
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 机电 | all forms | in specified order only
三相交流电动机three-phase current motor
三相感应电动机three-phase induction motor
三相电动机three phase motor
三线发电机three-wire generator
串励发电机series generator
串励电动机series motor
串接式电动机series type motor
串绕电动机series-wound motor
主发电机组main generating set
主发电机组main generator set
交流感应电动机induction AC motor
交流电驱动钻机AC drive rig
交流直流两用电动机universal motor
低速电动机zero motor
便携式电话机pocket telephone
充电机charging set
充电电动机charge motor
光纤对讲电话机optical portable telephone
全封闭扇冷式防爆电动机totally enclosed fan-cooler motor
减速电动机gear motor
分级调速式电动机change speed motor
升降电动机jacking motor
半封闭式电动机semi-enclosed motor
单极发电机unipolar dynamo
单极发电机acyclic dynamo
单极电机acyclic machine
压电激磁机piezoelectric driving system
双极电动机bipolar electric motor
发电机传动generator drive
发电机效率efficiency of generator
发电机组electric generator set
变极电动机pole changing motor
变速电动机change speed motor
同步发电机synchronization generator
启动电动机starter motor
备用发电机back-up generator
复绕电动机compound-wound motor
多相电动机polyphase motor
多相电动机multiphase motor
多级电动机multi-stage motor
多速电动机change speed motor
多速电动机multispeed motor
大功率电动机high power motor
天然气电驱动钻机gas electric rig
头盔式电话机helmet telephone
安全电动机permissible motor
密封式电动机hermetically-sealed motor
差绕复激电动机differential compound motor
差绕电动机differential motor
带消音装置的电动机quieter motor
并接式直流电动机shunt type DC motor
并激发电动机shunt generator
应急发电机emergency generator
感应发电机inductor generator
按钮电话机push-button telephone set
无线电接收机radio receiving set
美国无线电、电子设备、电视机制造商协会Radio, Electronic, and Television Manufacturers'Association
机动发电机engine-drive generator
机械闭锁继电器mechanical locker relay
机电传动装置electromechanical drive
机电刹车electromechanical brake
机电motor hand
机电模拟electromechanical analogy
机电测井电缆electromechanical logging cable
机电混合钻机electrical and mechanical hybrid rig
机电装置electromechanical assembly
机电转换electro-mechanical transformation
机电electromechanical brake
柴油机电力驱动diesel electric drive
柴油发电机组diesel generating set
柴油机发电厂diesel electric power plant
柴油机发电驱动钻机diesel electric driving rig
柴油电动钻机diesel-electrical drilling rig
比例电动机proportioning motor
气体金属极电弧焊机gas metal-arc welder
气动发电机gas driven generator
汽轮机电力驱动turbo-electric drive
汽轮发电机steam turbo-generator
泥浆涡轮发电机mud turbine generator
测 速发电机tachogenerator
涡轮发电机turbine generator
潜油电动机submersible electric motor
点火磁电机ignition magneto
热离子发电机thermionic generator
机电welding machine arc
煤气发电机gas driven generator
燃气轮机发电厂gas turbine power plant
燃气透平发电机combustion gas turbine generator
排风机electric exhaust fan
焊机arc welding machine
电力放炮机blasting unit
电力机械工业控制中心Electromechanical Industry Control Center
电力钻机electric rig
电动卷扬机electric windlass
电动压缩机motor compressor
电动发电机dynamo-electric machine
电动机械式压力计electromechanical gauge
电动机润滑脂motor grease
电动机驱动direct motor drive
电动气动执行机构electropneumatic actuator
电动离心机electric centrifuge
电动空压机electric air compressor
电动葫芦桥式起重机overhead travelling crane with hoist
电动起锚机electric windlass
电子交换机electronic switch board
电子束焊机electron beam welding machine
电弧焊机arc welding machine
电机外壳motor enclosure
电机油dynamo oil
电机驱动器motor actuator
电源机组power-supply set
电潜离心泵机组submersible electric centrifugal pump unit
电灼式打印机electrosensitive printer
电热打印机electrothermal printer
电焊机arc welder
电爆机blasting machine
电磁调速电动机electromagnetic varispeed VS motor
电驱动钻机electric drive rig
直一直流电驱动钻机DC-DC drive rig
直升机电磁测量helicopter electromagnetics
直流感应电动机induction DC motor
直流电动机d-c motor
直流电动机continuous-current electromotor
直流电驱动钻机DC drive rig
直线感应电动机linear-induction motor
真空电子束焊接机vacuum electron beam welder
磁石式电话机magneto telephone set
立式电弧焊机vertical arc welder
累接电路计算机iterative circuit computer
机电路分析on-line circuit analysis
自动电话交换机automatic telephone switch board
自激电机self-exciting dynamo
装电焊机拖车welder carriage
调压发电机variable-voltage generator
调速动机governor motor
调速电动机varying-speed motor
走纸电机chart drive motor
超声波静电喷涂机ultrasonic electrostatic sprayer
英国采矿、电气和机械工程师协会Association of Mining, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
钻井电动机drilling motor
闭式电动机shell-type motor
防护式电动机protected motor
防水式电动机water-proof motor
防爆电动机fire proof motor
防爆电动机explosion proof motor
静电喷涂机electrostatic sprayer
非防爆型电动机open general-purpose motor
风冷式电动机ventilated motor
驱动电动机driving motor
驱动电机drive motor
高效电动机high efficiency motor
高滑差电动机high slip motor
高转速电动机pot motor