
Terms for subject China containing 权利 | all forms | in specified order only
上诉权利right to file an appeal
不动产权利owner of the immovable
不得行使言论自由的权利exercise no right of freedom of speech
不能行使选举权利的精神病患者mentally ill persons unable to exercise their voting rights
与土地契约有关的一切权利all rights in relation to the lease of land
专利侵权纠纷dispute of patent infringement
专利权评价报告patent evaluation report
专利申请权right to patent application
专利申请权right to apply for a patent
主张权利claim rights
主要权利main rights
交易权利right to dealing
享受社会福利的权利right to social welfare
享有权利,履行义务enjoy rights and undertake liabilities
享有与男子平等的劳动权利enjoy equal right to work as men
享有优先购买的权利have the priority to purchase
享有公平交易的权利have the right to fair dealing
享有共有和共同管理的权利enjoy the right of sharing and jointly managing
享有劳动权利enjoy the right to work
享有同男子平等的权利enjoy equal right with men
享有同等的权利enjoy equal right
享有处分的权利be entitled to control and to dispose
享有宪法和法律规定的权利be entitled to the rights prescribed by the Constitution and other laws
享有收益的权利have the right to benefit from
享有民事权利enjoy civil right
享有自主用人的权利have the right to employ people independently
享有自主经营的权利enjoy one's right of independent management
人民参与管理国家事务的民主权利the people's democratic right to participate in the management of state affairs
人民当家作主的权利the right of the people to be the masters of their own affairs
人民的民主权利保障制度system for safeguarding the people's democratic rights
人身权利right of the person
人身、财产安全不受损害的权利right to the safety of person and property guaranteed
权利accessory rights
代位请求赔偿权利right to indemnity by subrogation
代行权利person who exercises rights on behalf of others
任何权利any right
休息的权利right to rest
优先受偿权利priority right to be repaid
优先抚养权利priority in rearing the child
供役地权利obligee of the servient estate
依法享有的权利right enjoyed according to law
依法保护权利人的物权protect the property of the obligees in accordance with law
依法取得的专利权patent right lawfully obtained
依法行使权利in the legal exercise of one's right
依法行使民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督等权利exercise their rights of democratic election, decision-making, administration and supervision in accordance with the law
侵犯专利权infringement of the patent rights
国家机关和国家工作人员侵犯公民权利an infringement of citizens9 civic rights (by any State organ or functionary)
侵犯公民民主权利infringement of a citizen's democratic rights
侵犯公民诉讼权利infringe on citizen's procedural right
侵犯公民通信自由权利infringe upon the citizen's right to freedom of correspondence
保全票据权利preservation of right on the instrument
保护公民的合法权利不受侵犯protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests from being infringed
保险权利义务insurance rights and obligations
保障人民当家作主的民主权利guarantee people's democratic rights to be masters of their own affairs
保障公民权利guarantee the rights of citizens
保障公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利safeguard citizens rights of the person and their democratic and other rights
保障少数民族的权利safeguard the rights of minority nationalities
保障残疾人的劳动权利guarantee the disabled persons? right to work
停止行使选举权利be suspended from exercising their voting rights
《儿童权利公约》关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的任择议定书Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
公平交易权利right to fair dealing
公民权利citizen rights
公民权利civil rights
公民权利和政治权利国际公约International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》International Convention on Civil and Political Rights
公民都享有的权利liberties enjoyed by all citizens
共同权利义务common rights and obligations
共同管理权利joint management rights
共有和共同管理的权利right to share and jointly manage
其他权利other right holder
出资人权利contributor's rights
分享权利share of the credit
切实保障罪犯的合法权利conscientiously guarantee the legitimate rights of convicts
利用职权take advantage of one's position and power
剥夺政治权利deprive deprivation, deprival of political rights
剥夺政治权利的期限terms of deprivation of political rights
