
Terms for subject Geophysics containing | all forms
主束main-beam clutter
化学物理Journal of Chemical Physics
地球物理学Journal of Physics of the Earth
地球物理学Journal of Geophysics
美国地球物理研究Journal of Geophysical Research
储层分析complex reservoir analysis
射线追踪complex ray tracing
岩性储集层测井分析lithology complex reservoir analysis
岩性分析complex rock analysis
大气与地面物理学Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
应用物理学Journal of Applied Physics
刊名应用物理学Journal of Applied Physics
波自动映射automatic clutter mapping
电磁波与应用Journal of Electromagnetic Wave and Application
美国声学学会Journal of the Acoustic Society of America
美国物理学American Journal of Physics
自动波抑制器automatic clutter eliminator