilling machine
小麦播机wheat drill
小麦施肥料wheat drilling fertilizer
小麦点花叶病毒wheat striate mosaic virus
小麦锈病wheat stripe rust
小麦锈病wheat yellow rust
就绪ready condition
屋外桑育open shoot rearing
带装车升运器和铺装置的甜菜收获机sugarbeet harvester with loader elevator and windrower
带锄式开沟器播机coulter drill
干草铺撒播器swath scatterer
开式输种播机open-delivery drill
开沟压trench layering
开第一犁沟furrow opening
弓形压arcuation (arcuatio)
强制式播机force-feed drill
当地水分local moisture conditions
性比sex ratio condition
恒定试验constant experimental condition
成员member condition
成熟ripe condition
成片smeary band
所在地locational conditions
手推播机hand seed drill
手推播机hand drill planter
手推播机hand drill
手推滚筒式播机drill barrow
打顶前根出pre-topping sucker
打顶后根出post-topping sucker
扭伤枝wring shoot
指轮式草翻晒机finger-wheel swatch turner
侧向搂草铺hay ridger
搜索search condition
放牧地condition of grazing land
显性dominant condition
普通播机regular drill planter
最初initial condition
最常见气候prevailing climatic conditions
最适optimal condition
最重要先决essential prerequisite
件的conditional (conditionalis)
纹的streaky (striatus)
纹的streaked (striatus)
有效性effectiveness condition
有风windy condition
木薯插manioc cutting
式中耕机web cultivator
升运器式干草装载机web hay loader
式施肥机web spreader
犁体rod bottom
term (termen)
不稳定度conditional instability
平衡conditional equilibrium
件保守性conditional conservatism
件均值估计conditional mean estimate
件基因conditional gene
件处理设备condition handle facility
件开销conditional cost
件性不稳定conditional unstable
件性稳定度conditional stability
件指示器condition indicator
件捕获conditional capture
件支付conditional payoff
件收益conditional profit
件收集conditional capture
件方程式condition equation
件无关conditional independence
件显性fancier's dominance
件显性conditioned dominance
件独立conditional independence
件突变conditional mutation
件突变体conditional mutant
件突变型conditional mutant
件结合conditional association
件致死因子conditional lethals
件致死现象conditional lethality
件致死突变体conditional lethal mutant
件致病病原菌conditioned pathogen
件致病菌conditioned pathogen
件行为conditioned behavior
件表达式condition expression
row culture
row cropping
作作物割捆机row binder
叶枯病cercospora leaf spot
垄耕作cultivation in strips in savannah regions
带移位分析指电泳band shift assay
带移位分析指电泳band-shift analysis
row width
形码光扫描器optical bar code scanner
轮胎 形花纹rib-tread
line drilling
line seeding
种子drilling seed
drilled planting
drill planting
drill sowing
planted in row
planting in line
row broadcast of seed
row seeding
sowing in strips
sowing in pockets
stripe seeding
sowing in rills
sowing in lines
sowing in drills
row planting
regular drilling
planting in row
plant in rows
line sowing
band planting
播作业row crop work
播作物row crops
播作物drilled crops
播作物地row crop field
播作物护板row crop shield
播作物播种row crop planting
播作物栽培row crop production
播作物行间中耕row crop cultivation
播作物间苗row crop thinning
播区drilled plot
播后代drilled progeny
播地drilled field
播小区试验drill plot
播小区播种drill-plot seeding
播幅drill width
播施肥fertilizer drilling
播机field drill
播机row drill
播机drill machine
播机sowing drill
播机scuffle drill
播机plain drill
播机drilling machine
播机drill planter
播机单位drilling unit
播机配重式开沟器weighted drill colter
播栽培row culture
播栽培drill culture
播植株密度drilled stands
播犁drill plow
播育种圃drill plot
播行seeding row
播行seed drill
播行距drill spacing
播行距distance of drilling
播附加装置drilling attachment
clause (citem)
斑状褐腐brown mottled rot
斑甘蔗ribbon cane
斑病striped disease
fertilizer drilling
split application
stripe dressing
row application
肥料drilled placement
施肥料drilled fertilizer
施肥料row broadcast of fertilizer
施肥料row fertilization
施肥料split application of fertilizer
施肥料band placement of fertilizer
格式滚筒grid-type drum
drill planting
mulberry shoot
桑刈取机mulberry shoot reaper
strip planting
drill planting
cultivation in strips in savannah regions
植法strip planting method
detail (复)
死病streak disease
状剥皮remove the bark in strip
状垄作strip ridge farming
状垄作strip listing
状处理row treatment
状处理band treatment
状穴播row-hill seeding
马铃薯痕花叶病stipple streak
码扫描器bar-code scanner
码阅读器bar code reader
drilled planting
种法line planting
干涉fringe (fimbrilla)
strip (stria)
striation (striatio)
木材dead streak
纹图形striate pattern
纹坏死streaked necrosis (necrosis striatus)
纹坦纳甘蔗热带原种Striped Tanna
纹新加坡甘蔗热带原种Striped Singapore
纹普雷埃格尔甘蔗热带原种Striped Preager
纹査尔顿甘蔗热带原种Striped Cheriten
纹毛里求斯甘蔗热带原种Striped Mauritius
纹病leaf stripe
纹-网状的striato-reticulate (striatoreticulatus)
纹脉序striated venation (venatio striata)
纹花叶病striate mosaic
纹花叶病streak mosaic
纹锈病yellow stripe rust
纹锈病stripe rust
纹锈病yellow rust
缝地板slatted floor
avenue cropping