劳动权利right to work
劳动的权利和义务right as well as the duty of work
参加登记的全体权利all those who have registered their rights (with the court)
参政的权利right to participate in public affairs
发明专利权patent for inventions
发明专利权invention patent right
取得保险金的权利right to obtain insurance
取得保险金的权利right to insurance money
取得赔偿的权利have the right to compensation
受偿权利right to indemnification
受司法机关公正审判的权利right to a fair trial by the judicial organ
受庇护的权利right to asylum
受教育的权利和义务rights and obligations to receive education
各方的权利和义务rights and obligations of each other
各自的权利respective rights
合同所赋予的权利rights which flow from the contract
合同的权利和义务rights and obligations stipulated in the charter
同一权利same right
同工同酬的权利right of equal pay for equal work
同样性质的权利right of the same nature
同男子平等的权利equal right with a man
同等的权利义务equal rights and obligations
向他人追偿的权利right of recourse against any other person
听证权利hearing right
听证权利right to a hearing
因侵权所获得的利益profits earned by the infringer
国际承认航空器权利公约Convention on the International Recognition of Rights in Aircraft
在先权利prior right
基本权利和义务the fundamental rights and duties
基本权利和自由fundamental rights and freedoms
外观设计专利权patent right for a design
婚姻权利matrimonial rights
婚姻家庭权利rights in marriage and family
完善人民的民主权利保障制度improve the system for safeguarding the people's democratic rights
完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规strengthen the social safety net
完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规standardize people's organizations and improve public administration
完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规improve legislation to develop democratic politics, guarantee the rights of citizens, promote social programs
实用新型专利权patent right for utility model
实用新型专利权utility model patent right
宣告该专利权无效declare the patent right invalid
宪法和法律赋予妇女的权利women's rights endowed by the Constitution and other laws
宪法规定的权利Constitutional right
对公民政治权利的剥夺deprivation of citizens of their political rights
尊重代表的权利respect the rights of deputies
少数民族的权利rights of ethnic groups
就业权利right in employment
平等受教育权利equal right to education
平等就业权利equal right in employment
平等诉讼权利equal litigation right
康复服务权利rights to rehabilitation services
得到补偿的权利right to compensation
恢复政治权利restore political rights
房地产权利obligee of real estate
承包双方的权利和义务rights and obligations of the two contracting party
承包土地权利right to contract land
承受其权利义务take over the rights and obligations
承继权利succeed to the rights
承继其权利和义务succeed to its right and obligation
担任领导职务的权利right to hold a leading position
损害其他公民的合法的自由和权利infringe upon the lawful freedoms and rights of other citizens
接受义务教育的权利right to compulsory education
接受捐献的权利right to receive donations
接受资助的权利right to receive financial assistance
接受赠予权利right to accept donations
收益权利right to benefit from
放弃对保险标的的权利waive the right to the subject matter insured
放弃诉讼权利waive the right to litigate
政治权利political rights
文化权利cultural rights
文化教育权利rights with respect to culture and education
最后陈述的权利right to present a final statement
有关权利related right
有利子女权益advantage of the rights and interests of the children
有取得国家赔偿的权利be entitled to receive state compensation
有同等的诉讼权利和义务enjoy the same procedural rights and duties
有拒绝回答的权利have the right to refuse to answer
权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋share the feelings of the people and work for the good of the people, exercise power for the people, show concern for the people and bring benefit to the people
权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋exercise power in the interest of the people
权利义务rights and obligations
权利义务关系relationship of rights and obligations
权利义务承受人party that succeed to the rights and obligations
权利owner of the right
权利人的损害loss of the obligee
权利凭证certificate of right
权利变更transfer of rights
权利变更alternation of rights
