
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 条件 | all forms | in specified order only
一般交易条件general terms of trade
一般交易条件general terms of transaction
一般交易条件general terms of business
一般交货条件general terms of delivery
一般交货条件general conditions of delivery
一般贸易条件general terms of trade
一般转让条件general terms of transfer
一般销售条件general conditions of sale
上市股票条件listing requirement
不能作废条件non-forfeiture condition
不附条件的汇票clean bill of draft
不附带条件的汇票clean bill of exchange
不附带条件贷款untied loan
主要条件main terms
事先履行条件condition of prerequisite
交易条件terms of transaction
交易条件condition of trade
交货条件delivery terms
交货共同条件general conditions of delivery
交钥匙条件turn-key terms
以不保单独海损为条件subject to particular average
以出售为条件subject to sale
价格条件price terms
优惠条件concessional element
伦敦条件到岸价格cost, insurance and freight London terms
使用条件end use condition
使用条件in-use condition
使用条件conditions of service
供给条件terms of supply
信用条件creditor terms
信用证条件L/C terms
信贷条件terms of credit
先决条件precedent condition
先决条件condition of prerequisite
免税条件requirement for tax exemption
全部条件full terms
出口必备条件requisites for export
出售条件selling condition
分运条件knocked-down condition
到岸价格条件,成本、保险费加运费价格条件cost, insurance and freight terms
到岸价格交易,成本、保险费、运费价格条件交易cost, insurance, freight transaction
到岸价格加班轮条件,按班轮条件的成本,保险费和运费价格,班轮条件到岸价格cost, insurance, freight liner terms
到岸品质条件arrived quality terms
到岸数量条件arrived quantity terms
到货品质条件arrived quality terms
到货品质条件arrival quality terms
到货数量条件arrived quantity terms
到货重量条件arrival weight terms
前提条件precedent condition
包装条件terms of packing
卫生条件hygienic condition
可接受的条款与条件acceptable terms and conditions
合同条件item of contract
合同条件contract item
品质条件terms of quality
国际贸易条件international trade terms
地方条件local conditions
大气条件ambient condition
完税后交货条件delivered duty paid
履行合同条件execute contract conditions
工厂交货条件free at factory
工厂交货条件ex works
工厂交货条件free at mill
工厂交货条件ex factory
当地交货条件loco terms
当地交货条件local conditions
成本加保险费、运费、卸货地费用价格条件,到岸价格加卸货价条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
成本,运费泊位交货条件cost and freight berth term
所有者根据不同条件补足保险owner's difference in conditions
承兑条件terms of acceptance
承受条件acceptability condition
投资条件terms of investment
投资条件condition of investment
投资必备条件requirement of investment
抵押条件mortgage terms
抵押条件mortgage condition
按不定期货轮条件on tramp terms
按现状条件tale quale
接受交易条款与条件accept one's terms and conditions
接受承运等条件acceptance condition
摇摆条件swing clause
支付条件payment condition
收款条件collection terms
数量条件terms of quantity
条件no terms
条件不等式unconditional inequality
条件义务simple obligation
条件交付absolute delivery
条件交易unconditional operations
条件交货absolute delivery
条件付款unconditional payment
条件付款clean payment
条件保函unconditional guarantee
条件保证unconditional guarantee
条件信用证clean letter of credit
条件债务unconditional debt
条件均值unconditional mean
条件履行义务的要约tender of performance
条件担保unconditional guarantee
条件汇票clean bill of draft
条件等色isomeric colors
条件经营unconditional operations
条件订单unconditional order
条件订货unconditional order
条件让渡absolute conveyance
条件转让absolute conveyance
条件转让absolute assignment
条件通知放款unconditional call money
条件配色isomeric match
无法接受的条件unacceptable terms
无附加条件的合同absolute contract
条件允许qualified consent
条件发价offer with string attached
条件承兑qualified acceptance
条件的最惠国条款conditional most-favored-nation clause
条件的票据兑现qualified acceptance of bill
条件限制的conditionally qualified
有利条件favorable factors
有利条件favorable condition
服用条件end use condition
条件差异difference in conditions
条件差异保单difference in condition policy
条件放宽softening of terms
条件等色metameric colors
条件等色差metameric difference
条件苛刻的贷款upper tranche
条件费用conditional costs
正常操作条件normal operating conditions
正常销售条件usual market requirements
气候条件weather condition
法定条件lawful condition
法律条件law terms
港内交货条件free in harbor
特殊便利条件special facility
现场交货条件loco terms
现金交货条件cash on delivery
班轮上交货价,班轮上交货条件,班轮上交货free on board liner terms
生产条件yield condition
生产条件requisites of production
生活条件quality of life
畅销的条件salable condition
码头交货条件free at quay
码头船边交货条件free alongside quay
票据无条件承兑absolute acceptance
租船条件charter party terms
符合普惠制待遇条件的产品product eligible for GSP treatment
筹资条件condition of financing
签证要求条件licensing requirements
细条塔克附件pin tuck attachment
经营条件condition of operation
经营必须条件requisites of operation
缝制条件sewing condition
缝纫条件sewing condition
聘用条件condition for employment
自由进入条件condition of free entry
致密干燥条件compacting drying condition
船方不负担装卸及平舱、理舱费用,装卸、理舱、平舱费用在外条件free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装卸、平舱及理舱费用,装卸、理舱、平舱费在外条件free in and out stowed and trimmed
船边交货条件free alongside ship
苛刻条件exacting terms
苛刻贸易条件harsh terms of trade
范围广的承保条件full terms
融资条件condition of financing
补充条件supplemental condition
装卸费用在外条件free in and out
装船品质条件shipping quality terms
装船数量条件shipping quantity terms
订货条件condition of order
货交承运人条件free carrier
货到付款条件arrival payment terms
货币条件money terms
货物质量的现状条件tale quale
贴现条件terms of discount
贸易条件items of business
贸易条件theory of terms of trade
贸易条款与条件trade terms and conditions
边境交货条件delivered at frontier
运费付至...... 条件freight paid to
运费预付至..... 条件freight paid to…terms
运输条件condition for transportation
运输条件良好good transport
进口必备条件requisites for import
通常条件usual terms
遵守全部条件full terms
钩至钩条件tackle to tackle clause
长期盈亏持平条件long-run break-even conditions
条件的报盘offer with string attached
附加条件supplemental condition
附带条件的投入tied input
验收合格条件acceptance condition