
Terms for subject Securities containing 权利 | all forms | in specified order only
一次清偿权利upfront premium payment
不可分的权利undivided right
不完备权利利润inchoate interest
专利权capital asset
买人碟式认沽期权利long butterfly put spread
买人碟式认购期权利long butterfly call spread
买空看涨期权价格套利call price spread bullish
从属权利subordinated interest
从属权利appurtenant right
以利率上限期权合约担保的浮动利率债券capped floaters
优先专利权preferred patent
优先股清算权利right in liquidation of preferred stock
侵犯合法权利infringe lawful rights
保护权利的机制right-defending mechanism
卖方保留全部权利ex all
债权人权利creditors' rights
债权人测试的最佳利息best-interests-of-creditors test
停止赎回的权利right of foreclosure
再投资权利reinvestment privilege
分享担保的权利shared rights over collateral
利息股权化capitalization of interest
利率互换期权option on interest rate swaps
利率交换期货的认购期权call option on interest rate swap futures
利率交换期货看跌期权put option on interest rate swap futures
利率期权合约interest rate options
利率期权估价valuing interest rate options
利率期权估价模型interest rate options valuation model
利率期权合同interest rate options contract
利益分享权股票profit rights
加权平均债券利息率weighted average coupon
卖空看涨期权套利call price spread bearish
卖空看涨期权货币套利bearish call money spread
卖空看跌期权价格套利bearish put price
卖空看跌期权货币套利bearish put money spread
厚利所有权以低于市价的价格获得的某项财产的所有权lucrative title
取消赎回的权利right of foreclosure
只支付利息选择权interest only option
可对整个世界实施的权利right in rem
合法权利lawful authority
同等权利pari passu
同股同权同利same shares carrying same rights and same benefits
员工权利employee rights
回购权利call privilege
国家财产权利national rights of property
外国股票期权利foreign source stock option profits
多种期权融资便利multiple options funding facility
多种期权融资便利multiple option funding facility
套利期权straddle option
套利选择权stowage option
奥地利期货期权交易所Austrian Futures and Options Exchange
对人权利right in person
对人实施的权利right in person
对物权利right in rem
带选择权的股利权益dividend entitlements with options
异议者权利的可获得性availability of dissenter's rights
强制性权利obligatory right
意大利面条式期权指期权交易合同是否成功,如意式面条一样能贴在墙上为成功,掉下为失利Spaghetti options
担保权利collateral right
持票者权利rights of holder of bill
提前赎回抵押品的权利prime redemption privilege
撤离权利计划back-end rights plan (一种毒丸接管防御措施)
放弃权利协议release agreement
新股权利凭证certificate of entitlement to new shares
权利XR (ex-right)
权利ex all
无形权利intangible right
无股利欧式看涨期权non-dividend paying European call options
无股利欧式认购期权non-dividend paying European call options
日历看涨期权套利calendar call spread
权利的股东interested share holder
有权转换为固定利率的浮动利率票据floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option
期权套利option spread
期权调整利差定价option-adjusted spread pricing
期权调整后的利差option-adjusted spreads
未分权利undivided right
未收到付款的卖方权利right of unpaid seller
购股权利letter of rights
权利发行entitlement issue
权利移转证书letter of subrogation
权利股发行scrip issue
权利股发行right issue
权利证券privilege issue
权利证明letter of rights
权利转让证明subrogation form
权利金收人premium income
权益转让/利益转让assignment of interest
某类股份的权利class rights
正向比率看跌期权利差/套利ratio put spread
正当权利just title
比利时期货期权交易所比利时Belgian Futures and Options Exchange
比率看涨期权套利价差ratio call spread
澳大利亚期权交易所Australian Options Market
澳大利亚期权市场Australia Options Market
熊市垂直认沽期权利vertical bear put spread
现货利率期权options on physicals
登陆权利landed interest
股东的利润分配权right to share profits
看跌期权利put spread
看跌期权反向比率利差put backspread
短期利率期权STIR option
短期利率期权short-term interest rate options
累积权利right cumulative
红利认股权证bonus warrants
联营追加股权、利additional paid-in capital from pooling of interest
股东权利right of shareholders
股东权利计划毒丸计划shareholder rights plan poison pill
股东的权利stockholder right
股利权dividend rights
股权套利equity arbitrage
股权收购与利润短期趋势tender offer and short-swing profit
获利认购期权证券市价高于执行价格的认购期权down-and-in call
获得权利acquired right
被放弃的权利abandoned right
规定的收人和最高股权的限制性权利prescribed right to income and maximum equity
认沽期权反向比率套利put backspread
认股权证派送红利bonus issue of warrants
认购利率掉期期权call swaption
认购新股权利subscription privilege
认购新股的权利right to apply for new shares
让予权利quit claim
让渡权利quit claim
调控利率的权力power to regulate interest rates
风险管理调整后的期权利option adjusted spread
调整后的期权利option adjusted spread
财产天然权利natural right of property
财产所有权附带的一整套权利bundle of rights
质押权利letter of pledge
国际货币基金贷款利用权协议standby agreement
赎回权利equity of redemption
转让权利right of assignment
退出/进人基金的权利exit/ entry privilege
通过代位而取得的权利subrogation of rights
长期利率期权long-term interest rate options
附加权利ancillary right
股票附各项权利cum all
难以确定的权利intangible right
雇主权利employer rights
非套利期权定价模型arbitrage free option pricing models
预定权利协议termination claim
香港银行同业拆借港元利率期货叠做期权HIBOR futures strip