权利和义务rights as well as duties
权利和自由rights and freedoms
权利和自由的行使exercise of rights and freedoms
权利承受人successor in title
权利登记registration of rights
权利登记簿register of rights
权利的保护期term of protection of rights
权利种类variety of rights
权利继承inheritance of rights
权利范围scope of authority
权利要求书patent claim
权利质押pledge of rights
权利质权interests acquired through pledge of rights
权利转让copyright transfer
权利转让transfer of right
检察官权利rights of a public procurator
残疾人权利right of persons with disabilities
残疾人劳动权利right of persons with disabilities to work
民主权利democratic rights
民主权利democratic right
民主政治权利democratic and political rights
民事权利civil rights
民事权利争议dispute concerning private rights
民事权利剥夺deprived of private rights
民事权利变更alternation of private rights
民事权利能力capacity for civil rights
民事权利请求civil claim
民族自治地方的自治权利the right to autonomy of the national autonomous areas
民用航空权利rights of civil aviation
民用航空器权利rights to a civil aircraft
民用航空器权利person entitled to the rights of a civil aircraft
汇票权利rights on the bill of exchange
法官权利right of a judges
法定权利statutory rights
法定诉讼权利litigation right prescribed by law
法律规定的责任限制的权利right to limitation of liability stipulated by law
生育子女的权利right to child-bearing
申请专利的权利right to apply for a patent
相邻权利neighbouring obligee
知悉真实情况的权利right to knowledge of the true facts
确认权利confirmation of the right
确认发明专利权confirm patents for inventions
示威自由的权利rights of freedom of demonstration
票据权利right on a negotiable instrument
科学合理地规定权利与义务scientifically and rationally prescribing the rights and duties
组织和参加工会的权利和自由right and freedom to form and join trade union
经济权利economic rights
《经济、社会与文化权利国际公约》International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
经济、社会与文化权利的国际公约International Covenant on Economie, Social and Cultural Rights
给予外国人政治避难庇护权利grant political asylum (to foreigners)
给予受庇护的权利grant asylum
继承遗产权利right to inherit the legacy
续期权利right of renewal
维持专利权uphold the patent right
罢工的权利和自由right and freedom to strike
联合国儿童权利公约Convention on the Rights of the Child
股东权利shareholder's rights
自主经营权利right of independent management
自治权利right of self-government
自治权利right to autonomy
自由和权利freedom and right
航空权利right of aviation
获得权利right derived
获得物质帮助的权利right to material assistance
行使权利exercise of rights
行使代位请求赔偿权利exercise the right to indemnity by subrogation
行使其诉讼权利exercise the litigation rights
行使承包土地权利exercise the right to contract land
人民行使民主权利people exercise their democratic rights
行使票据权利exercise the right on a negotiable instrument
行使自治权利exercise the right of self-government
行使自由和权利exercise the freedoms and rights
行使自由和权利exercise their freedoms and rights
行使言论自由的权利exercise the right of freedom of speech
行使选举权利exercise their electoral rights
行政诉讼权利procedural right
补偿的权利right to compensation
被剥夺政治权利be deprived of the political rights
被剥夺政治权利期满后恢复政治权利的选民voters who have had their political rights restored after a period of deprivation of political rights has expired
被剥夺政治权利的人persons who have been deprived of political rights
要求国家赔偿的权利right to claim state compensation
要求赔偿损失的权利right to claim compensation for loss
诉讼权利litigation rights
诉讼权利procedural rights
请求权利救济request for remedy
请求赔偿的权利right to claim indemnity
财产权利property rights
赋予的权利right conferred
赔偿权利right to compensation
赔偿权利right to indemnity
转让权利transfer the right
转让专利权assignment of the patent right
转让合同的权利和义务assign the rights and obligations stipulated in the charter
转让票据权利assignment of right on the bill
辩护的权利right to defense
辩论权利right to debate
追索权利holder of the recourse
选择经营管理者权利right as selecting manager
通信自由权利right to freedom of correspondence
部分权利part of the rights
附加剥夺政治权利deprivation of political right as a supplementary punishment
附加剥夺政治权利with the additional penalty of deprivation of political rights
限制其权利restrict the right
随其权利inherit the rights and interests