
Terms for subject Technology containing 机能 | all forms | in specified order only
一般性能飞机average aircraft
万能装载机all-purpose loader
万能传送装卸机universal transported loader
万能制图机universal drafting machine
万能制轮机universal wheel wright machine
万能剪切机universal shears
万能叉式提升机universal fork-lift
万能可逆式粗轧机座universal reversing roughing mill
万能封罐机universal seamer
万能工作机械universal machine
万能工具机all-purpose machine
万能式干燥机universal drier
万能式板坯初轧机universal slabbing mill
万能式粗轧机座universal roughing mill
万能式钢梁轧机铣床universal beam mill
万能截煤机universal coal cutter
万能截煤机longwall-shortwall coalcutter
万能手摇切片机universal rotary microtome
万能打桩机universal pile driving plant
万能扭力试验机universal torsion tester
万能拆卸机universal puller
万能拉力试验机universal tensile testing machine
万能拔桩机universal pulling machine
万能拖拉机carryall tractor
万能拖拉机multipurpose tractor
万能拖拉机general purpose tractor
万能拖拉机all-purpose tractor
万能挖土机universal excavator
万能挖掘机universal excavator
万能推土机side dozer
万能提升机universal lifting gear
万能数字记录机universal digital recording machine
万能木工机universal woodworking machine
万能木材加工机general joiner
万能机床universal machine
万能机床combination lathe
万能机械手〔翻钢推床〕universal manipulator
万能机械手general purpose manipulator
万能材料试验机universal material testing machine
万能滑动切片机universal sliding microtome
万能滚焊机universal seam welder
万能滚节机universal mill
万能疲劳试验机universal fatigue testing machine
万能研磨机universal grinding machine
万能磨机universal grinder
万能磨粉机universal mill
万能精密切片机universal precision microtome
万能绘图机universal plotting instrument
万能绘图机universal drafting machine
万能联合冲剪机universal combined punching and shearing machine
万能螺旋钻式回填机auger backfiller
万能装卸机universal loader
万能装卸机universal forklift truck
万能装卸机universal crane
万能装卸机cherry picker
万能装料机all-purpose loader
万能试验机universal tester
万能试验机multiple-purpose tester
万能轧机轧出的工字钢梁universal mill beam
万能铣镗机床universal milling and boring machines
万能锯断机universal sawing machine
万能镗钻两用机universal boring and drilling machine (床)
万能顶锻焊机universal upsetting welder
万能齿轮试验机universal gear testing machine
不能升起的道路拌和机non-elevating road mixer
不需要的机能unnecessary function
主要机能primary function
二辊式万能板坯初轧机two-Hi universal type slabbing mill
二辊式万能板坯初轧机slabbing mill
代偿机能compensation function
代偿机能不全broken compensation
价格机能price mechanism
企业机能business function
便携式机器能力分析器portable machine capability analyzer
储能焊机percussion welder
全能地面摄影机universal terrestrial camera
全能绘图机universal drafting machine
全能绘图机parallel motion protractor
全能胶片摄影机universal film camera
全能试验机universal test machine
全能飞机general purpose plane
全能龙门起重机full gantry crane
内在机械性能intrinsical mechanical property
内在机械性能intrinsic mechanical property
内燃机性能指标performance index of internal combustion engine
冲压喷气发动机性能ramjet performance
准备机能preparatory function
分布式功能微处理机distributed functional microprocessor
分布式功能微处理机distributed function microprocessor
分布式智能微型计算机系统distributed intelligence microcomputer system
分节机能isomeric function
功能分布计算机系统distributed functional computer syste
功能分布计算机系统distributed function computer syste
动作机能moving function
动静态万能试验机dynamical and static universal testing machine
动静态万能试验机dynamic and static universal testing machine
化能无机营养菌chemolithotrophic bacteria
化能有机营养菌chemoorganotrophic bacteria
升船机的能力capacity of shiplift
协调机能coordination function