脊的vallate (vallatus)
striped rot
腐病striped rot
laciniation (laciniatio)
裂的jagged (laciniatus)
裂的slit (aciniatus)
裂的lacinose (lacinosus)
裂的cleft (lacinatus)
铺捡拾器windrow pickup
杯式排种播机cup-feed drill
式挖掘斗crib bucket
式捆夹bale cage
式滚筒cage (cavea)
形犁壁slat moldboard
犁体slat bottom
标准化standardized condition
标准试验standard experimental condition
树脂pitch streak
树脂pitch seam
栓化枝suberized shoot (ramus suberisus)
内插spline interpolation
belt transect
根-定量root / shoot ration
根-定量root-shoot ration
根-root-shoot ratio
地下部与地上部的比率ratio of root to top
比率shoot-root ratio
比率地下部与地上部比 根-冠比root-shoot ratio
根出root shoot
根出scaly sucker
根出ground shoot
根出的热水处理hot water treatment of suckers
根插root cutting
根萌芽压树种root-sprouting and layering species
栽培cultivation conditions
栽培cultivated condition
栽培cultural conditions
栽培agronomic condition
栽培地点locational conditions
栽培需要cultural requirements
收获机mulberry shoot harvester
档案储存archival storage condition
植株生长地condition of site
植物生长plant growing condition
模拟原始pseudoprimeval condition
模拟自然simulating natural condition
正形conformal condition
水仙黄病毒narcissus grey disease virus
水仙黄病毒narcissus yellow stripe virus
水平压continuous layering
水平压horizontal layering
水平多株压园艺horizontal multiple layering
水平式播机horizontal drilling machine
水平栽培插contouring with plant cuttings
水平栽培插horizontally planted cuttings
水稻纹叶枯病stripe virus of rice
水稻纹叶枯病病毒病害rice stripe disease
水稻纹叶枯病毒rice stripe virus
水稻黑矮缩病毒rice black-streaked dwarf virus
水稻黑矮缩病毒black-streaked dwarf virus of rice
surface drilling
温和反应指显微阵列杂交过程condition of compromise reaction
温度件的突变temperature-conditional mutation
灌溉irrigated conditions
灰白色pale streak
灰色gray bar
rod welding
牧草播机pasture drill
甜菜播机sugarbeet driller
甜菜播装置sugarbeet drill unit
甜菜头铺swather for sugar beet tops
甜菜顶铺beet top swather
生产production requirement
生存existing conditions
生存condition for existence
生态ecological condition (conditio ecologica)
生物出现情况prebiotic condition
生物生存环境living environmental condition of organisms
生理physiologic condition
生长condition of growth
生长growing conditions
用枝耮耮地bush harrowing
田间field condition
电泳electrophoretic band
电防御件反射electrodefensive conditional reflex
畜力牵引播机animal-drawn seed drill
番茄复合斑病毒tomato double streak virus
rims of Sanio
稳定stability condition
稳态steady-state conditions
稻黑矮缩病病毒病害rice black-streaked dwarf
第二次收割condition of aftercrop
等高contour drilling
等高strip broadcasting
等高strip cropping
编织用枝running vine
缺氧土壤anaerobic soil conditions
耕作地drilling on tilled land
耕耘播机cultivator drill
耙地harrowing stria
联邦种子federal seed regulation
脉间interstitial strips (striae interstitiales)
腐朽rotten streak
纹病指甘蔗stalk stripe
茎尖压shoot tip layering (法)
茎秆铺straw windrower
茶树压tea layer
茶树压tea layering plot
茶树压扦插区tea layer-cutting division
茶树压tea layerage
茶树插tea cutting wood
brush harrow
brush drag
宽度swath width
干燥时间swath drying time
捡拾压捆机windrow pickup baler
捡拾器windrow pickup
摊晒机swath tedder
机具windrowing equipment
翻晒机windrow turner
捡拾装载机windrow loader
草地播机grassland drill
草辫straw band
草辫straw plaint
stump plant
coppice sprout
萌发必要germination requirements
落叶死病leaf drop streak
葡萄插cutting of grape
葡萄柚果皮纹病生理病害grapefruit rind stipple
斑病brown leaf blight
死病brown streak
甘蔗brown stripe
萎黄病brown streaked chlorosis
褪绿死病chlorotic streak
警告warning condition
谷物指英国corn laws
谷物播机grain drill
谷物播机cereal drill
谷物牧草播机grain-and-grass drill
谷物肥料播机grain-and-fertilizer drill
谷物铺收割swath cutting of grain
豆类播机bean drill
踵状插cutting with heel
轮式播机wheel drill
适宜件带zone of optimum condition
适宜农艺favorable agronomic conditions
适宜土壤favorable soil condition
适宜栽培favorable growing conditions
适宜栽培favorable cultural conditions
适宜栽培favorable agronomic conditions
适宜环境favorable environmental condition
适宜生长favorable growing conditions
适宜非生物环境favorable abiotic environmental condition
适应不利adaptive handicap
适当appropriate condition
通气aeration condition
配种板service crate
锄铲式化肥施机tined fertilizer distributor
key condition
防护protection clause
阻遏性repressive condition
件的contingent (contingens)
附加subsidiary condition (conditio subsidiaria)
附带condition collateral
除去根出trimming off of suckers
需氧aerobic condition
件致死unconditional lethal
非严格non-stringent condition
非平凡nontrivial condition
非无效nontrivial condition (conditio intrivialis)
非生物环境non-living environmental condition of organisms
非自然unnatural condition
CO₂饱和CO₂-saturated condition
马拉播机horse drill planter
鸭茅斑病毒cock's-foot streak virus
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