
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 机控 | all forms | in specified order only
万能板形控制轧机UPC mill
万能板形控制轧机universal profile control mill
二次冷却计算机动态控制dynamic computer control for secondary cooling
伺服控制机构servo-control mechanism
全值绘图机控absolute plotter control
【团】冷却机速度控制cooler speed control
冷却机速度控制cooler speed control
冷带钢轧机板形控制技术shape control technique for cold strip mill
凸轮控制压力机cam-controlled press
压力控制式点焊机pressure controlled spot-welding machine
发电发生器,发生炉调节generator control
司机室控制cab control
同步电动机控制器synchronous motor controller
孔卡程序控制电子计算机card programmed electronic calculator
带卷线卷输送机控制台coil conveyer control pulpit (C.C.C. P.)
带卷运输机控制台coil conveyer control pulpit
带钢冷轧机板形控制技术shape control technique for cold strip mill
平直度灵活控制轧机flat flexible controlled mill
平直度灵活控制轧机FFC mill
机控制多功能流量仪microcomputer controlled multifunctional flowmeter
机控制钢水温度microcomputer controlled liquid steel temperature
微处理机控制的火焰切割机microprocessor controlled flame cutting machine
微机实时控制系统real-time micro-computer control system
微程序控制计算机microprogram-controlled computer
探尺控制机构test rod mechanism
【铁】 探料尺控制机构test rod mechanism
控制台打字机console typewriter
控制台打字机console monitor typewriter
控制机构control mechanism
控制杆传动机构control-rod actuator
控制液压焊接机hydromatic welder
控制电动机control motor
控制长水口的机器人robot to control shroud
控制长水口的机器人robot to control long nozzle
推钢机控制台pusher control pulpit
数控三维测量机numerical control three dimensional measuring machine
数控三维测量机NC three dimensional measuring machine
数控火焰切割机numerical control flame cutting machine
数控火焰切割机NC flame cutting machine
机械控制mechanical control
机械直接控制型控制器mechanical direct control type controller
机械自动控制mechanical automation
板坯连铸机实时监控系统real-time monitor system for continuous slab caster
板坯连铸机实时监控系统real-time monitoring system of slab caster
板坯连铸机计算机控制系统computer control system of slab caster
板坯连铸机过程控制系统slab caster process control system
板坯连铸机过程控制系统process control system of slab caster
气刀电机控制器knife motor controller
液压控制开卷机hydraulic control decoiler
滑动速度控制机构rate-controlling mechanism of slip
炼钢厂计算机控computer control of steel works
炼钢车间计算机化过程控制computerized steelshop process control
烧结机机速控制sinter machine speed control
烧结机机速控制策略sintering machine speed control strategy (The sintering machine speed control strategy is determined on the basis of the temperature profile in the wind boxes and the mean temperature of the waste gas. 烧结机机速控制策略是以风箱内温度曲线和废气平均温度为依据确定的。)
烧结机速控制control of strand speed
热带钢轧机厚度自动控制automatic hot strip mill gage control
热带钢轧机厚度自动控制automatic gauge control of hot strip rolling mill
热平整机组电控室hot skin-pass line electrical room
焊机起动控制装置welder control
熔炼车间计算机过程控制computerized meltshop process control
电动机控制设备motor control equipment
电子控制轧机electronically operated mill
电子操控轧机electronically operated rolling mill
电子操控轧机electronically operated mill
电子计算机控制的轧机electronic computer controlled rolling mill
电渣重熔计算机控computer control of ESR process (【技】整个电渣重熔过程,包括输人功率、重熔电流、给电引燃、稳定重熔及补缩等均由计算机按照设定程序加以监控的技术。由于计算机具有高速准确采集数据、处理数据和智能化监控功能,从而使电渣重熔钢锭质量得到有效保证。)
监控计算机supervisory control computer
直流电动机控direct-current motor control
程序控制时序计算机programme-controlled sequential computer
程序控制精密锻压机programme control finish forging machine
程序控制自动轧机automatic program-controlled rolling mill
程序控制自动轧机automatic card-programmed rolling mill
程序控制计算机programme-controlled computer
程序控制高速深拉延【深冲】液压机programme control type high speed deep drawing hydraulic press
