
Terms for subject Electronics containing 机 工 的 | all forms
使用数控机床加工有许多优势。加工过程比手工更精确,并且能够以完全一样的方式重复There are many advantages to using CNC machining. The process is more precise than manual machining, and can be repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again
美国喷气发动机通用核子公司的工业用堆aerojet general nucleonics industrial reactor
在海水中工作的电动机sea-water flooded electric motor
在这里,你可以买到任何你想要的工具,从圆锯到带式砂磨机,且零售价可享受8-9折优惠You can get any tools you want here from circular saws to belt sanders at 10%-20 % off retail
基于巨型计算机的精密三维工艺模拟程序rigorous three-dimensional process simulator on a supercomputer
按需进行计算机支持下的协同工作CSCW on demand
机工零点的mechanical zero
砂轮机可以提高工件的精度及其表面的光洁度The grinding machine could raise the precision of a workpiece and improve its surface finish
计算机支持下的协同工作computer supported cooperative work
计算机支持下的协同工作环境computer supported cooperative work environment
面向显示终端的联机检索通信工具display-oriented communication tool for on-line retrieval