
Terms for subject China containing 条件 | all forms | in specified order only
上市条件requirements of listing
不再具备上市条件fail to meet the requirement of listing
不符合条件的罪犯criminal who does not meet the condition
不符合录用条件unqualified for recruitment
不符合法律规定条件fail to meet the conditions provided by law
买卖条件buying and selling requirements
人畜饮水条件conditions of drinking water for human beings and animals
任职条件qualifications for the office
便利条件facilitating conditions
保卫条件protection condition
信贷条件requirement for granting loans
全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》附件一第七条和附件二第三条的解释Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC Regarding Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
公司债券上市条件requirement for the listing of corporate bonds
公平的就业条件fair conditions for employment
创造环境和条件create the environment and conditions
制定法律的条件成熟the conditions are ripe for making a law on the affair
办学条件conditions for running education
动物防疫条件合格证certificate of conformity to the conditions for animal epidemic prevention
劳动条件标准standards for working conditions
劳动安全卫生条件occupational safety and health conditions
劳动就业条件conditions for employment
合作条件cooperation conditions
合同条件conditions of the contract
安全条件论证safety condition argumentation
安全保卫条件security protection condition
安全生产条件conditions for safe production
完善安全生产条件perfect the conditions for safe production
尚不具备立法条件的议案bills that call for legislation where conditions are not yet ripe
就业条件conditions for employment
履行条件comply with the conditions
录用条件requirement for recruitment
惯常条件customary terms
排放条件conditions of emission
提供便利条件provide convenience
提供良好的条件create favorable conditions (for)
收购条件terms of acquisition
条件conditions permit
条件已成就conditions fulfilled
条件已成就fulfillment of the conditions
条件恶劣adverse conditions
条件成熟create the right conditions
根据经济条件in the light of the economic condition
检测条件testing facilities
法人条件qualifications of a legal person
法定条件statutory condition
法定安全生产条件statutory conditions for production safety
海事请求保全条件condition for a maritime preservation
生效条件conditions on validity
生效条件collateral conditions on the entry into effect
种畜禽防疫条件condition for prevention of epidemic diseases among the breeding livestock and poultry
《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response
符合服兵役条件qualify for military service
符合法定条件comply with the relevant statutory requirements
符合法定条件meet the statutory condition
符合法定条件meet the condition prescribed
符合规划条件in compliance with the condition for planning
繁殖条件conditions for breeding
终止条件conditions for the termination
要约的条件terms as stipulated in the tender offer
规划条件conditions for planning
规定条件prescribed condition
设立条件conditions for establishment
资格条件qualification requirements
资质认定条件qualification accreditation conditions
起诉条件condition for initiation of a prosecution
超出要约的条件overstep the term as stipulated in its tender offer
防疫条件conditions for epidemic prevention
条件conditions attached
附加条件restrictive conditions
附加条件批准conditionally approval
附加限制性条件impose additional restrictive conditions
附有条件condition attached
驾驶许可条件requirements for driver's license