
Terms for subject Business containing 权利 | all forms | in specified order only
不受权利和债权限制的货物goods free from all rights and claims
不受惯例限制的权利imprescriptible right
不可分割权利undivided right
不可取消的权利indefeasible right
不实施专利权non-working of patent
不提出权利要求或异议的汇票bill free from claims or defences
不行使专利权non-exploitation of patent
不行使专利权non-use of patent
不行使应享权利non-exercise of entitlement
专利所有权title to patent
专利权industrial property right
专利权proprietary right
专利权与商标权摊销patent and trademark amortization
专利权任务patent assignment
专利权摊销amortization of patents
专利权收入income from royalty
专利权期满失效准备reserve for expiration of patents
专利权期满终止lapse of a patent
专利权期满终止lapse of patent
专利权未定pend patent pending
专利权满期准备reserve for expiration of patents
专利权申请patent application
专利权终止lapse of patent
专利权证letter of patent
专利权账户patent account
专有技术和专利权proprietary technology and patents
专有绘图设计权利special drawing rights
丧失权利be rendered unfit for right
丧失专利权forfeiture of a patent
丧失岀庭权利amittere curiam
为他们各自的权利与义务for their respective rights and interests
主张权利claim of right
买方权利buyer's right
交换专利许可权patent cross-licensing
享受平等和公正待遇权利right to equal and fair treatment
享有权利enjoyment of right
享有权利enjoy the right
享有民事权利的能力capacity of having private right
权利collateral claim
权利accessory right
从属权利ancillary right
优惠贸易权利preferential trade entitlement
依时效得到的权利prescriptive right
依法进入的权利legal access
侵犯权利encroachment of right
侵犯专利权infringement of monopoly
侵犯专利权patent infringement
侵犯专利权infringement of patent
侵犯个人权利private wrongs
侵犯技术转让方的权利infringement on the right of the party transferring the technology
保持权利keep right
保留权利reserved powers
债主权利right of creditor
兑回权利call privilege
公司权利与财产有合法权利者之间的关系corporate privity
公民权利civil right
公民权利Civil Rights Act
公认权利recognized right
关税及专利权上诉法院court of customs and patent appeal
净利权益net profit interest
出押人权利mortgagors right
分割权利carved out interest
利息享有权证certificate of beneficial interest
利润与股东权益之比ratio of profit to the stock-holder's equity
剥夺权利divest right
剥夺权利deprive right
剥夺政治权利终身deprival of political right for life
发明专利权monopoly of one's invention
取得…专利权take out a patent for
由于长期使用而取得所有权利acquisition prescription
合同权利treaty right
合同规定的权利contractual right
合法权利legal right
合法职业权利legal professional privilege
同工同酬权利right to equal pay for equal work
否定权利negation of right
囊括一切的权利要求blanket claim
国际专利权公约International on Patents
基本权利fundamental right
基本权利basic right
基本权利和义务basic rights and duties
多数权利majority interests
股东多数权利majority interest
存款人储户权利depositor right
实用新型权利utility model right
对他人行使自己的权利exercise of ones rights against...
对某物提出权利要求lay claim to sth.
对物权利jus in rem
对配偶财产的权利marital right
少数股东权利right of minority shareholders
尚未投入使用的专利权paper patent
居住权利occupancy rights
平等权利right of equality
平等权利equal rights
年度内少数股东权益保留溢利minority interests in the retained profit of the year
应享养恤金权利pension entitlement
应付债权人利息interest payable to creditors
得到…专利权take out a patent for
或有权利contingent right
扩大权利broaden the right
承认有要求提供契据的权利acknowledgement of right to production of documents
按滑动费率支付专利权使用费sliding scale royalty
按滑动费率支付专利权税sliding-scale royalty
提前赎回押品权利prime redemption privilege
提前还款的权利anticipation right
借款人有提前还款的权利anticipation right
提前退职应得权利vested right
提岀专利权申请书file a patent application
放弃权利release of right
放弃权利契约quit claim deed
放弃自己权利surrender of one's claim
权利要求或异议的汇票bill free from claims of defences
既得权利established right
时效已过的不能再提出的权利right barred by reason of limitation
普遍权利universal right
最高权利paramount right
有专利权和无专利权的工艺patented and non-patented technology
有专利权工厂的制品指专利产品ethical goods
有专利权的发明patented invention
有提出权利要求的人person entitled to make a claim
有限权利conditional right
未获专利权的发明unpatented invention
权利与义务devoir and right
权利与义务rights and duties
权利与免责rights and immunities
权利与责任right and obligation
权利丧失loss of rights
权利中断interruption of a right
权利主体holder of right
权利主张通知demand notice
权利人名称变更change in title
权利writ of right
权利剥夺divestiture of right
权利客体object of right
权利恢复recovery of right
权利执行enforcement of right
权利desire for right
权利生效日期vesting date
权利的不可转让性non-assignability of right
权利范围area of interest
权利许可证license of right
权利许可证licence of right
权利转让ordinary assignment
权利转让assignment of privilege
权利转让证书letter of transfer
权利首次界定initial definition of right
权衡利弊strike a balance (between)
根据权利干预intervention by right
民事权利变更alteration of private right
民事权利能力capacity to have civil right
法人权利能力legal capacity of juristic person
法定权利statutory right
法定权利legal right
派生权利derived right
独家专利权exclusive patent right
独家专利权exclusive patent
独家专利权exclusive licence
由于扩大发明范围而取得的专利权fencing patent
留置权及其他权利负担lien and other encumbrance
相互使用专利权cross licensing
租户权利tenantable right
租赁人权利tenant right
租赁权收租利益royalty interests on leaseholds
第三人的权利要求claim of third person
第三者权利jus tertii
给予专利权grant a patent
继承无遗嘱者的财产的权利intestate succession
维护权利assertion of right
股东利润分配权right-to share profits
股东权益盈利return on equity
股权盈利holding gain
股票认购权中得利因素bargain element in stock option
自然权利natural rights
自然扩大的权利accruing right
获得权利acquiring right
行使权利exercise one's right
行使汇票上的权利enforcement of a claim under a bill of exchange
衡平法权利即依照衡平法而产生的权利equitable right
衡平法上有效的权利equitable interest
衡平法上赎回抵当物权利衡平赎还权equity of redemption
裁决一项权利的要求adjudicate a claim
要求权利通知demand notice
要求偿付已履行债务的权利right to claim back the performance
要求退回已提供利益的债权claim for restitution of benefits conferred
诉讼权利litigation right
诉讼权利right of action
请求保护专利权claim in a patent application
责、权、利相结合combination of responsibility, power and interest
责、权、利结合combine responsibility, authority and benefit
货物权利主张人claimant of the goods
赎回权利call privilege
转换权利conversing right
运途中处理货物的权利right of disposal of the goods during transit
连带权利joint rights
销售区域权利条款territory right clause
附属权利accessory right
附有拥有一切权利with rights
附有权利cum right
附有权利要求的财产property subject to a claim
附有一切权利cum all right
附有利润或升水权的提款cum drawing
附有各种一切权利cum all
附有新股 cum right 附有权利在发售股票中, 附有折扣购买新发行股票权利cum laude
附…权利cum rights
限制性权利界限margin of restrictive rights
预交专利权税advance of royalties
预期权利expectant right
驳回一项权利主张set aside a claim