
Terms for subject Environment containing 材料 | all forms | in specified order only
代用材料alternative material Materials employed in the place of others which are more dangerous for the environment, such as phosphate substitutes in detergents (被用来取代对环境危害更大的物质的材料,如清洁剂中磷酸盐的替代物)
修路材料road construction material The aggregation of components used for building streets, highways and other routes, such as asphalt, concrete, brick, sand and gravel (用于建造马路、高速路和其它路的所有原料,例如沥青、混凝土、砖、砂、砾石。)
包装材料packaging All products made of any materials of any nature to be used for the containment, protection, handling, delivery and presentation of goods, from raw materials to processed goods, from the producer to the user or the consumer (所有为物品的保护、处理、交付和介绍制成的产品,用任何自然材料或从原材料处理得到的物品,其流通过程是从生产商到用户或消费者。)
材料raw material A crude, unprocessed or partially processed material used as feedstock for a processing operation (原始、没有加工过的或部分加工的材料,用作生产原料。)
材料保障raw material securing Measures used to ensure the provision of or the access to crude, unprocessed or partially processed materials used as feedstock for processing or manufacturing (保证能获得原始、没有加工过的或部分加工的,用作生产或制造原料的材料的方法。)
材料消费raw material consumption The developed countries depend on a stable supply of raw materials for their industries. Total resource requirements are increasing rapidly over the entire world. In developed countries, although population is increasing slowly, per capita use is increasing rapidly, while the opposite is happening in developing countries. Traditionally raw materials have been classified as non-renewable resources, but a distinction may be important between "loosable" resources, such as oil and coal, and "non-loosable" resources, such as metals, which can be used several times over by recycling processes (发达国家依靠原材料为它们的工业提供稳定的材料供给。整个世界总的资源需求增加很快。在发达国家,尽管人口增加很慢,人均使用增加却很快,这和发展中国家相反。传统的原材料属于不可再生资源,"松散的"资源,例如油和煤等和"非松散的"资源,例如金属等区别很大,"非松散的"资源能通过回收重用多次。)
可再生材料renewable raw material Resources that have a natural rate of availability and yield a continual flow of services which may be consumed in any time period without endangering future consumption possibilities as long as current use does not exceed net renewal during the period under consideration (能以一定速度再生的资源,当前只要不过度使用,就不会影响到未来对该材料的使用。)
可氧化的材料oxidizable material Substance that can undergo a chemical reaction with oxygen (可与氧进行化学反应的物质。)
合成材料synthetic material Material made artificially by chemical reaction (人工化学反应制成的材料。)
合成材料行业synthetic materials industry No definition needed (无需定义。)
回收材料recycled material Waste materials that are transformed into new products in such a manner that the original products may lose their identity (能变成新产品的废料,在转变过程中材料可能丧失它们原来的特性。)
填充材料filling material Any substance used to fill the holes and irregularities in planed or sanded surfaces so as to decrease the porosity of the surface for finish coatings (用来填补平面或沙质表面的漏洞和不规则形态,以降低涂层表面的空隙。)
天然材料natural material No definition needed (无需定义。)
材料scrap material Recyclable material from any manufacturing process or discarded consumer products (从任何制造过程或丢弃的消费产品中产生的可回收材料。)
材料价格scrap material price The amount of money or the monetary rate at which materials discarded from manufacturing operations can be bought or sold (制造过程中丢弃的材料能被买卖得到的收入或钱的比率。)
材料市场scrap material market The trade or traffic in discarded or leftover materials that can be reused in some way (能用某种方式重用丢弃的或剩余的材料的贸易。)
建筑材料building material Any material used in construction, such as steel, concrete, brick, masonry, glass, wood, etc. (任何用于建设的材料,例如钢铁、混凝土、砖、砌石、玻璃、木材等。)
建筑材料工业building materials industry
当地建筑材料local building material
教学材料teaching material An article or device used to facilitate the learning process in an instructional setting (文章或设备在教学设置中用来促进学习的过程。)
材料new material Novel high-performance materials obtained through the interdisciplinary research of chemistry, applied chemistry, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering (通过化学、应用化学、化学工程、机械工程的跨学科研究获得的新型高性能材料。)
木材 "废料"制品wood waste
木材废料wood waste Waste which is left over after the processing of raw timber (原木加工结束后遗留的废料。)
材料material The substance of which a product is made or composed (制造或组成产品的物质。)
材料力学强度strength of materials
材料力学;材料强度strength of materials No definition needed (无需定义。)
材料工艺学materials technology Any technical means or equipment used for the production and optimization of material goods that consist of any of a diverse range of properties, either alone or in combination, such as glass, metal, plastics and ceramics (一些用于材料商品生产和优化的技术手段和装备,这些商品由多样的材料性能组成,它们或单独存在或组合而成,如玻璃,铁,塑料和陶器。)
材料技术Materials Technology
材料生命周期material life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materials (涉及材料的制造、分发、零售、使用、再利用和维护、回收和废物管理等所有阶段。)
材料的性能properties of materials The physical and chemical characteristics of the substances or parts of which a thing or object is made (物质的物理和化学特性。)
材料科学materials science The study of the nature, behaviour, and use of materials applied to science and technology (研究应用于科学技术的材料的性质、性能和用途。)
材料试验testing of materials The complex of tests performed in order to ascertain the characteristics and behaviour of materials; they are classified in physical and chemical tests, mechanical tests and technological tests (进行复杂的测试,目的是确定材料的特点和行为。分为物理和化学测试,机械测试和技术测试分类。)
欧共体关于包装材料的指示EC directive on packaging EC Directive proposed on 15 July 1992 aiming at harmonizing national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste; the directive covers all packaging placed on the market (欧共体发表于1992年7月15日的指示,旨在协调各个国家对包装材料的管理和包装材料浪费在内的措施。指示包括所有进入市场的包装材料。)
电子材料electronic material No definition needed (无需定义)
绝缘材料insulating material Material that prevents or reduces the transmission of electricity, heat, or sound to or from a body, device or region (阻止或降低电流、热量、声音在人体、设备或区域间传输的材料。)
衬垫材料liner material A layer of synthetic or natural materials, on the sides of or beneath a landfill, landfill cell or surface impoundment, that restricts the downward or lateral escape of liquids carrying leachate into the surrounding environment (一层天然或人造材料,位于垃圾填埋场、垃圾填埋场单元或地面存储的四周或下方,这限制了沥出的液体向下或向四周渗透到周围的环境。)
重用材料reuse of materials Any re-utilization of products or components, in original form, such as when used glass bottles are sterilized and refilled for resale (任何能在原始状态下重用的产品或部分,例如用过的玻璃瓶在消毒和重装后被重新卖出。)
隔音材料sound insulation material Material used to reduce the transmission of sound to or from a body, device, room, etc. (用于降低声音从音源到特定装置、设备和房间等的传输的材料。)