
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing 机电 | all forms | in specified order only
三刷发电机third-brush generator
三电机机组three-machine set
三相交交变频电动机AC-AC converter-fed cycloconverter-fed three-phase frequency change motor
三相交流励磁发电机three-phase alternating current excitation generator
三相交流励磁发电机3-phase doubly fed generator
三相交流励磁发电机three-phase AC-excited generator
三相交流电动机three-phase AC motor
三相交流电动机three-phase alternating current motor
三相交直交变频调速电动机3-phase AC-DCAC frequency-converter fed motor
三相冶金用电动机three-phase metallurgical motor
三相力矩电动机three-phase torque motor
三相发电机wire generator
三相变速电动机three-phase adjustable speed motor
三相变速电动机three-phase speed-changing motor
三相变频电动机adjustable-frequency 3 phase motor
三相变频电动机three-phase variable-frequency motor
三相同步发电机three-phase alternator
三相并励电动机three-phase shunt motor
三相异步化同步发电机three-phase asynchronized synchronous generator
三相异步化同步电动机three-phase asynchronized synchronous motor
三相异步化水轮发电机three-phase asynchronized hydroelectric generator
三相异步化汽轮发电机three-phase asynchronized turbogenerator
三相异步发电机three-phase asynchronous generator
三相感应电动机three-phase asynchronous motor
三相换向器式电动机three-phase commutator motor
三相换向器式电机three-phase commutator machine
三相无换向器式电动机three-phase commutatorless motor
三相滑环式电动机three-phase slipring motor
三相笼型电动机three-phase squirrel-cage motor
三相笼型电动机three-phase cage motor
三相线绕转子式电动机three-phase wound-rotor motor
三相绕线转子式电动机three-phase wound-rotor motor
三相耐氟里昂电动机three-phase Freon-resistant motor
三相船用电动机three-phase marine motor
三相调速电动机three-phase adjustable speed motor
三相调速电动机three-phase speed-adjusting motor
三相高速电动机three-phase high-speed motor
三绕组发电机three-winding generator
三维电动机three-dimensional motor
三鼠笼电动机three squirrel cage motor
上轧辊电动机top-roll motor
下轧辊电动机motor for bottom roller
下轧辊电动机bottom roll motor
不可逆式电动机non-reversible motor
不可逆轧钢电动机non-reversible mill motor
不对称感应电机unsymmetrical induction machine
专用电动机definite-purpose motor
专用电动机special-purpose motor
专用电机special-purpose -machine
专用电机special -machine
专用直流电机special DC machine
两向伺服电动机two phase servomotor
两极汽轮发电机two-pole turbogenerator
两极电动机dipolar motor
两极电动机double pole motor
两极电动机bipolar motor
两极电动机two-pole motor
两极电机double pole dynamo
两用电动机AC-DC motor
两用电动机dual purpose motor
两相低压电动机twin phase low-voltage motor
两相发电机diphase generator
两相发电机two phase generator
两相异步电动机two phase asynchronous motor
两相感应电动机two phase induction motor
两相感应电机two phase induction machine
两相施拉奇电动机two phase Schrage motor
两相测速发电机two phase tachometer
两相电动机diphase motor
两相电动机two phase motor
两维电动机two dimensional motor
中型异步电动机medium-size asynchronous motor
中型异步电机medium-size asynchronous machine
中型异步电机medium asynchronous machine
伊科堡电动机Eichberg motor
伞式发电机umbrella type generator
伞式水轮发电机umbrella type water wheel generator
伞式水轮发电机umbrella type hydrogenerator
传导电动机conduction motor
伦德尔电动机Lundell motor
伦纳德直流发电机Leonard dynamo
分串励电动机split series field motor
分励发电机separately-excited generator
分励发电机shunt generator
分励电动机separate excited motor
分励电动机shunt motor
分段法拉第发电机segmenting-Faraday generator
分流极发电机diverted pole generator
分相启动感应电动机split phase start induction motor
分相启动电动机split phase start motor
