
Terms for subject Economy containing 机 制 | all forms | in specified order only
不限制成员的机构open-ended body
与研制计算机有关的computer oriented
价格机制,价格机能price mechanism
价格控制机制trigger price mechanism
公共事业机构实行行政费包干制introduce the system of fixed outlays in the public institutions
分支机构管制统驭账户branch control account
制定费率的机构the rating organization
制纸板箱机cartoning machine
制造厂商的分销机构manufacturer's sales branch
制造厂商的分销机构manufacturer’s sales branches
制造商对这些机器可能发生的正常损耗不负责任The manufacturers are not responsible for the normal wear and tear that may occur to the machines
参与式反应机制participatory response mechanism
反剧增机制the anti-surge mechanism (办法)
反馈机制the feedback mechanism
可持续发展机制mechanism of the sustainable development
启动价格机制trigger price mechanism
国际收支调整机制the mechanism of adjustment of balance-of-payments
国际货币制度危机crisis of international monetary system
国际贸易制单据的计算机化computerization of international trade documentation
基于市场的机制market-based mechanism
头等技术制造的机器machines of first-class make
市场机制market-based mechanism
强制执行的机构the enforcing authority
我方供应的所有机床均系按照国际标准制造的All the machine tools supplied by us are manufactured in accordance with international standards
抑制投机refrain speculation
改善各行业工资机制improve wage parity among different trades
政府采用进口控制来解决经济危机The government adopted import controls to solve the current economic crisis
数字程序控制机床numerical controlled machine tool
无限制随机抽样法unrestricted random sampling
机制限制条款的合同a requirement contract
机器制造业engineering industry
机器制造业mechanical engineering
机械控制a mechanism control
清洁发展机制项目周期CDM project registration cycle
清洁发展机制项目周期project registration cycle
物理学、电工学和计算机与控制信息服务Information Service in Physics, Electrotechnology, Computer and Control
由于计算机出了故障,你只好手工制作保险单You have to make the insurance policy manually because the computer has broken down
电子计算机控制computer control
监督计算机控制supervisory computer control
经济机制economic mechanism
统一的调节机制overall regulation mechanism
自动调节经济的机制mechanism regulating the economy automatically
花边制造机lace frame
美国触发价格机制trigger price mechanism
计算机控制与査账computer control and audit
计算机控制采油computer production control (生产)
计算机输出缩微摄制术computer output microfilming
该公司三年前引入机动工作时制The company introduced flextime working three years ago
调整机制adjustment mechanism
财务报表物价调整机制the restatement mechanism
货币机制monetary mechanisms
质量控制机构quality control organization
资本主义货币制度危机crisis of capitalist monetary
资本货物包括制造其他商品所用的机器、建筑物和原料Capital goods consist of machinery, buildings and raw materials used to make other goods
资金一硬币一流转的机制the gold-specie n.-flow mechanism
资金一硬币一流转的机制the gold-specie -flow mechanism
运行机制operational mechanism
进行调停的机制facility for conciliation
重型机器制造业heavy engineering
重型机器制造工业heavy machine-building industry
金属加工和机器制造工业部门fabricating industries
金融机制the financial mechanism
美国的闸门价格机制trigger price mechanism