程控自动轧机automatic card-programmed rolling mill
粗轧机宽度自动控制roughing mill automatic wide control
精轧机控finish rolling mill control
精轧机控制台finisher control pulpit
精轧机控制盘finisher control panel
精轧机硅可控整流器室finisher main thyristor room
精轧机可控硅整流器主室finisher main thyristor room
综合自动控制的轧机integrated process control mill
综合自动控制轧机integrated process control mill
综合过程控制连轧机IPC integrated process control mill
联机监控on-line monitoring
自动同步式鼓风机控制系统selsyn-type blower-control system
计算机控制化铁炉computerized cupola
计算机控制方式computer controlled mode
计算机控制方式computer-controlled mode
计算机控制机床computer controlled machine
计算机控制焊接computer-controlled welding
计算机控制的二冷区配水computer-controlled water distribution in secondary cooling zone
计算机控制的冶炼模拟computer-controlled smelting modeling
计算机控制的冷连轧机computer controlled continuous cold mill
计算机控制的冷连轧机computer-controlled continuous cold mill
计算机控制的合金添加系统computer controlled alloy addition system
计算机控制的合金添加系统computer-controlled alloy addition system
计算机控制的拉速computer-controlled casting speed
计算机控制的溅渣护炉操作computer-controlled splashing operation
计算机控制的炉外精炼computer-controlled secondary refining
计算机控制的炼钢生产computer-controlled steelmaking production
计算机控制的炼钢过程computerized steelmaking process
计算机控制的炼铁生产computer-controlled ironmaking production
计算机控制的球团生产computer-controlled pelletizing production
计算机控制的薄板轧机computerized sheet mill
计算机控制的表面清理研磨系统computer-controlled surface conditioning grinding system
计算机控制的轧机computerized mill
计算机控制的轧机computer controlled mill
计算机控制的轧机computer-controlled rolling mill
计算机控制的轧机computer-controlled mill
计算机控制的辊缝computer-controlled roll gap
计算机控制的连铸系统computer-controlled CC system
计算机控制的钢水处理computer controlled molten steel treatment
计算机控制的钢水处理computer-controlled liquid steel treatment
计算机控制的高炉computerized blast furnace
计算机控制薄板轧机computerized sheet mill
计算机控制装置computer control
计算机控制轧机computerized mill
计算机控制轧机computer controlled mill
计算机动态控制二冷技术computer dynamic-control secondary cooling technology
计算机数字控制computer numeric control
计算机数字控制computer numerical control
计算机监控系统computer supervisory control systems
计算机监视控制supervisory computer control
计算机辅助冶炼监控computer-assisted smelting monitoring
计算机辅助冶炼监控computer assisted smelting monitoring
计算机辅助烧结控制computer-assisted sintering control
计算机辅助烧结控制computer assisted sintering control
计算机辅助质量控制管理computer-aided quality control
机控制台rolling mill pulpit
机控制台mill pulpit
辅助控制计算机auxiliary control computer
过程控制计算机process computer
远程控制连铸机long-range controlled continuous caster
连续铸钢机自动程序控制automatic programme control of continuous caster
连铸机控制仪表caster control instrument
连铸机控制功能control functions of continuous casting machine
连铸机控制台caster control console
连铸机控制系统分析analysis of continuous caster control system
连铸机监控系统monitoring and controlling system for continuous caster
连铸机过程控制系统process control system of caster
遥控机remotely operated machine
遥控机械手remote -control manipulator
钢水处理的计算机控computer control of liquid steel treatment
钢水处理的计算机控computer-controlled molten steel treatment
钢水计算机控制处理computer-controlled liquid steel treatment
镀层重量计算机控制系computerized coating weight control system
镀层重量计算机控制系统computerized coating weight control system
闭路过程控制计算机closed-loop process control computer
闭路过程控制计算机closed loop process control computer
阀控机构valve control mechanism
阀门控制机构valve control mechanism
高炉喷煤计算机控computer control of coal injection into BF