双能源机车combination locomotive
双能源机车battery trolley locomotive
双轴斜床身万能机床universal two-axis slant bed machine
发动机加速性能pick-up of engine
发动机万能试验台universal engine stand
发动机功能duty of engine
发动机性能图表engine performance chart
发动机通风能力engine breathing ability
发声机能vocal function
发电机输出效能曲线generator capability curve
可能牟利的机会probabilities of advantage
吉斯莫型装载万能采掘机mucking gismo
吉斯莫型钻眼万能采掘机drill gismo
后开式高性能压力机high performance open back power press
四球机负荷能力试验four-ball load carrying capacity test
图像发射机功能picture transmitter power
声呐性能计算机sonar performance computer
多功能冲剪机multipurpose punching and shearing machine
多功能冷饮机multifunction cold drink machine
多功能双离子束加工机multifunctional dual ion beam processing machine
多功能射芯机multipurpose core shooter
多功能小型工具机multipurpose mini machine
多功能层压机multifunction laminating machine
多功能工具机multipurpose machine
多功能挖土机all-purpose excavator
多功能挖掘机all-purpose excavator
多功能捣固机versatile tamper
多功能无机絮凝剂multifunction inorganic flocculant
多功能有机硅后整理剂silicone finishing agent
多功能机床multifunction machine tool
多功能模具加工机multifunctional die processing machine
多功能电视机multifunction TV set
多功能电话机multifunction phone
多功能电话机multifeature telephone
多功能移动组合式皮带输送机multifunctional mobile combination belt conveyer
多功能自动数据分析机multipurpose automatic data analysis machine
多功能计算机multiple computer
多功能输入机multifunction reader
多功能通风机multifunction ventilator
多功能部件处理机multifunction processor
多功能钻机multiuse drill
多功能阅读机multifunction reader
多能切菜机all-purpose vegetable cutter
多能木作机universal woodworker
多能通风机versatile ventilator
大能力鼓风机high-capacity blower
太阳能交流发电机solar-powered alternator unit
太阳能发动机solar energy prime mover
实验室万能挤出机universal laboratory extruder
履带式万能挖土机crawler universal excavator
已安装的工厂生产能力电站装机容量installed plant capacity
广播发射机智能测试仪broadcast transmitter intellect test instrument
异质功能多处理机heterogeneous multiprocessor
循环机能检查circulatory function test
快速回零机能flyback action
扇风机额定能力fan rating
抽水蓄能机组pumped-storage set
抽水蓄能机组pumped-storage groups
敞开式太阳能吸收制冷机open solar absorption refrigerating machine
智能机intelligence machine
曲柄压力机能capacity of crank press
有效机能useful function
有机介电功能材料organic dielectrical functional material
有机介电功能材料organic dielectric functional material
本能释放机制innate-releasing mechanism
机务段通过能力engine terminal capacity
机务设备通过能力carrying capacity of locomotive facility
机动能maneuver energy
机器功能machine function
机器功能码function code
机械加工性能machining property
机械加工性能mechanical working property
机械吸震能力mechanical hysteresis loss
机械性能mechanical character
机械性能〔特性〕mechanical features
机械性能mechanical behavior
机械性能试验力mechanical inspection
机械效能mechanical effect
机械智能mechanical intelligence
机械的有效载重能力machine payload capacity
机械联锁功能mechanical interlocking function
机电性能electromechanical property
机能分化functional differentiation
机能分工division of function
机能协调coordination of function
机能协调性functional harmony
机能反应functional response
机能可靠性functional reliability
机能定位functional localization
机能functional layer
机能层次hierarch of function
机能性失调functional disturbance
机能性应力functional stress
机能恢复functional restoration
机能效率functional efficiency
机能整体方法holistic approach
机能栽植防风林、防潮林等functional planting
机能检査functional test
机能特性functional character
机能相关functional correlation
机能蓄积functional accumulation
机能试验functional test
机能试验程序functional test procedure