分相式电动机slip phase motor
分相感应电动机split phase induction motor
分相电容器式电动机split phase capacitor motor
分级气隙电机graded gap machine
分级电动机split pole motor
分裂磁极电动机split pole motor
分裂绕组式同步电动机split winding type synchronous motor
分裂绕组汽轮发电机divided winding turbogenerator
分裂绕组转子同步电机d. w. r. synchronous machine
分裂绕组转子同步电机split winding rotor synchronous machine
分裂绕组转子汽轮发电机d. w. r. turbogenerator
分裂绕组转子汽轮发电机divided winding rotor turbogenerator
分马力电动机FHP motor
分马力电动机fractional horsepower motor
初轧电动机bloomer motor
初轧电动机motor for blooming mill
初轧电动机front motor
吊扇电动机ceiling fan motor
吊车电动机crane and hoist type motor
同极电动机homopolar motor
同极电机homopolar machine
同步转矩发电机torque synchro generator
同步化异步电动机synchronized asynchronous motor
同步发电机电alternator armature
同步发电机电枢绕组alternator armature winding
同步发电机synchronous alternator
同步发电机sync generator
同步发电机励磁电压alternator field voltage
同步发电机-变压器系统synchro generator-transformer system
同步发电机-整流器式励磁装置alternator-rectifier exciter
同步发电机组alternator unit
同步发电机组alternator set
同步发电机结构alternator construction
同步发电机过电流alternator overcurrent
同步-异步电动机synchronous-asynchronous motor
同步感应电动机autosynchronous motor
同步感应电机synchronous induction machine
同步电动发电机synchronous -alternator
同步电动发电机组synchronous motor-generator set
同步电动机synchro speed motor
同步电动机sync motor
同步电动机振荡hunting of synchronous motor
同步电机synchronous electric machine
同步电机synchronous electric generator
同步电机拖动synchronous machine drive
同步电机控制器synchronous machine controller
同步直线电动机synchronous linear motor
同步磁滞电动机synchronous hysteresis motor
同步磁通发电机synchronous flux generator
同轴发电机integral shaft generator
同轴电动机direct connected motor
圆机壳发电机round body generator
圆机壳电动机round-casing motor
圆机壳电动机round-frame motor
圆柱形同步发电机cylindrical synchronous generator
圆柱形同步电机cylindrical synchronous machine
圆柱形电机cylindrical electrical machine
圆柱形直流感应电动机cylindrical linear induction motor
圆柱形转子发电机cylindrical rotor generator
圆柱形转子电机cylindrical rotor machine
圆柱磁场式同步发电机cylinder type synchronous generator
圆柱磁场式同步电机cylinder type synchronous machine
圆桶形发电机barrel shaped generator
圆盘型电动机disc motor
圆筒型机座电动机tube type motor
圆筒式同步发电机cylindrical rotor synchronous generator
圆筒式同步发电机non-salient-pole alternator
在无限大电网上运行的发电机generator on infinite bus
备用发电机prepared generator
备用发电机presupposed generator
备用发电机jury generator
备用发电机spare generator
备用发电机preparation generator
备用发电机组standby generating
备用发电机组generator set
备用发电机组auxiliary power unit
备用柴油发电机emergency diesel-electric generator
备用燃气轮发电机emergency gas turbine generator
备用电动机jury motor
备用电动机standby motor
备用电机auxiliary machine
备用电机standby machine
备用电机jury machine
复励发电机multiplex dynamo
复励发电机compound alternator
复励发电机compound wound dynamo
复励发电机compound wound generator
复励发电机composite alternator
复励式直流电机compound-wound DC machine
复励特性电动机motor with compound characteristic
复励电动机motor with compound excitation
复励电动机compound wound motor
复励电机compound wound machine
复合励磁发电机compositely excited generator
复式发电机multiplex generator
复频电动机multiple motor
外冷电动机indirect cooling motor
外冷电动机separately-cooled motor
外冷发电机indirect cooling generator
外冷式发电机indirect cooling generator
外冷式发电机separately-cooled generator
