
Terms for subject Finances containing 条件 | all forms | in specified order only
不符条件贷款non-tied loan
不能提前偿还的条件uncallable condition
不附条件承兑unconditional acceptance
不附带条件的汇票clean bill of draft (exchange)
不驸保留条件的承兑clean acceptance (absolute acceptance)
为中国未来的股市投资繁荣创造条件create conditions for a future boom in equity investing in China
为双边贸易平衡发展创造条件create conditions for balanced development of bilateral trade
交割条件delivery terms
付款条件term of payment
付款条件credit terms
以最佳价格/条件执行交易的原则principle of best execution
优惠条件favorable term
优惠条件信贷credit of favorable condition
保险条件condition of insurance
信用证条件term of credit
信用证内所厘订的条件conditions to be inserted in letter of credit
借款条件conditions of a loan
债券发行条件bond issue conditions
债务条件terms of debt
偿还条件repayment terms
充分提供资金的限制条件full funding limitations
准人条件eligibility requirements
分期偿还条件terms of redemption
创造必要条件create necessary conditions
创造有利于恢复金融稳定的条件create the conditions where financial stability can return
发行条件issue term
合同条件contract conditions
宽松的信贷条件easy credit terms
对…施加限制条件impose conditionality on...
并存条件condition concurrent
査帐报吿书上意见附带条件qualification of the opinion
托收款条件collection terms
报告书之必要条件requirement of reports
指明发牌条件specified licensing condition
按宽厚条件on easy terms
按揭条件mortgage condition
控制物价过快上涨的货币条件control the monetary conditions for commodity prices rising too rapidly
支持有条件的企业开展海外并购support qualified enterprises to carry out overseas mergers and acquisitions
放宽贷款条件liberalization the conditons of loan
条件交付unconditional delivery
条件信托bare trust
条件信用free credit
条件债券unconditional obligation
条件出售权unconditional right to sell
条件及不可撤回的担保unconditional and irrevocable guarantee
条件及不可撤销的信用证Unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit
条件合同unconditional contract
条件合约bare contract
条件承兑general acceptance
条件指示unconditional instruction
条件授权unconditional mandate
条件支付unconditional payment
条件支付命令unconditional order in writing
条件最惠国条款unrestricted most-favored-nation clause
条件最惠国条款unconditional most-favored-nation clause
条件流动性unconditional liquidity
条件现金要约unconditional cash offer
条件的清算清理unconditional liquidation
条件票据托收collection on clean bill
条件继承人unconditional heir
条件认付absolute or clean acceptance
条件证明书unqualified certificate
条件转让unconditional transfer
无附加条件的汇票clean bill of draft
无附带条件的交unqualified contribution
普通承兑承诺,普通认付不带保留条件的承兑general acceptance
月终后 10天付款条件ten end of month terms
条件买回条款provisional call feature
条件协议conditional agreement
条件期付款项bill and accounts payable with terms
条件现金收购/要约conditional cash offer
条件的允许qualified consent
条件的遗产estate upon condition
条件要约conditional offer
有关条件relevant condition
有利条件favorable conditions
某些限制条件some qualifications
现金折扣条件cash discount term
现金支付条件cash terms
筹资必要条件fund-raising requirement
结算条件terms of settlement
绝对无条件付款absolute promise to pay
获得良好外部条件receive a favorable external conditions
贷款条件loan terms
贷款条件term of loan
贷款协定条件terms of loan agreement
赊帐条件credit terms
违反条件breach of condition
条件合同tying contract
条件应付汇票draft payable with terms
条件的交款摊派qualified contribution
条件的报价offer with string attached
条件的签署qualified acceptance
条件的股份认购权qualified stock option
条件的背书qualified endorsement (indorsement)
条件的认支汇票qualified acceptance
条件票据claused bill
条件票据承兑qualified acceptance of bill
条件股票期权qualified stock option
条件融资conditional financing
条件证券conditional securities
条件贷款conditional loan
附加条件supplementary condition
附带条件的信托基金tied trust fund
顿客的无条件信贷余额customer’s free credit balance