
Terms for subject United Nations containing 条件 | all forms | in specified order only
修改塞浦路斯联合共和国加入欧洲联盟条件的法令草案Draft Act of Adaptation of the terms of accession of the United Cyprus Republic to the European Union
向受影响发展中国家缔约方以赠款、减让和/或以其他条件grant basis, and/or on concessional or other terms, on a
国家选举资格条件eligibility conditions for national elections
对气候条件的适合性suitability for climatic conditions
改善亚太经社会区域农村住房条件区域讨论会Regional Seminar on the Improvement of Rural Housing for the ESCAP Region
极端环境条件系数,不超过主要装备和自我维持费偿还费率的5%extreme environmental condition factor not to exceed 5 per cent of the reimbursement rates for major equipment and for self-sustainment
特派团系数是由于任务区行动条件极端、造成了严重或额外的困难,而为部队/警察部队派遣国提供的赔偿mission factors are intended to compensate troop/police contributors for extreme operating conditions in the mission area, where conditions impose significant and additional hardship
环境条件因素extreme environmental factor
环境条件因素environmental conditions factor
离职条件separation package
精简所设条件streamlining of conditionality
货币基金组织和世界银行的条件规定conditionality Fund and Bank, comply with, tighter and more complex
贸易条件冲击terms of trade shocks
过度和过细地设定条件excessive and intrusive conditionality