外冷电动机indirect cooling motor
外冷电机indirect cooling machine
外层旋转发电机outer-spinning generator
外层旋转发电机outer-field generator
外悬型电动机overhung-type motor
外旋转型电动机outside-rotating motor
外电枢式发电机pole-revolving type generator
外电枢式发电机external-armature type generator
外置电动机outboard motor
外转子式电动机external rotor motor
外转子式磁阻电动机external rotor reluctance motor
外通风发电机externally-ventilated generator
外通风发电机externally-ventilated alternator
外通风电动机airover motor
外通风电动机externally-ventilated motor
外通风电机separately ventilated machine
外部旋转电动机outer pole motor
外部旋转电动机outer-spinning motor
机电力系统multimachine power system
多机组电站multiunit station
多极低压电机multipolar low-voltage machine
多极低速发电机multipolar low-speed generator
多极低速电机multipolar low-speed machine
多极发电机-polar generator
多极发电机multi-pole generator
多极感应发电机multipolar induction generator
多极电机-pole machine
多极电机multi-polar machine
多极直流发电机multipolar dynamo
多用电动机multi-purpose motor
多电动机传动multiple-motor drive
多电压电动机multivoltage motor
多电压电机multivoltage machine
多电机系统multi-machine system
多相串励电动机polyphase series motor
多相发电机multi-phase generator
多相同步发电机polyphase alternator
多相同步电动机polyphase synchronous motor
多相同步电机polyphase synchronous machine
多相并励换向器式电动机polyphase shunt commutator motor
多相感应电动机multi-phase induction motor
多相感应电机multi-phase induction machine
多相感应电机polyphase induction machine
多相换向器式电动机polyphase commutator motor
多相换向器式电机polyphase commutator machine
多相旋转电机polyphase rotating machine
多相电机multi-winding machine
多相电机multiphase machine
多相磁滞电动机polyphase hysteresis motor
多相磁组电动机polyphase reluctance motor
多级变速电动机multi-varying speed motor
多绕组电机multi-winding machine
多速电动机multi -speed motor
多速电动机multi ple-speed motor
多速电动机multi-constant speed motor
多速电机multi-speed machine
多项串励电动机multiphase series motor
多鼠笼式电动机multiple-cage motor
大功率发电机high rating generator
大型三相发电机large-sized three-phase generator
大型交流发电机large AC generator
大型交流电动机large AC motor
大型交流电机large AC electric machine
大型发电机high power generator
大型发电机large sized generator
大型发电机heavy duty generator
大型发电机线圈寿命试验generette test
大型发电机组large generator set
大型发电机组heavy duty generator unit
大型水轮发电机large hydrogenerator
大型水轮发电机large hydroelectric generator
大型汽轮发电机large turbo-type generator
大型电动机large size motor
大型电机large-sized machine
大型电机large electric machine
大型笼型电动机large cage motor
大型绕线式电动机large-sized wound-motor
大型高速发电机large highspeed generator
大型高速电动机large highspeed motor
大容量发电机large capacity generator
大容量发电机heavy duty generator
大容量发电机high power generator
大容量感应电机large capacity induction machine
大容量水轮发电机large capacity hydrogenerator
大容量电机large-size machine
大电机large electric machine
大电流发电机strong current generator
大电流发电机heavy current generator
天然磁铁电动机loadstone motor
天然磁铁电动机natural magnet motor
天轴传动用电动机countershaft-driving motor
天轴传动用电动机motor for line-shaft drive
太阳热离子发电机solar thermionic generator
封闭型感应电动机enclosed type induction motor
封闭型电动机closed motor
封闭型电机closed type machine
封闭型电机enclosed electric machine
封闭式电动机shell type motor
封闭式电动机closed type motor
封闭式电机closed machine
封闭式电机shell type machine
封闭式笼型电动机enclosed squirrel-cage motor
封闭式管道通风型电动机enclosed pipe ventilated type motor
封闭式自冷电机enclosed self-cooled machine
