
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing 条件 | all forms | in specified order only
交船条件conditions of ship's delivery
交船条件conditions of delivery
交货重量条件delivered mass terms
你们一般采用什么出口条件What are your normal export terms?
保养技术条件maintenance specification
到岸价条件cost, insurance, freight terms
制造和验收技术条件manufacture and acceptance specification
包装条件packing terms
协议的交货条件delivery terms of the agreement
合同的交货条件delivery terms of the contract
在交货期和服务工作条件上有竞争力competitive in terms of delivery and services
安装和验收技术条件installation and acceptance specification
工厂交货条件ex factory terms
扫描条件condition of scanning
投标的技术条件bid specification
拆装技术条件disassembling specification
排气条件exhaust condition
提成条件royalty conditions
救生艇安全降落条件safety falling condition of lifeboat
数量条件quantity terms
条件限制的随意抽样sampling unrestricted random
机加工条件machining conditions
条件效应conditional effectiveness
条件测量conditioned measurements
标准保险单条件standard policy conditions
模拟条件输入analogue condition entry
气干条件air dried condition
测量条件condition of measurement
溢短装条件more or less shipped terms
热处理条件heat treated condition
煅烧条件conditions of calcinations
特殊试验条件abnormal test conditions
码头交货条件ex wharf terms
统一保险单条件uniform policy conditions
维护保养技术条件maintenance specification
老化条件aging condition
船舶文件是证明船舶所有权、性能、技术状况和营运必备条件的各种文件的总称Ship document is a general call of various files that proves ship's ownership, performance, technical status and operating necessary condition
船舶航行条件ship's navigation condition
船舶营运必备条件文件ship operating necessary condition file
良好的经营条件favorable condition of operation
装运条件shipped terms
装运质量条件shipped mass terms
货物运载条件conditions concerning carriage of goods
质量好的必要条件quality requirements