机能试验规范functional test specification
机能适应functional adaptation (性)
机能都市functional city
机能镶嵌functional mosaic
机能障碍functional disturbance
机车牵引能力haulage capacity of locomotive
杠杆式万能材料试验机Olsen universal material testing machine
柴油万能压气机式拖拉机diesel universal compressor tractor
柴油万能挖掘机diesel universal excavator
核能涡轮机nuclear turbine
核能涡轮机喷气发动机nuclear turbo-jet
核能透平喷气发动机nuclear turbo-jet
梯度机能陶瓷functionally gradient ceramics
水上飞机的水上性能rough-water behavior
水轮机吸收能力absorption capacity of turbine
水轮机最大过水能力maximum turbine discharge capacity
河流生态系统机能stream ecosystem service
河流生态系统机能river ecosystem service
波能发电机wave power machine
波能发电机wave powered generator
波能汽轮发电机wave powered air-turbine generator
海蚌式波能发电机sea clam wave energy generator
涡轮机性能图表turbine performance chart
涡轮机性能曲线turbine performance curve
涡轮机标志能力turbine name-plate capacity
涡轮机设计性能turbomachine design performance
涡轮螺旋桨发动机性能turboprop performance
液压万能履带式挖土机hydraulic universal crawler type excavator
液压万能汽车挖土机hydraulic universal mobile excavator
液压万能试验机hydraulic universal machine
热机械性能thermomechanical property
物理机械性能physical and mechanical property
生产性能随机测定random sampling performance test
生活机能vital function
甲状腺机能功能 减退hypothyreosis
电动机性能motor performance
电容储[贮]能接触焊机condenser discharge resistance welder
电容储[贮]能点焊机condenser-type spot welder
电容储能点焊机condenser-type spot welder
电容蓄能接触焊机condenser discharge resistance welder
电磁储能式电焊机electromagnetic energy accumulation type welder
电磁储能机electromagnetic stored-energy machine
电磁储能焊接机electromagnetic stored-energy welder
研究和发展机能research and development function
磁能存储式点焊机magnetic energy-storage spot welder
磨机生产能力milling capacity
组合万能机床combined universal machine tool
终端机的功能terminal function
给进机构上举能lifting capacity of feed mechanism
职能式组织管理机构functional structure
职能机器人heuristics robot
联合机能试验combine functional test
能伸缩的吊杆起重机telescopic boom crane
能反向吊机臂reversible jib
能头损失机理energy loss mechanism
能源危机energy dilemma
能源危机depletion of energy
能量危机energy crisis
能量损失机理energy loss mechanism
能量转换机理energy transfer mechanism
脉冲电磁动能发电机pulse electromagnetic kinetic energy generator
脉冲电磁能机pulse electromagnetic energy apparatus
蒸汽万能挖土机steam universal excavator
蓄能电机车electrogyro locomotive
计算机功能结构computer architecture
计算机性能computer performance
计算机系统性能模拟computer system capability simulation
计算机系统性能评价computer system capability evaluation
计算机辅助性能分析computer-aided performance analysis
起重提升crane capacity
起重机承载能力crane capacity
起重机起重能力load capacity of crane
起重机起重能力hoisting power of crane
起重机起重能力crane lifting capacity
超高性能计算机系统high performance computer system
车站通过能力计算机模拟法computer simulation computation of carrying capacity at station
适应性机能homeostatic mechanism
选择机能optional function
通风机性能blower performance
通风机性能定律law of fan
机能drill capacity
阿姆斯勒万能材料试验机Amsler's universal tester
随机存取功能块random access module
随机量线能量stochastic quantity linear energy
静电蓄能焊机electrostatic stored energy
风机额定性能fan rating
高性能发动机high performance engine
高性能滑翔机sail plane
高效能混凝土搅拌机high discharge mixer
高效能计算机数控车床high efficiency computer number control turning machine
高清晰度电视功能样机functional prototype of high definition television
高能速压机dynapak press
高能束压机dynapak press
高能直线碰撞机high energy linear collider
高能螺旋压力机high-power screw press
高能高速锻high energy rate forging machine