封闭式自扇空冷电机closed circuit fan-ventilated air-cooled machine
封闭式自通风电机enclosed self-ventilated machine
封闭自冷却电动机enclosed self-cooled machine
封闭通风型电机enclosed ventilated machine
封闭通风电机enclosed ventilated machine
封闭防火型电动机flame-proof enclosure motor
封闭防火型电机flame-proof enclosure machine
射流式步进电动机fluidic stepper motor
小功率电动机low duty motor
小功率电动机fractional house power motor
小功率电动机low power motor
小功率电动机light power motor
小型单相感应电动机small singlephase induction motor
小型水轮发电机small hydroelectric generator
小型汽轮发电机small turbine generator
小型电动机low power motor
小型电动机small power motor
小型电动机small type motor
小型电动机small-sized motor
小型电动机small-size motor
小惯量电动机minertial motor
小惯量电动机miniature inertia motor
小电机small electric machine
带减速箱的电动机motor reduction unit
带变速齿轮的电动机geared motor
带换向极发电机compole generator
带换向极发电机commutating pole generator
带换向极的电动机interpole motor
带换向极的电动机compole motor
带换向极的电动机commutating pole motor
带换向极的电机compole machine
带换向极的电机interpole machine
带换向极的电机commutating pole machine
带有随机噪声的发电机pink noise generator
带空热交换器的电机machine with air-air cooler
带空热交换器的电机air-to-air-cooled machine
带补偿串激电动机compensated series motor
带补偿绕组发电机compensated generator
带补偿绕组发电机compensated dynamo
带补偿绕组电动机compensated motor
带补偿绕组电机compensated machine
带补偿磁阻式电动机compensated reluctance motor
带补偿推斥式电动机compensated repulsion motor
带补偿的感应电机compensated induction machine
带补偿的换向器式发电机compensated commutator generator
带补偿的换向器式电动机compensated commutator motor
带补偿的换向器式电机compensated commutator machine
带辅极发电机interpole generator
带间极的发电机interpole generator
带阻尼条的同步电动机cage synchronous motor
带风扇通风的电动机air over motor
带飞轮的柴油发电机diesel-driven flywheel generator
带飞轮的直流发电机-电动机组DC generator-motor unit with flywheel
开关式磁阻电动机switched reluctance motor
开关式磁阻电动机switch reluctance motor
开启型电动机open frame motor
开启型电动机open-type motor
开启型管道通风电动机open pipe ventilated motor
开启防滴式电动机open drip proof motor
开启防滴式电机open dripproof machine
开敞型电动机open type motor
开敞型电动机skeleton motor
开环式步进电动机open-loop stepped motor
开环磁流体发电机open-cycle MHD generator
开路通风式电机machine with open-circuit ventilation
异极感应子发电机heteropolar inductor generator
异极电动机heteropolar motor
异步化同步发电机asynchronized synchronous generator
异步化同步电机asynchronized synchronous machine
异步电机asynchronous generator
异步电机的堵转阻抗特性locked-rotor impedance characteristic of asynchronous machine
异步直线电动机asynchronous linear motor
引擎式发电机engine type generator
弧形定子电动机arc stator motor
弧焊发电机arc winding generator
感应发电机inductor type generator
感应发电机induction machine
感应伺服电动机induction servomotor
感应子发电机inductor alternator
感应子同步发电机inductor type synchronous alternator
感应式同步电动机simplex motor
感应式同步电动机induction type synchronous motor
感应式同步电机inductor type synchronous machine
感应式电动机inductor type motor
感应电动机asynchronous motor
感应电动机-发电机组induction motor-generator
感应电机induced machine
感应磁滞电动机induction and hysteresis motor
感应磁石发电机inductor magneto
成套发电机组completed generating set
成套发电机组complete power package
成套电机unitized machine
星形-星形连接电动机Y-Y connected motor
星形连接发电机Y-connected generator
有屏蔽极电动机shaded-pole motor
有机硅电绝缘材料silicone electrical insulant
有电动机的压力机motored press
有碳刷的发电机carbon brush generator
有离心调速器的电动机electric motor with centrifugal speed regulator
