
Terms for subject International trade containing 权利 | all forms | in specified order only
不受其他人权利和债权限制的货物goods free from all rights and claims
不受时效限制的权利imprescriptible right
不受第三人权利和债权限制的货物goods free from the rights or claims of third persons
"不损害当事人权利"为限without prejudice
"不损害当事人权利"为限without prejudice to...
不法行为不产生权利jus ex injuria non oritur
不法行为不产生权利ex injuria jus non oritur
专利权利用许可协议licensing agreements
专利权exclusive privileges
专利权patent right
专利权exclusive right
专利权right of patent
专利权brevet d'invention
专利权使用协议licensing agreement
专利权使用权协议patent license agreement
专利权使用费patent royalty
专利权持有者patent holder (patentee)
专利权法patent laws
专利权注销准备reserve for expiration of patents
专利权特许使用权patent license
专利权的国际公约International Convention on Patents
专利权立法patent legislation
专利权管理局patent office
丧失权利loss of rights
丧失权利forfeit one's rights
买期货的权利call option
争执中的权利right in dispute
以不得行使权利为制裁on pain of being barred
以代位取得合同上的权利subrogation to rights under a contract
以禁止行使权利为制裁on pain of being barred
保留权利reserve powers
保留权利reservation of right
保障权利条款waiver clause
偿还权利equity of redemption
公认的权利recognized right
其他当事人不能主张权利或提出抗辩的票据instrument free from claims and defenses of other parties
利息债权interest claim
加权平均实际利率weighted average effective interest rates
发明专利权patent for invention
取得发明专利权patented invention
受益人权利right of beneficiaries
受益者权利rights of beneficiaries
各种权利和免责rights and immunities
同工同酬的权利right to equal pay for equal work
同等权利pari cause
向法院申诉的权利access to court
因时效完成不能行使的权利right barred by reason of limitation
因货物不符合合同而提出主张的权利right to rely on lack of conformity
固有权利inherent right
国际工业权利保障协会international convention for the protection of industrial property
天赋权利natural rights
失去时效的权利barred right
套利套购选择权stowage option
套利选择权straddle option
实施专利权working of patent
实施专利权use of patent
对他人主张自己的权利exercise one's rights against...
将票据权利转让他人indorse over to
工业发展专利权industrial development patents
工业发展专利权industrial development patent
工作权利Right-to-Work Law
已消逝专利权价值expired patent value
废除权利right of rescission
当事各方的权利和义务rights and duties of parties
得到... 的专利权take out a patent for
恢复时效已完成的权利revive a barred right
承认无海岸线国家悬旗权利公约Convention Recognizing the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast
技术转让专利权technology transfer patents
授予权利vesting of right
授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利share option
撤销专利权revocation of a patent
放弃权利声明书letter of renunciation
无人能提出权利主张或异议的汇票bill free from claims or defenses
无没收权利non-forfeiture option
无股息无分红无还本也无要求摊派新股的权利ex all
无要求参与新股的权利ex new
既得权利acquired right
时效已完成的权利right for which the limitation period has expired
时效所得权利prescriptive right
有权主张权利的人person entitled to make a claim
有权提出权利要求的人person entitled to make a claim
权利人无提出异议之权licensee estoppel
权利和义务rights and liabilities
权利的消灭时效prescription of rights
权利的转让cession of rights
权利继承人successor in title
权利转移证书letter of transfer
权利转让subrogation of rights
民法上的权利转让ordinary assignment
权利转让书subrogation form
根据票据主张的权利rights to and upon the instrument
汇票上的权利rights on a bill of exchange
沿海国的优先权利preferential rights of coastal state
特权专利special privilege monopoly
由货物瑕疵而产生的权利rights arising from defects
留置权及其他权利负担liens and other encumbrances
确认权利的判决declaratory judgement
票据上的权利rights arising out of the bill
租赁权的收租利益royalty interests on leaseholds
类似权利neighboring right
背书票据将权利转让他人endorse over a bill to another one
行使专利权working of patent
行使专利权use of patent
行使已经判决确定的权利enforcement of claims established by judgement
衡平权利equitable interest
要求偿还已履行的债的权利right to claim back the performance
要求损害赔偿的权利right to claim damages
要求支付一笔特定款项的权利claim to a specified sum
货物的权利主张人claimant of the goods
质押权利总设定书general letter of hypothecation
贸易权利trade right
转受权利derivative title
运输途中处理货物的权利right of disposal of the goods during transit
退回已提供的利益的债权、诉权claim for restitution of benefits conferred
配额权利quota rights
销售地区权利条款territory rights clause
长期占有产生权利longa possessio jus pant
附属权利ancillary right
附有购买新股票的权利cum right
附有一切权利cum all
首先拒绝的权利right of first refusal