
Terms for subject Project management containing 机 工 的 | all forms
一名公共机构高级工程师、 获派监督该机构兴建新总部大楼的工程A senior engineer of a public body is assigned to supervise the construction work of the agency's new headquarters building
技工在调试我的电视机的时候调整了色彩和对比度The mechanic adjusted the colors and the contrast on my TV when he set it up
施工机械使用的核算流程图equipment flow chart of information
施工机械的台时费equipment charge out rates
PLC 是一种固态电子装置、 它利用已存入的程序来控制机器的运行或工艺的工序PLC is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stored program
每个工作公告信息都代表一个真正的工作机会Every job posting represents a genuine job opportunity
计算机工程学课程灵活、而且前景很好。我相信这是最好的选择The computer engineering program offers great flexibility and good prospects, and I felt it was the best choice for me
计算机辅助设计的应用能大大提高人们的工作效率Computer aided design CAD has improved our work efficiency greatly
这部机子有一个内装的传真调制解调器、可以处理我的大部分通信工作With a built-in fax modem, this machine can handle most of my communication tasks
麻省理工学院提供给我的可信度、管理培训和机遇都超越了我的人际网络MIT has provided me with credibility, management training and opportunities that would otherwise be beyond the reach of my net-work