有补偿感应电动机compensated induction motor
有补偿的异步电动机compensated asynchronous motor
标准功率电机standard power machine
标准尺寸发电机standard dimensioned generator
标准尺寸电动机standard dimensioned motor
标准尺寸电机standard sized machine
标准尺寸电机standard dimensioned machine
标准电动机standard motor
标准规格电动机standard dimensioned motor
校准发电机calibrating generator
校准电机试验法test method with calibrated driving machine
模块化电动机modular motor
模块化电动机building-block motor
模拟电机simulated machine
横联三枢电动机triple motor
横轴发电机horizontal shaft generator
欠励发电机under-excited generator
欠励电动机under-excited motor
欠复励电动机under-compounded motor
次同步磁阻电动机subsynchronous reluctance motor
气候防护型电动机-protected motor
气候防护型电动机weather-proof motor
气冷发电机air-cooled generator
气动发电机air driven generator
气动式伺服电动机air type servomotor
气密型发电机gas-tight type generator
气密型电机air-tight type machine
气密型电机gas-proof machine
气隙力矩电动机air-gap torque motor
气隙绕组汽轮发电机air-gap winding type turbogenerator
氟化物蒸发冷却电机fluorochemical vapor-cooling machine
氢内冷发电机internal hydrogen cooling generator
氢内冷发电机hydrogen inner-cooled generator
氢冷汽轮发电机hydrogen-cooled -alternator
氢冷汽轮发电机hydrogen-cooled Turbo-generator
氢冷汽轮发电机hydrogen-cooled steam turbogenerator
氢冷涡轮发电机hydrogen-cooled turbine generator
氢冷电机hydrogen cooled machine
氢外冷发电机indirectly hydrogen cooled generator
氢外冷电机indirectly hydrogen cooled machine
洗衣机电motor for washer milling
洛伦茨式感应子发电机Lorentz type inductor generator
焊接发电机weld generator
焊接发电机weld dynamo
焊接用的恒流三刷发电机Bergman generator
爪极式发电机claw field generator
爪极式发电机claw pole generator
爪极式电动机claw pole motor
爪极式电动机Lundell motor
理想化电机idealized machine
理想同步电机ideal synchronous machine
理想直流电机ideal DC machine
稀土永磁电动机REPM motor
稀土永磁电动机rare earth PM motor
紧凑型电动机compact motor
缝纫机电sewing-machine motor
耐氟里昂电动机Freon-proof motor
脉动电流电动机ripple current motor
脚踏发电机pedal generator
脚踏发电机pedal dynamo
航空用伺服电动机aircraft servo motor
航空用感应电动机aircraft induction motor
航空电动机aeroplane motor
—般冷却的发电机convectively cooled generator
般化电机generalization generation
般化电机generalized generation
范德格拉夫发电机Van der Graaf generator
调幅三相同步感应电动机amplitude modulated three-phase synchronous induction motor
调相发电机phasing generator
调节原动机速度的伺服电动机speeder motor
调速发电机governor generator
调速发电机speed-adjustable generator
调速发电电动机speed-adjustable generator motor
调速器电动机governor motor
调速电动机speed -adjustable motor
调速电动机speed controlled motor
调速电动机speed regulating motor
调速电动机adjusting speed motor
调频式调速电动机FM speed-adjustable motor
调频电动机frequency modulation motor
谐波电动机responsyn motor
谐波电动机electromagnetic harmonic drive
谢尔必斯电机Scherbius machine
贝斯诺德-拉图尔高频发电机Bethenod-Latour high frequency generator
负载启动电动机load start motor
退绕电动机unwind motor
逆变器供电感应电动机inverter-fed induction motor
逆变器供电电动机motor supplied with inverters
逆变器供电电动机inverter-fed motor
透平发电机turbine generation
透平型交流发电机turbine type alternating current generator
透平型同步电机turbine type synchronous machine
通用电动机all purpose motor
通用电动机multi-purpose motor
通用电机general purpose machine
锥形转子电动机conical rotor motor
阀门电动机valve motor
霍尔兹起电机Holz machine
鼠笼式电机squirrel-cage machine
鼠笼-滑环组合式电动机squirrel cage-slip ring motor
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